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Crepim technical day: “Fibers without Flames”

20th March 2014, Béthune (France) : “Fibers without Flames”.

"Fibers without Flames" will be an opportunity to present the latest developments concerning biobased materials on the construction market. Concrete cases of development of biobased materials that perform well in case of fire will also be put forward. The event will be concluded with a debate.
5 organizations/projects are partners of this event: Grow2Build, SINFONI (French project), Pôle IAR, CCI Artois and CCI Aisne

The presentations will be given by these nine experts , :
- M. Franck POUTCH (Directeur du CREPIM)
- M. Guillaume CAPON (Ingénieur R&D - CREPIM)
- M. Nicolas MOURET (Ingénieur Développement – Van Robayes Frères)
- Mme. Nathalie BEREZINA (PhD/Chef de projets – MATERIANOVA)
- M. Xavier JOPPIN (Ingénieur - Conseiller Technologique – CELABOR)
- Mme. Marie DARUL (Chargée de mission éco-construction – CD2E)
- Pierre BONO or Anne LEDUC (FRD)
- Mme. Julie PARISET (CELC)
- M. Olivier Charrier (ARCHROMA)

Information and Registration: ludovic.gaquere@crepim.fr

Brand new mobile unit presented at Batibouw

At Batibouw, Belgians largest building fair, the Grow2Build team was proud to present our brand new mobile unit.

We will use this mobile unit as a promotional and educational tool all across Europe.

Check out www.grow2build.eu for more pictures! We'll regularly update our website with the different locations of our mobile unit.

Brochures (in different languages) and infographics on the product chain of flax and hemp building materials are also available on our website