No images? Click here Pacific Coast view from The Pinnacles summitKia ora,Travel around the Thames-Coromandel District is being strongly discouraged unless necessary. A State of Emergency has been declared for the district. Support for Hauraki Coromandel We’re aware that Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) in particular are appealing for support for the region. Destination Hauraki Coromandel (DHC) have set up a meeting next Wednesday 8th February with national tourism bodies. The purpose of the meeting is to update them on our situation and advocate for: - Business support; - Regional marketing support; and - Resilience support (connectivity by road, sea and air). Attendees will include Tourism New Zealand, Regional Tourism NZ, the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, Tourism Export Council NZ and Tourism Industry Aotearoa. TCDC Mayor Len Salt, Coromandel MP Scott Simpson and other local and central government officials will also be present (online). DHC has collated industry feedback, with no reference to business names, and passed this information onto multiple channels to build the case for support. We have also presented to the Visitor Sector Emergency Advisory Group whose key priority is international visitor safety – using this moment to share the pressure our infrastructure and economy is under. Marketing We have drafted campaign material, with updates on travel routes and times, to release as soon as it is deemed safe to do so. This will build into a shoulder season campaign encouraging visitation in what is often referred to as the best time to visit. We have reallocated what budget we can to make this a priority and will seek additional marketing support in an effort to make our activity go further. At this stage their is no requirement from operators to participate, other than to make sure you’re listed on (and Please remember to update travel routes and times on your own websites. International Arrivals Businesses that are export ready, working with offshore travel trade, are reporting cancellations for the days, weeks and months ahead. Together with Tourism Export Council NZ, DHC will update the Inbound Trade Operators on the best travel routes and times that they can share with their customers with confidence. This meeting is also scheduled for Wednesday 8th February. We are also sending out an update to our trade database reassuring them that our region is open for business. Cancellations Due to the variation in contractual arrangements between tourism businesses and booking channels we cannot offer official advice that covers all terms and conditions. A key consideration will be the protection of your business ‘goodwill’ and brand reputation. We acknowledge the support of the Tourism Export Council who have reiterated these points with the consideration that if a visitor can’t travel to the region, for reasons out of their control and perceived safety, it is a good practice to refund. Some businesses are offering credit for a later date. Coromandel Ferry (to Auckland) Fullers 360 have confirmed that they cannot reinstate the ferry service between Coromandel and Auckland, citing the same reasons for pulling it – reduced qualified workforce. We have confirmed that we will keep pushing for solutions. Connectivity will be high on the agenda going forward. Business Support With the declaration of a State of Emergency in the district a number of relief opportunities should become available. DHC has contacted several of these offerings, and they have mostly agreed that support for our region would be considered on a case-by-case basis, and encouraged anyone needing assistance to get in touch: - The Tourism Industry Association has a comprehensive list of support options - Banks are offering change of home loan terms, hardhip withdrawals from Kiwisaver, temporary overdraft facilities and deferred loan payments. - ANZ stated if anyone is impacted by flooding (including slips or landslides) then they would qualify for assistance. Loss of business due to lack of access caused by flooding is not clear. Either way direct contact with your bank to present a case is recommended. - IRD – case by case basis to defer payments and penalties due on 7 Feb; provisional tax re-estimation available. - Central government funding support via the Rurual Support Trust for farmers and growers is available. - We recognise that times are tough, both emotionally and financially. If you need well-being assistance, please reach out via EAP Services . You can self-refer to them by calling 0800 327669, and asking for the Destination Hauraki Coromandel account, code: tourism operator assistance. This service will be confidential and Destination Hauraki Coromandel will not be informed. The team continues to receive emails and calls from people all around the region. Please continue to touch base as we work together through this pressure point. As Covid and the first lockdown demonstrated, the intensity, pressure and ‘noise’ during a crisis decreases with time. While we appreciate the desperation in this moment of time we also acknowledge that we have a huge battle ahead. To reiterate, our plan in order of priority remains: - Business support; - Regional marketing support; and - Resilience Support (connectivity by road, sea and air). As much as we want to tell the world we’re open, we continue to follow official advice - to avoid unnecessary travel. We’re keeping our powder dry until the ‘noise’ dissipates and then we hit go. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime. 021 227 4387 021 2274351 022 199 7690
Ngā mihi nui The team at Destination Hauraki Coromandel |