A progress update on the hyn multi tenancy packages.


2.0.0-beta.3 tagged and available for production, not yet for upgrades.

composer require hyn/multi-tenant

Version 2

In the previous newsletter I already shed some light on the newest version of the tenancy package. Focussing completely on Laravel 5.2+ and PHP7 support some hurdles have been taken to make this an even more streamlined package.

At the core of version 2 is a terminology issue. Where "tenant" in version 1 could be interpreted as both website and customer alike, now a tenant only relates to a website.

The Hyn\MultiTenant namespace for several classes have been rewritten to Hyn\Tenancy. This made more sense in the eloquence of the code. In addition all sub packages have been included into a monolythic package structure, with the dashboard as a sole exception. The dashboard package requires a rewrite yet.


You can report issues at the github issues tracker

Additionally you can find me on gitter, the package has its own channel. This is currently the most direct method of assistance.

Alternatively look up peers and discuss further implementations and features on the forum.

Bertrand Kintanar

In the last newsletter I already did a shout out for his help, now I'm excited to announce Bertrand has joined the team as a core contributor of the package. With his assistance we plan to make big changes to 2.x, increase documentation and add awesome features.


Taylor already announced the newest version to be released during Laracon EU. With Bertrand's assistance the package is now completely supporting Laravel 5.3!

Laracon EU

If you are also visiting Laracon EU, please try to find me in the crowds on Tuesday or Wednesday.


Thanks for your patience and taking the time to read all of this nonsense.

Please get in touch with me if you have any questions or suggestions: