In the week following the Avalon Airshow, we lead with a thought piece asking why Boeing's Air Power Teaming System, or 'Loyal Wingman', must be accompanied by a manned platform - and if not, whether it has made the F-35 obsolete. The point of difference between the two platforms, and between the F-35/Wingman pairing and alternate combinations, is not yet clear.
In other news, Duncan MacRae calls for the US to reconsider the exclusion of the Type 26 from the FFG(X) program, Army sends drone operators overseas to train the PNG Defence Force, the US Navy's F-35Cs declare IOC, a RAAF F/A-18 Hornet's arrester hook is repaired using new technology, Defence buys six driver simulators for the Boxers, the Darwin-Adelaide railway moves military equipment for the first time in years, and Anywise teams with BenchOn on SME talent mobility.
And the house announcements: ADM is gearing up for our next event, the inaugural ADM Space Summit. Details are available here.
Ewen Levick
Online Editor
0447 961 544
02 9213 8249
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