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James Harrison is the PI of a Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award. In collaboration with Andy Auerbach, Wendy Anderson, and colleagues, James will develop a program to build capacity for patient, family member, and researcher engagement in patient-centered outcomes research.
Global Health Fellow
Russ Cucina has been named the UCSF Health’s Chief Health Information Officer.
Sumant Ranji was selected for this year's UCSF Excellence and Innovation Award in the Graduate Medical Education.
Stephanie Rennke and her team have been awarded funding from the "Teaching to Choose Wisely" campaign and will lead a project entitled, "Training for Value: Integrating High Value Care into Faculty Development for Bridges Educators." The project will develop educators as experts in promoting high- value care to learners.
Adeena Khan won the UCSF Health’s Great Experience Award for her demonstration of compassionate care towards patients.
Madhavi Dandu continues her role as Director for Masters of Science in Global Health Program.
Wendy Anderson was awarded funding for her project entitled, "Establishing an Interprofessional Palliative Care Continuing Education Program," from UCSF Campus Strategic Initiative Funds.
Stephanie Rennke and her colleagues published their curriculum in MedEdPORTAL Publications titled, "GeriWard: An Interprofessional Curriculum for Health Professions Student Teams on Systems-Based Care of the Hospitalized Older Adult."
James Harrison, Ryan Greysen, and Andy Auerbach report the findings of a prospective observational study assessing Medicine patients' readiness for discharge. They found that 90% of patients were discharged with at least one issue that might inhibit an effective transition home.
Pediatric and adult medicine hospitalists from Stanford and UCSF developed and implemented a multi-modal educational curriculum that included workshops in shared decision making (SDM) for faculty, residents, and students in the hospital setting, and direct observation during inpatient rounds with written and verbal formative feedback provided by expert observers.
Staff Retreat | July 29, 2016, all day, off-campus
Staff + Faculty Appreciation and the SF Giants! | September 14, 2016, noon | AT&T Park - RSVP to Oralia Schatzman, if interested
"Sherry is fabulous! She is incredibly organized and always takes impeccable minutes. She is very responsive and very smart - we are lucky to have her."
- Kirsten Kangelaris
"Aylin has been extremely helpful with recent coverage issues! She is always willing to work things out optimally for faculty, residents, and patients!"
- Brad Monash