The High School Weekly Newsletter 

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Vol 21 No 22          8 April 2016


Proclamation Day 

Tuesday March 15 2016 was Proclamation Day.  At The High School, we gathered together in the gym, and listened as different pupils read various sections of the Proclamation.  We were treated to a beautiful rendition of Mise Eire followed by Amhran na bhFiann.  At noon, Mr G Draper (School Sergeant) raised the tricolour while pupils sang the national anthem.  It was a very moving and memorable occasion. 


Feis Ceoil Winners

Congratulations to Luke Kehoe-Roche from Form 6 who was awarded first prize in the Senior Violin category (ages 17-35yrs) at the Feis Ceoil festival which is widely regarded as the premier music competition in Ireland.  Well done to all the High School pupils who played wonderfully well and were so successful in this year's competition. 


To hear a sample of the excellent standard of musicianship at The High School, please click here.


Best Orchestra Award

Well done to The High School Orchestra who recently won the Wesley College Inter-Schools Music Festival with a stirring arrangement of the Downton Abbey Suite by John Lunn.  Click here to listen to the winning live performance.


Cultural Trip to Berlin

On 28 March, 37 Form 4 pupils and 4 teachers met bright and early at Dublin Airport’s Terminal 2. Our mission, to visit the historic city of Berlin. 


Athletics Success

Congratulations to Roseanne McCullough who finished 8th in the All Ireland Cross Country Championships in Sligo recently. She will represent Ireland on the Irish Schools Cross Country team.  The number of competitors was approximately 100.  It was a hotly contested race with the best athletes from all the provinces competing. Well done, Roseanne.  


The Sound of HSD

Since September, we have had over 20,000 views to our Social Media News Hub.  Now, The High School now has its own audio Soundcloud channel featuring exciting pupil performances.  There you will hear some music (classical, traditional and pop) and some podcasts.  Visit High School Radio today and enjoy The High School soundscape.


Scifest 2016

On Monday 14 March, Form 2 took part in a science investigation competition. They had to carry out their own scientific investigation and present their findings to external judges, Anne Lynch from Scifest and Dr Philip Matthews, who was one of our governors until he recently retired.


Senior Trophy Win

We are delighted with The High School Senior boys’ team who were victorious with a 3-1 scoreline in the Senior Trophy against Mount Temple Comprehensive School.  


Junior Boys' Leinster Badminton Champions

Congratulations to The High School Junior Boys' Badminton team who have won the Leinster U16 Schools championship.


Minor A Hockey Victory

The High School Minors defeated St Andrew's College in the Minor Cup Final at Three Rock Rovers  for the first time in the school’s history.


Parents' Association News

The Parents’ Association final "year group" parent social evening of the year took place on Thursday 10 March when the Form 5 and 6 parents met up in the Terenure Inn.  Click here to see some photos from the evening.

The Parents’ Association would like to thank all the parents who are participating in the Form 5 mock interviews on Monday 11 April. This year more that 70 parents are assisting in the mock interviews, which is a core part of the school's careers programme for senior cycle students.  We are very grateful to be able to draw on the parent body to enable the programme to cater to the wide range of student's career choices.  If you would like to know more or get involved in the future please  Click here to contact the Parents’ Association.


D.E.A.R. Day

On 15 March the entire school participated in a Drop Everything and Read event.  Pupils, teachers and staff brought their preferred books and magazines to school and enjoyed some leisure reading during the first period.  What a lovely way to begin the day.  


HSD Host Families 

High School families are needed to host our International students. If you are interested in hosting a student in September 2016 please contact Montserrat Calvo at

Supervised Study

 A new session of Supervised Study starts on 11 April.  Application forms are available from Mr McDonnell, Mr O'Brien, or the Office.


Dates for your Diary

13 April 16 - Form 5 UCD Campus visit

20 April 16 - Form 6 parents' meeting - Leaving Certificate arrangements, 7.30 pm

26 April 16 - Form 2 outdoor pursuits excursion

27 April 16 - Music Scholarship examination, 2.00 pm

​29 April 16 - May Day public holiday begins, 11.55 am

Save The Date 

The “Summer Sizzler" takes place on Friday 20  May from 6pm till late.  The Parents' Association 'End of Year Bumper BBQ and Teacher/Parent Cricket Match' will be a magical affair as we will also enjoy an interactive experience with award winning illusionist Shane Black. Once again, pig-on-a-spit, liquid refreshments, awesome auction lots and music till late. Tickets coming soon from the Parents' Association!  

Student Achievement Awards Deadline

The Parents’ Association would like to thank you for sending through your views on the  Parents’ Association Student Achievement Awards  proposed last month.  They are now seeking your award nominations.  Click here to submit! All nominations received by 30 April will be considered.