No images? Click here ![]() ![]() October 13, 2020 In this issue:
PHYSICIAN COMPENSATIONWatch: Recorded webinar on new contract options for family doctors More than 550 family physicians recently joined a Doctors of BC webinar to learn more about new contract options for those who want to move away from a fee-for-service practice model. The webinar included a presentation from Doctors of BC Chief Negotiator Mr Paul Straszak and Ministry of Health Assistant Deputy Minister Mr Mark Armitage. It was followed by a Q&A session. Those who were unable to take part can watch a recording of the session. Coming up: Webinar on Simplified COVID Contracts Doctors of BC has sent invitations to doctors to participate in a webinar on the Simplified COVID Service Contract (link requires Doctors of BC login) which may be of interest to those who have seen significant drops in income due to continuing declines in patient volumes. The session will be led by Doctors of BC Chief Negotiator Mr Paul Straszak and Ministry of Health Assistant Deputy Minister Mr Mark Armitage. The session will be held Wednesday, October 14 at 6 p.m. PST. We encourage physicians who did not receive or cannot find their invitation to register by e-mailing Patrick Higgins ( New temporary fee code for immunizations As of October 1, a new temporary fee code allows physicians to bill adult influenza and pneumococcal immunizations in addition to an office visit (consult, prenatal visit, counseling etc.). It means doctors will be able to provide care for patients during an office visit, while also being compensated for providing the immunization at the same appointment. BC Family Doctors proposed the fee code change, which was approved by the Tariff Committee. The General Practice Services Committee played an important role behind the scenes to help achieve the positive outcome. Read more: New temporary fee code for influenza immunizations. Reminder: $1,000 office grant available for BC’s community doctors More than 2,000 community physicians have so far submitted applications for $1,000 one-time grants being offered to help offset their expenses for development and implementation of their COVID-19 Safety Plans. In recognition of the higher costs physicians are facing as a result of the pandemic, the General Practice Services Committee joined the other Joint Collaborative Committees in reallocating their budgets to provide $10.6 million for the grants. For information on eligibility and how to apply, read: COVID-19 Office Safety Plan Support Grant for BC’s Community Physicians. DOCTORS OF BCHelp drive change in your health authorities, respond to our survey by October 14 For family doctors and divisions of family practice, the relationships you have with your health authorities are critically important. With the challenges of COVID-19 upon us, it is more important than ever that doctors take part in the annual Health Authority Engagement Survey to share your feelings about engagement and interactions with your health authority. By now you should have received the survey via an e-mail from If you cannot find it, please check your spam or junk mail. Still don’t see it? Then e-mail and staff will be on hand to help. The deadline is October 14. The survey will take about five minutes and you anonymity is guaranteed. For more information read: Help drive the change you want to see in your health authority. Family doctors appointed to group supporting greater diversity and inclusion Doctors of BC is pleased to advise that three family doctors are joining the new Doctors of BC Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Working Group. Dr Derek Chang (Vancouver), Dr Olutoyese Oyelese (Kelowna), and Dr Rola Masri (Victoria) have been appointed to the eight-person advisory group, which will advise the Board of Directors on how best to implement recommendations to break down barriers preventing physicians from under-represented groups from taking on leadership positions on the Board, Representative Assembly, and committees. Read more about the working group and Doctors of BC’s commitments in this area: Appointments made to Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Working Group. COMMUNICATING AND ENGAGING WITH THE PUBLICCOVID-19 – #slowthespread campaign Divisions of family practice have been asking Doctors of BC for support with campaign materials to better engage the public and patients during this pandemic. Divisions are encouraged to utilize the materials from a new series of public campaigns – under the banner #slowthespread – that aims to support British Columbians to stay healthy during the pandemic. The first phase – Doctors share their tips to help BC slow the spread of COVID-19 – highlights ways people can help keep themselves and their families safe based on advice we got from doctors around the province. Divisions are encouraged to share this information with patients, adapt it with their physicians’ input, share with media, and/or distribute via social media. For further questions, or to request a copy of the visual graphic, contact Flu vaccines - Connecting with your patients Two documents created by the Victoria and South Island Divisions of Family Practice help physicians and clinic staff communicate with patients about influenza vaccination. Outlining the different kinds of flu vaccines, and providing tips for patients preparing to get their flu shot, these info sheets are available for division doctors to share with their patients via email or their clinic websites. For questions about the documents contact Jennifer Killam ( JOINT COLLABORATIVE COMMITTEESMake a difference for family doctors by joining GPSC Doctors who are interested in making a difference for family doctors and their patients, should consider applying to become a member of the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC). The GPSC – a partnership of Doctors of BC and the BC Ministry of Health - tackles the tough issues in primary care. Its members develop solutions and promote innovation so that family doctors can provide the best quality care for patients. For more information on the GPSC and how to apply, read: Current committee opportunities: Apply now. JCC principles include cultural safety, longitudinal care, and physician engagement The Physician Services Committee has provided the Joint Collaborative Committees with a set of principles to ensure they are aligned and working together to help meet the health care challenges ahead. The principles fall within the Triple Aim, and include:
View the JCC principles fact sheet for full information. Shared Care: providing doctors with information on Adverse Childhood Experiences Physicians and health providers are invited to a webinar on Thursday, October 15 (5:30–6:45 p.m.) Hosted by Shared Care’s Child and Youth Mental Health Community of Practice, in partnership with the Touchpoints Professional Development training centre in Comox, BC, the session uses practical, preventative curriculum to support participants in their practices, adverse childhood experience (ACEs) work, and trauma-informed care, while helping individuals and communities to build and sustain collaborative relationships with families, their children, and each other. HEALTH CARE PARTNERSRCCbc launches new online rural innovations inventory to foster collaboration The Rural Coordination Centre of BC’s (RCCbc) online Rural Innovations Inventory is compiling details about local innovations to foster collaboration between communities experiencing similar health care challenges. Divisions are invited to submit their ideas, projects, and initiatives for inclusion at For more information or to discuss projects before submission, contact Innovations Concierge, Tracey DeLeeuw ( Read more about the Rural Site Visits project. Patients as Partners Online events calendar The Patients as Partners Initiative funds and helps coordinate self-management programs, education sessions, peer supports, and resources for patients, families, and caregivers. All services are free and open to the public. The new Patients as Partners Online Activity Calendar replaces the PDF Activity Guide and includes new features including improved search, Google Maps integration, community partner organization profiles, and overviews of services. For comments or questions contact DIVISIONS IN THE NEWSClick here to read the latest news about Divisions of Family Practice in the media. The provincial communications team produces a twice-monthly newsletter designed to keep divisions up-to-date with the Divisions initiative. It is sent to local division executive directors, administration, physician leads, and board members. In order to minimize emails being sent these groups, we try to include as much in these newsletters as possible. We encourage you to share it with your division members at large. If you have a story you would like to submit for consideration, please contact Jeff Chan at Media coverage is monitored by the Divisions of Family Practice provincial communications team and compiled on the Divisions in the News page. This issue can also be found on the Divisions of Family Practice website. |