No images? Click here ![]() ![]() July 17, 2020 In this issue:
COVID-19Patient resource for returning to work In response to family doctors who identified that their patients have questions about a safe return to work, BC Family Doctors created a patient resource to provide some initial guidance about when individuals should call their employer, when to call WorkSafeBC, and when to call their family doctor. Click here to access the resource on the BC Family Doctors website. Video for children about COVID-19 testing BC Children’s Hospital created a video for children to watch before they have a test for COVID-19. The video helps children know what to expect and aims to reduce anxiety. It is included in the BCCDC Pediatric Testing Guidelines for BC. For more information, click here. HEALTH CARE PARTNERSWebinar recording available: Thompson Region Division Emergency Preparedness/Response Project for Physicians For those who were unable to attend the June 25 webinar, “Thompson Region Division Emergency Preparedness/Response Project for Physicians – Sooner Rather than Later,” please click the links below to view the webinar recording and presentation: Webinar: Treatment for whiplash A webinar to help family physicians navigate treatment of whiplash, concussion, and headache will be held on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. The webinar was developed and is hosted by Dr Paul Winston, President of the Canadian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Webinar panelists include Dr Shelley Ross and Dr Kaila Holtz. Click here to register. Resuming non-urgent Hepatitis C testing In April, non-urgent Hepatitis C (HCV) testing at the BC Centre for Disease Control’s Public Health Laboratory (PHL) was suspended to redirect resources to support COVID-19 testing. As of May 29, 2020, all HCV testing has resumed. Patients can once again contact their health care provider, and/or refer to one of these resources for more information:
Quality Team Coaching for Rural BC — Call for applicants Rural healthcare teams are encouraged to apply for Quality Team Coaching for Rural BC (QTC4RBC), a program that offers the opportunity to develop collective and individual skills, and access resources for quality improvement work. The application deadline is Friday, August 14. For more information and/or to apply, click here, or email Adrienne Peltonen at Sue Harris Family Practice Research Grant — Call for applicants The Sue Harris Family Practice Research Grant supports research that contributes to women's (cis and trans included) health in family practice. The funding supports new researchers (family practice residents and/or practitioners) to develop and carry out a pilot or simple research project. The application process is aligned with the resident scholarship project and mentorship is available. Grant amounts are $5,000 for family doctors and $2,500 for family practice residents. For eligibility and application details, please click here. The application deadline is Wednesday, August 26, 2020. Clinicians & administrators: Participate in a short survey about chronic fatigue syndrome Physicians leading a project about patient and clinical stakeholder experiences with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME; also called chronic fatigue syndrome) are seeking clinicians and administrators to participate in a short, five-minute survey to examine ME patient and health service needs. The purpose of the survey is to improve patient care and support, and to inform policy decision making in BC. To participate, please click here and complete the form. The survey closes Tuesday, August 4, 2020. Locums for Rural BC support extended until September Locums for Rural BC, which is funded by the Joint Standing Committee for Rural Issues (JSC) and operated by the Health Employers Association of BC, responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in a variety of ways and to better serve rural communities during this challenging time. The JSC announced approval for the Locums for Rural BC to extend their COVID response until Wednesday September 30, 2020. Support for all Rural Subsidiary Agreement (RSA) communities was introduced by granting access to the three locum programs, namely the Rural General Practitioner Locum Program, Rural General Practitioner Anesthesia Locum Program, and Rural Specialist Locum Program until September 30. THE UPDATE: NEWS FROM THE GPSCKeeping family physicians updated on the GPSC's programs and initiatives, The Update newsletter is published online and automatically emailed to family doctors in BC. Click here to read the past editions of the newsletter. DIVISIONS IN THE NEWSClick here to read the latest news about Divisions of Family Practice in the media. The provincial communications team produces a twice-monthly newsletter designed to keep divisions up-to-date with the Divisions initiative. It is sent to local division executive directors, administration, physician leads, and board members. In order to minimize emails being sent these groups, we try to include as much in these newsletters as possible. We encourage you to share it with your division members at large. If you have a story you would like to submit for consideration, please contact Caroline McGechaen at Media coverage is monitored by the Divisions of Family Practice provincial communications team and compiled on the Divisions in the News page. This issue can also be found on the Divisions of Family Practice website. |