Welcome To Upvoted Weekly: A Redditorial Newsletter
Upvoted Weekly

Greetings Upvoted Weekly Subscriber -

Thank you for signing up. We’re glad you’re here!

Upvoted Weekly is a human-curated digest of the best of reddit. Every Sunday, you’ll receive an email with a sampling of the kind of content, stories, AMAs, conversations, and information we at reddit think you’ll like…nay, love.

On a weekly basis, the Upvoted team and co-founder Alexis Ohanian scour over 9,000 communities on reddit to find the very best content to be featured in this email. Would it be easier if we let some supercomputer do this for us? Sure. But it’d also be a lot less wonderful.

Feel free to let us know your thoughts, or just discuss each week’s newsletter at r/upvoted.

Alexis Ohanian, Co-founder