New Teachers: Back row left to right: Mr Tevlin, Ms McHugh, Ms Deane, Ms Beamish, Mr Steele, Ms Deacon. Front row: Ms Powell, Ms O'Toole, Ms Ring, Ms Haines and Ms Lally. Absent: Mr Fennel, Ms Browning and Ms Heffernan.
Miss A Parle retired with effect from August 2015; Ms Douglas and Dr Stuart resigned from their positions at The High School. We thank them for their excellent service and wish them all the best for the future.
We welcome the following new staff to The High School - Ms Beamish, English; Ms Browning, Classical Studies and History; Ms Deacon, Mathematics; Ms Deane, Science and Biology; Ms Haines, Resource; Ms Heffernan, Science, Mathematics, and Biology; Ms O'Toole, Irish; Ms Lally, French and Geography; Ms McHugh, Irish; Ms Powell, Technical Subjects; Ms Ring, Mathematics; Mr Steele, PE and Games; and Mr Tevlin, Resource and Games. It has been a pleasure to welcome Mr Irwin back to The High School in a full-time capacity.
There have been a number of important projects completed during the summer including the upgrading of ICT facilities as well as the construction of a reception area and offices in the school. We are most grateful to the Grounds and Property Committee (as well as the Administrator and ICT co-ordinator) for managing these improvements to the teaching and learning environment. Mr G. A. Forrest - Principal
Renovations to the school entrance and foyer are now complete and just in time for the new academic year too. Our friendly receptionist, Ms Penny Wiggle, sits ready and waiting to welcome visitors, pupils, parents and staff in the bright, new reception area. Mr Draper's office is now located next to the Stationery.