Evidence-based practice was a focus of the Cundill Conference. Dr. Darren Courtney presented findings from the Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) Project, which found that the best, most trustworthy, evidence-based guideline for the management of depression in children and youth is Depression in children and young people: Identification and management, developed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom. You can read the research paper here. Dr. Courtney also facilitated a workshop with Emma McCann, Youth Engagement Facilitator, about how to contextualize CPGs for different settings. Both presentations can be found on our website.
The Cundill Centre is working with other settings to determine how CPGs can be implemented. We’ve developed a decision aid (pictured below) that is based on the NICE guidelines and that can be modified appropriately for different environments. Contact us if you’re interested in implementing the guidelines in your setting, or if you’d like a PDF copy of the decision aid.