eBulletin | January 2017L–R: WIll Dwyer, RLC's Credit and Debt Solicitor, Jacqui Swinburne, RLC's Acting CEO, and Tim Hammond MP, federal Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs), January 2017. Welcome! Welcome to 2017 and our new look eBulletin! This year, we will be sending out shorter, more frequent updates about specific areas of our work and related changes to the law. This bulletin focuses on RLC's Credit, Debt & Consumer Law Service. 2017 is a particularly significant time for us, as it marks our 40th year providing free legal services to communities in need. We are working on some fantastic celebrations to mark this important occasion, including a fabulous Birthday Fundraising Dinner at Sydney Town Hall on 27 April. We hope that you will join our fundraising celebrations, or consider supporting us by providing an auction prize or making a cash donation to our fundraising appeal. The generosity of community members is a vital part of sustaining our work. I hope that you enjoy our first eBulletin of the year! Don't forget you can also keep updated about RLC's activities through our website and by following us on Facebook and Twitter. Jacqui Swinburne Spotlight on Credit, Debt and Consumer Law ![]() WIll Dwyer displays an archival RLC poster designed by Reg Mombassa. The new year can be a difficult time financially, with many of our clients struggling to meet utility, rental and other payments after the holidays.Unfortunately, end-of-year redundancies and rental evictions are also common, and January is a competitive time for people seeking new employment and housing opportunities.RLC's Credit, Debt and Consumer Law Service regularly assists people in financial hardship, who are anxious and stressed about money problems. Problems commonly occur due to use of finance or credit cards to manage basic living expenses, combined with a change in circumstances, such as loss of employment, accident or illness, which makes it very difficult to meet repayment obligations. RLC continues to encounter people already in financial hardship who access unsuitable financial products, such as payday loans and consumer leases, which inevitably entrench their financial hardship. We can help to find a legal solution, such as negotiating hardship payment arrangements, complaining about breaches of the credit or consumer law through the right channels, or convincing creditors to waive unrecoverable debts. The stories in this bulletin highlight some of our achievements assisting clients with these matters, as well as linking to resources and further information. For the last three years our successful advice service has been built up by the passionate dedication of our much-loved Credit and Debt Solicitor, Will Dwyer. Will is about to commence a well deserved 12-month break, where he will be off on a grand adventure surfing the world! We wish him safe travels and look forward to his return in 2018. Meanwhile, we are excited to welcome our new Credit and Debt Solicitor, Laura Bianchi. Laura has most recently worked for George Newhouse's National Justice Project, having moved to Sydney a year ago after three years at the Aboriginal Legal Service in WA. Laura has a strong interest in policy and law reform issues and we look forward to harnessing her expertise and skill at RLC. RLC works to make positive change to the laws and the legal system in the area of Credit, Debt and Consumer Complaints. Tim Hammond MP |