Sparkin - Moving You Forward April 2020
Stuart Parkin
Narrate A Newsletter For Strategic Problem Solvers

Counter Attacking COVID-19

Who isn't stressed with the effects of COVID-19 from both the perspective of health and job security. I'm no 'crisis' expert but when times are tough, I tend to default to the following.

Professionally - Key actions with clients

One-For-All - Communicating that together we will get through this challenge. This 'needs' to be communicated through words and better still, words and 'actions.'  

Empathetic Communication - Uncertainty is the enemy of business that said, in the midst of this crisis, I don't assume I know what someone else's situation is. I try to listen carefully and communicate an understanding of what I've heard and then work form there.

Positive Mindset - My aim is to project a narrative away from uncertainty and toward one of potential and in so doing, perhaps mitigate the defensive mindset clients might have.

Create Opportunity - There's much I can't control but, I can control how I show up! Talking ideas/opportunity is the way to help a client orient away from challenges/threats.

Personally - Mitigating pressure/buoy mental health)

Two areas I take refuge from stress:

Gratitude - When I'm focused on what I have versus what I don't, I'm not in a negative frame of mind.

Giving - When I'm  helping others, (or trying to!) again I'm not thinking about my situation, I'm focused on others. At the same time when much seems beyond my control, giving is something that not only helps others but it empowers me; I'm in control and making a difference.

I'm here for any of you. Very best wishes, S

Articles and commentary that might be of interest...

Empathetic communication tips

Creating opportunity/Being proactive

Positive thinking

The power of gratitude

Helping others

Stuart: 646-280-5147

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