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Keeping your files safe from Trojans
Cryptolocker may be dead, but its successors have already arrived. Now "CryptoWall" and "TorrentLocker" are making the rounds, forcing many business owners to choose between financing illegal activity and surrendering valuable data. Here's how to keep yourself safe.
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What you need to know about Office 2016
Office 2016 is here – but how much has it changed? From data analytics tools in Excel to real-time collaboration in Word, we’ve created a guide to some of our favorite new features.

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Lenovo Thinkserver RD350

Lenovo ThinkServer RD350 Rack Server | Feature-Rich
Powered by Intel® Xeon® Processors

Bend down the cost curve of IT with the Lenovo ThinkServer RD350. This enterprise-class server has just the right amount of computing power for your infrastructure, collaboration and line-of-business applications.

Up to two Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 v3 Series Processors provide outstanding performance, while reliability features ensure that your data stays safe and your system stays up and running.

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Lenovo Thinkserver TD340

Lenovo ThinkServer TD340 Tower Server | Reliable
Powered by Intel® Xeon® Processors

The Lenovo ThinkServer TD340 packs in the performance of an entry-level rack server with up to two Intel® Xeon® E5-2400 v2 Series Processors, giving you the power to run strenuous workloads.

Bend down the cost curve of IT without sacrificing performance with the Lenovo ThinkServer TD340.

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  Did you know   A small amount of electricity is used to power every Google search, and in order to handle the more than one billion searches made throughout the world each day, the company's data centers are continuously using nearly 260 million watts. That’s enough energy to power 200,000 homes and is equivalent to about a quarter of the output of a nuclear power plant.
About Us
Lair Services specializes in a wide range of services, including tailored IT services and solutions for small and medium businesses and their owners in Tampa. We are committed to providing each and every one of our clients with high quality service and support. Our unique IT team is incredibly friendly and can help you every step of the way in growing your business.

Lair Services, Inc.
1107 E Jackson St. Suite 101
Brandon, Fl 33602

Call Us: (813) 404-2955
Website: View Here
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