Reddit gets a new CEO, a rooster plays soccer, a squirrel goes waterskiing, MythBusters makes a special Reddit episode, and more.
Upvoted Weekly

Well, it’s been another very interesting week for us. Thankfully, I think we’re beginning to make real progress.

I’ll say it again: we screwed up. We screwed up in the way we’ve treated moderators and the community, and we screwed up in the way we handled our screwups last week. And I’m sorry. But we’re working hard to make amends, and we’ve already taken a lot of steps to do so, some small and some quite large.

Earlier this week, we posted an apology and tried to engage in a really earnest discussion with many of you. Deimorz, who has been with Reddit a long time and has been reassigned to work on moderator issues, held a really honest AMA and talked with moderators about what changes we could start making immediately. We also discussed these events and next steps more in depth on the Upvoted podcast this week.

On Friday we made even more changes. Ellen Pao resigned as CEO and posted a farewell to the community, and Steve Huffman, my good friend and cofounder, rejoined us as our new CEO. Sam Altman, one of our board members, did an AMA, and then Steve took your questions in an AMA as well.

I’m so excited to have Steve back at Reddit and for the progress we’re beginning to make. We’ve still got a lot of work to do, but we’re up for it, and we hope you’ll stick with us as we try to get better.

Now, after everything that has happened, I think we could all use a more lighthearted, feel-good email. Or at least, we sure could on our end. So, welcome to the eye-bleach edition of Upvoted Weekly.

Alexis Ohanian, Co-founder
Yes, this is a squirrel waterskiing
submitted by Isai76
Comments 108 read more 3138 Upvoted
Puppy eyes have nothing on this cheetah
submitted by Lobo2ffs
Comments 16 read more 1107 Upvoted
This is the first known case of predators other than humans using lures based on seasonal prey behavior
Comments 162 read more 4568 Upvoted
A dog, 8 birds, and a hamster: best friends forever
submitted by ninjago24

Make sure you check out the full album of adorableness.

Comments 778 read more 5761 Upvoted
In honor of shark week… this is terrifying
submitted by dmgctrl

And here’s a closeup of those teeth at work.

Comments 4 read more 61 Upvoted
So does this make them smarter than humans?

By comparison, humans only have 2% of their body weight devoted to their brains.

Comments 1 read more 19 Upvoted
Here’s a baby giraffe who thinks you’re great
submitted by Beautycut

And if that’s not enough, here’s a bear waving hello and—did you know turtles could smile? That’s the cutest reptilian smile I’ve ever seen.

Comments 6 read more 241 Upvoted
This bulldog loves riding his wooden rocking horse
submitted by nomau

Bonus: here’s a raccoon riding a bicycle.

Comments 9 read more 1183 Upvoted
Jellyfish, we’re coming for your secrets
Comments 3 read more 17 Upvoted
Meet the black rain frog. He’s, umm, cute?
submitted by TrixieDuncan19

More unusual frogs and toads here.

Comments 0 read more 12 Upvoted
Always there: This owner and dog truly are best friends. A gorgeous album of their life together.
submitted by slumberjack22

Make sure you take a look at the full album.

Comments 100 read more 2037 Upvoted
Not to be confused with jackdaws…

They can even create their own tools that are either left- or right-handed (clawed? taloned?). And on a related note, here’s a crow solving one of the hardest tests of animal intelligence ever devised.

Comments 1 read more 10 Upvoted
Kitty does NOT like this stroller
submitted by dr0cks27

And this panda doesn’t like your stick, either.

Comments 1 read more 141 Upvoted
Tapirs are so majestic
submitted by morbidhyena
Comments 1 read more 34 Upvoted
More magic of the animal kingdom

Alright, this has gotten too long already. So I’ll just share a few more of my recent animal favorites that we couldn’t fit in really fast. Ready?

Here’s a rooster playing soccer, dogs winning in the war against cats, 30 baby animals with their parents, a red panda who wants to be let in, a koala cameraman, a melting guinea pig and a melted dog, a corgi keeping in shape, and a mini purrito (you didn’t even know that was a thing, did you?).


A few other things happened on Reddit this week too. zrfphoto drove 18,000 miles across America taking stunning photos of natural wonders that are NOT the 58 national parks, Victoria thanked all of you for your support, and the MythBusters are doing a special Reddit episode.