Executive and Station with Bobbie LaPorte
Executive Aid Station
Bobbie LaPorte & Associates
November 2017

Like the aid stations that help athletes make it through an endurance race, this Executive Aid Station is a place for you to take a brief break from your busy day, reflect, and learn something new to help fuel your personal and professional success.
What's New with Bobbie?
Business Update
Ever feel like you’re going to work on a battlefield? In high-pressure, demanding environments, workplace conflict is inevitable. Sometimes conflict is hostile and overt; other times it can be more passive-aggressive. You may have a colleague who explodes in anger when he disagrees with how you are handling something he feels is his turf. Or you might have a manager who nods and agrees to follow your direction, and then leaves your office to tell her staff to do the exact opposite.

Whatever way you experience conflict in your company, you can learn how to better understand and direct that conflict to curb destructive behaviors. To this end, we are using a new program called Productive Conflict that is based on the Everything DiSC® assessment. We have incorporated a number of positive psychology interventions to help participants respond to conflict in an effective way.

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Training Update
In last newsletter, shared that I had a cycling mishap and broke my wrist, so I had to accept that I would have to cancel my participation in races, change my training schedule, and be flexible and resilient. Still, I have to admit—I was miserable for the first couple of weeks in a cast.

I’m happy to report that now my hard cast is off, replaced by a soft, removable splint that I don’t need to wear all the time. I am still restricted in my training (no cycling for another two months!) but able to lift weights, swim, and run.

I am definitely not a “gear geek”, but I invested in a new “smart trainer” called a Kickr. It connects to my bike (see photo) and uses advanced technology to replicate the sensation of riding on the road.

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Bobbie Speaking
Bobbie Training Update
Save the Date
Save the Date!
I’m planning to host a couple of free Morning Master Classes on Positive Leadership in December. Please click on the links to RSVP for December 13 at Mulesoft in San Francisco or December 14 at Wildcat Ventures in San Mateo. I look forward to seeing you there!
Plug into a New Podcast
Plug into a New Podcast
Check out my most recent Executive Aid Station Podcast with Ken Lubin, a Managing Director at ZRG Partners and founder of Executive Athletes. He inspires people to be the best that they can be in order to be successful in life, business and sport.
What I'm Reading
What I'm Reading
In How to Have a Good Day, Caroline Webb shows how to use recent findings from behavioral economics, positive psychology, and neuroscience to transform our approach to everyday working life. The tools are practical, easy to implement—and they work!
Work/Life Balance Tip
Work/Life Balance Tip
I encourage my clients to take one minute at the end of each day (yes, that’s all it takes!) to note Three Good Things (TGT) that happened during the day. They could be personal or work-related, big or small. Positive psychology shows that this habit that can change the emotional tone of your life, replacing feelings of disappointment or entitlement with those of gratitude--which is why this practice is associated with significant increases in happiness.
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