Since 24 March, the BLS have produced 20 submissions. Some of these submissions have been massive, requiring a review of multiple pieces of legislation, working out emergency measures needed to address the current crisis, and then advising on many more consequential changes needed to allow business to continue to function in a reasonable way. And that is on top of all the confidential briefings via tele and video conferencing with various government departments and agencies.
Incredible work has been done by our members, including the Corporations Committee and the Insolvency & Restructuring Committee. Our Executive worked tirelessly on submissions referring to electronic signatures and authentication of documents during the period of the crisis. The work that has been done by
the Tax Committee, both on its own and as part of the National Tax Liaison Group (comprising members from other tax profession organisations) has been central to several of the legislative measures that have been passed by the government to address the crisis.
We are getting some good recognition of this work:
1. Tax Institute post on LinkedIn.
2. Tax institute website.
3. Recognition in the Corporate Taxpayer’s Association update.
Unfortunately, I fear we have some months to go before we are out of the current mess, but I am confident that the BLS will continue to do its part in helping our profession to be heard.
Greg Rodgers
Business Law Section