Response to provocative NY Times article; How food colors fuel your body No Images? Click here
"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible." —Frank Zappa RECENT NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE REINFORCES THE NEED FOR A NEW APPROACH TO WELLNESSYou may have seen “Employee Wellness Programs Yield Little Benefit, Study Shows” by New York Times writer, Reed Abelson in the April 16, 2019, edition. Abelson describes a traditional wellness program that is destined to yield disappointing results given the program's inability to address the health depleting effects of modern society. Complicated wellness program schemes, advanced technological trackers, and high value financial incentives, are insufficient for building the health and well-being levels needed today, and are generally not attractive to employees. Everyone needs their own personal practice for optimizing their health and well-being, and business leaders have a great opportunity to make relevant, science-based methods available to their employees. Our goal is to make it possible, easier, and affordable for people and businesses to produce their own high health. See our recent concept paper, A Bias For Action, for more on this topic. FOOD COLORS TO FUEL YOUR BODYSummer, with its bountiful harvest, is one of the best times to build and enhance high health practices for nutrient rich eating. This chart will guide you. Take note of the improvements in energy and mental focus that consuming abundant vegetables and fruits delivers. ![]() WISER WORDS“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." —Virginia Woolf We wish you a vibrant, colorful month. Sincerely, Real health is now a business imperative. Your company needs it for competitive edge. The High Health Network makes it easy. Get the one sheet. |