
Newsletter - September 2020

Hi there,

Welcome to the September speechBITE newsletter! This month we have a special edition of the newsletter for you on AAC interventions. The papers included in this edition cover interventions for both children and adults. They include interventions that deliver services to caregivers, educators, and peers, as well as people with communication disability.

Did you know that speechBITE has over 500 references on AAC interventions? If you are interested in seeing more, go to the advanced search page and select AAC under the Type of Intervention drop down menu.

International AAC Awareness Month is held every October. This year, use the hashtag #AACaware20 on social media to raise awareness of augmentative and alternative communication.

Latest publications

Barker RM, Romski M, et al (2019) Intervention focus moderates the association between initial receptive language and language outcomes for toddlers with developmental delay

Caron J, Light J, et al (2020) Effects of an AAC App with Transition to Literacy Features on Single-Word Reading of Individuals with Complex Communication Needs

Chazin KT, Barton EE et al (2018) Implementation and intervention practices to facilitate communication skills for a child with complex communication needs

Grace E, Raghavendra P, et al (2019) Exploring participation experiences of youth who use AAC in social media settings: Impact of an e-mentoring intervention

Herbert ME, Brock ME et al (2020) Efficacy of Peer-Network Interventions for High School Students with Severe Disabilities and Complex Communication Needs

Holyfield C (2019) Preliminary investigation of the effects of a prelinguistic AAC intervention on social gaze behaviors from school-age children with multiple disabilities

Holyfield C, Brooks S et al (2019) Comparative Effects of High-Tech Visual Scene Displays and Low-Tech Isolated Picture Symbols on Engagement from Students with Multiple Disabilities

Huist AE, McCarthy JW et al (2020) Using video to teach early language concepts and symbols to children with complex communication needs

Lancioni GE, Singh NN et al (2020) A tablet-based program to enable people with intellectual and other disabilities to access leisure activities and video calls

Laubscher E, Light J et al (2019) Effect of an application with video visual scene displays on communication during play: pilot study of a child with autism spectrum disorder and a peer

Muharib R, Alzrayer NM et al (2019) Backward chaining and speech-output technologies to enhance functional communication skills of children with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities

Pahisa-Sole J, Herrera-Joancomarti J (2019) Testing an AAC system that transforms pictograms into natural language with persons with cerebral palsy

Roche L, Sigafoos J et al (2020) Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention for People With Angelman Syndrome: a Systematic Review

Severini KE, Ledford JR et al (2019) Implementing stay-play-talk with children who use AAC

Suberman R, Cividini-Motta C (2020) Teaching caregivers to implement mand training using speech generating devices

Happy Reading!

The speechBITE team

The University of Sydney

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