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February 23, 2017

In this week's Premium newsletter, I was fortunate to take a closer look at the Italian FREMM frigate Carabiniere as she sailed from Sydney to Melbourne. In support of the Fincantieri bid for Project Sea 5000 Future Frigate, of which the ship's visit to Australia has played a key role, Italian Defence Minister Roberta Pinotti has also been flying the flag as she met with Defence Minister Marise Payne.

In other news the NSW Government is getting behind the State's defence industry with a new strategy and Tomcar shows that innovative vehicle manufacture in this country can be successful.   

A correction to Defence Week Premium 432 last week: Broens NSW is under administration NOT Broens SA. This part of the business continues to operate smoothly. Many apologies for any confusion our story may have caused.

The Essington Lewis Awards (known formerly as the ADM/DMO Excellence in Collaboration Awards) will make a return this year after a short hiatus. We are currently seeking expressions of interest with a deadline set for March 21.

Finally ADM's February Avalon Airshow special edition is now available online. The ADM team looks forward to catching up with those attending the show next week, 

Patrick Durrant

Online Editor

0400 210 269
02 9213 8249

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FREMM Carabiniere: the new cop in town

On Tuesday the Italian Militare Marina’s FREMM frigate Carabiniere departed Sydney for Melbourne on another leg of her busy Australian PR tour with ADM embarked.  more»

Australian and Italian Defence ministers meet

Minister Payne welcomed Minister Pinotti to Australia noting the visit is the first by a sitting Italian Defence Minister.  more»

Tomcar recognised for innovation

Tomcar Australia, which makes a range of off-road vehicles and soon the nation’s first production electric car, has been recognised for its foresight, resilience and innovative achievements.  more»


What does Joint actually look like?

AVM Hupfield explained how the changes brought in under the First Principles Review are now beginning to settle down.  more»

NSW launches new industry strategy

The strategy will include the establishment of a new central coordination body– Defence NSW.  more»

Essington Lewis Awards

This year the Essington Lewis Awards will return with a gala dinner and awards night planned in Canberra on June 14.  more»

ADM's Defence Week Premium 433 PDF Version

The full version of the Defence Week Premium can be downloaded here as a PDF. You can also access a separate PDF of the weekly tenders and a digital copy of the newsletter.  more»






[AMDA Avalon 2017]


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