Austroads’ Assets Program has an annual budget of around $2 million and is currently managing 20 projects which progress the Program’s objective to provide the road services the community needs at the least long term cost. Each year in excess of $18 billion is spent on roads across Australia and New Zealand which is a significant investment by all levels of government.
The Austroads Assets Program is managed by David Darwin and coordinated by Sarah Mayne, both are based in the New Zealand Transport Agency in Wellington.
The Program's work program is determined by the Assets Task Force, which has representatives from state and territory road agencies, the National Transport Commission, the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, and the Australian Local Government Association.
The Program's projects, which are listed on the Austroads website, aim to:
Integrate customer defined levels of service into asset management practice
Establish a level of service framework and associated costs for freight
Clearly establish the relationship between road surface characteristics and road safety
Provide guidance on non-pavement asset management and on sustainable use of scarce and recycled materials in road maintenance
Ensure the guidance in the Austroads Guide to Asset Management remains current.
More than 14,500 Guide to Asset Management parts have been downloaded over the past three years. The Guide has 16 parts:
Part 1: Introduction to Asset Management
Part 2: Community and Stakeholder Requirements
Part 3: Asset Strategies
Part 4: Program Development and Implementation
Part 5: Pavement Performance
Part 5A: Inventory
Part 5B: Roughness
Part 5C: Rutting
Part 5D: Strength
Part 5E: Cracking
Part 5F: Skid Resistance
Part 5G: Texture
Part 5H: Performance Modelling
Part 6: Bridge Performance
Part 7: Road Related Assets Performance
Part 8: Asset Valuation and Audit
The Austroads Guide to Asset Management (GAM) will undergo a major update over the next three to four years. The aim of the update is to respond to stakeholder needs and reflect state-of-the-art practice by incorporating the findings of recent research, including an alignment with current road infrastructure management practises, by adopting the key requirements of international guides such as ISO 55000 and PAS 55. If you have used the GAM in the past and/or intend to use the GAM in the future, we would very much appreciate your feedback via this online survey.
International Collaboration
Austroads supports two representatives on the World Road Association’s Management of Road Assets Technical Committee, John Statton (Roads and Maritime Service, NSW) and Michael Hayward (Main Roads, WA). The Committee has a four year work plan which will examine the assessment of budgetary needs for road maintenance, optimisation of maintenance strategies, and balancing environmental and engineering aspects. The committee is working towards publishing a Road Assets Management Manual. The latest committee report outlines the progress made on these projects and includes a presentation on managing road assets in Ontario, Canada.