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What it's like to be dead, music that gives you skin orgasms, the Star Wars that almost was, playing with sharks, the best DJ in action, and more. |
Another week of amazing, diverse content across the Reddit network and alas we have but one Sunday email to curate our favorites that you likely missed. In case you need more, we share our favorite content from across Reddit daily via our official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
A new community was born this week, r/movie_club, for redditors to watch and discuss movies together. The first rule of Movie Club is don’t talk about Mov… dammit. Let’s just keep this between us, OK?
There is an awesome network of “SFW porn” communities on reddit, which feature stunning images of all kinds of safe-for-work-not-actually-porn things. Like this creepy abandoned doll factory in Spain shared by u/WowDidYouSeeThis that is the stuff of nightmares. And you should probably add r/AbandonedPorn to your frontpage if it stirs your cocoa.
And finally, Wil Wheaton chimed in on a debate about Picard started by Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz. Only on reddit, folks.
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I saw my own body, lying there, dead, in the middle of the store. I looked around. More versions of me, dead, in various ways, everywhere. I saw dead people, and they were all me. It was in that moment that I “realized” that I had been murdered, my body was no more, and I was a ghost. |
She is one of only 100 people ever to have been diagnosed with Cotard Syndrome, and thankfully she is recovered now. Learn more about how she reacted to eating and going to the bathroom and trying to walk through walls, her views on ghost social norms and trying to exorcise herself, and more. (Like her blue boyfriend who lived in her head and communicated through puzzle hallucinations.)
Here’s what he sent his match. Check out all the happiness happening in r/secretsanta.
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As its name implies, this community is filled with some aww and a healthy dose of WTF?!? that will either make you laugh, gross you out, or likely a bit of both. Like this baby monkey seeing the world for the very first time or (warning: NSFW) a dog and a cat who get along really well. And if you’ve never seen a turtle penis, well—it probably wins for the weirdest penis in nature (also NSFW, obviously).
In one of the most in-depth AMAs we’ve seen in a long time, restricteddata sorted out the threats and claims of the time and explained what the US was really capable of, talked about how bombing sites in Japan were chosen (one city was spared just because the US Secretary of War had a history there), explored the idea that the bombs had nothing to do with Japan’s surrender and were actually unnecessary, and tons more.
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Vekked himself, the DJ in the video, even showed up in the comments (he’s had a Reddit account for over two years!) to answer questions and share his thanks.
You can compare the two different scenes here. Others quickly pointed out another difference between the US and UK versions, as well as changes for several other movies, like Monsters University, Captain America, Terminator 2, and more.
Dispassionfruit explained the basics of the Four Noble Truths in a way that everyone can understand and easily apply to their lives, then followed up with an accessible summary of the Eightfold Path that helps you achieve the balance needed in the Four Noble Truths.
Give it a try with some(1) of(2) these(3) songs(4) suggested(5) by users that always do the trick for them. Or head over to r/frisson for even more.
Did you know Return of the Jedi almost had a different name? Peter Mayhew, the actor who played Chewbacca, certainly did and joined in the comments in r/starwars.