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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                       Rubio Press Team
February 22, 2016                                         

Minnesota Congressman Erik Paulsen Endorses Marco Rubio For President

Today, Minnesota Congressman Erik Paulsen endorsed Marco Rubio for president. Congressman Paulsen is joining a strong team in Minnesota prepared to help Marco at the March 1 primary. Congressman Paulsen joins Minnesota Congressman John Kline, former Governor Tim Pawlenty and former Senator Norm Coleman, in endorsing Marco. 

Congressman Paulsen was elected to Congress in 2008, representing Minnesota's 3rd congressional district. In Congress, Paulsen has been an advocate for a strong national defense, fiscal responsibility, and defending human life. 

"Marco Rubio is the best choice to unite our party, win in November, and move America forward from the many challenges we face," Congressman Erik Paulsen said. "I am proud to endorse him for President."

“Marco understands the American Dream because he has lived it and he knows that for future generations of Americans to have a shot at that dream, we need a new-generation of conservative leadership in Washington. Marco will be that kind of leader and I’m thrilled to be supporting him,” Congressman Paulsen concluded.
