Active Living is a Critical Component of Health, Well-being and Healthy Communities
Despite the known health benefits of physical activity, about half of Canadian adults and 91% of Canadian children and youth are not getting the recommended levels. This month, PlanH is focusing on the role local governments can play in building the conditions that support all British Columbians to lead healthier, more active lives. Read more about actions for active living.
Active Communities Grants: Information for Applicants
Applications are now being accepted for active communities grants. These grants are for local governments in Island Health and Interior Health Regions and their partners working towards having a measurable impact on physical activity. Apply here.
Now available! recording and resources from Move It! - a web forum held to assist grant applicants to better understand the issue of physical activity. Download them here.
Social Connectedness Grants - Deadline May 30
Did you know that people with extensive and strong support networks tend to have better physical health through lower rates of unhealthy behaviours?
$170,000 in grants is available to local governments working with Health Authorities and other sectors to improve social connectedness in communities or regions.
Learn how to apply for a Social Connectedness Grant by watching a webinar and downloading the guide here. Applications will be accepted until May 30, 2017 at noon.
Active Communities Celebrated on PlanH
Revisit some of the inspirational stories of active communities across the province on the PlanH website:
E-Courses for Local Governments and Parks and Recreation Professionals
Three self-paced e-courses on delivering recreation programs to vulnerable populations, and the links between social inclusion, recreation, and engaging the "hard to reach" in parks and recreation opportunities.
Find a link to the course series here.
Apply for Age-friendly BC Community Recognition
The Age-friendly British Columbia (AFBC) recognition program rewards and encourages communities to take action towards becoming age-friendly. If your community has completed the four basic steps towards becoming age-friendly, your local government can apply to have your community recognized a Deadline is May 31, 2017. Find the application form here.
How can communities support Active Aging? Find out here.
Open-source Curriculum
Plan and deliver a Healthy Built Environment workshop. This curriculum includes three detailed agendas, workshop planning guides and corresponding presentations. The workshops animate and activate the Healthy Built Environment Toolkit. Anyone is free to download and adapt the materials to their local context from the Training section of www.planha.ca.
Sport and Belonging
How can sport and recreation help the 35% of Canadians who find it difficult to make new friends? In partnership with the True Sport Foundation, this Vital Signs Report on Sport and Belonging takes a closer look at how sport – when grounded in fairness, excellence, inclusion and fun – can strengthen belonging to each other and to our communities. Find it here.
Cycling in Cities
Despite the many benefits of, promoting cycling in communities - there has been controversy over whether safety risks outweigh the benefits. In this article, the authors focus on the health elements of the controversy: what are the potential benefits of cycling; what are the risks; and do the benefits outweigh the risks? Read the research from UBC's Cycling in Cities Research Program here.