A Community Based Approach to Health
“It takes a village to raise a child” – this old African proverb still holds true, even in today’s modern world. From the policies that citizens lobby for, the built and natural environments nearby, and the types of community connections which foster a sense of place and belonging for that child, it all relates and affects our health and wellbeing as we grow. But what about adults? Like a child, it takes a community to sustain an adult, too. So, read on for the latest news and stories, with a special focus on those with a holistic, community-based approach to health.
BC Healthy Communities at Different by Design: Exploring Innovation for Rural Prosperity
This year, through our PlanH initiative, we sponsored and participated at the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation’s 29th Annual Conference: Different by Design: Exploring Innovation for Rural Prosperity in Nelson, BC.
At this 4-day event, a series of sessions explored the unique potential and possibilities that exist in rural places. Speakers and breakout groups discussed workforces of tomorrow, our changing environment, creating connections, and communities of opportunity. Over 200 delegates attended, representing rural communities from across Canada and a few international communities from around the world. Read more
Connecting with Local Governments at UBCM
The staff team from BC Healthy Communities (BCHC), on behalf of the PlanH Program, attended the annual UBCM convention tradeshow in Vancouver on Sept 26 and 27th. With almost 2,000 delegates attending, BCHC had many opportunities to hear from local politicians from every corner of the province. Local governments were asked to identify opportunities and/or challenges in their healthy community work. Read more
15 Communities in the Interior and Island Health Authority Regions Receive Funding to boost Physical Activity
BC Healthy Communities Society (BCHC), in partnership with the BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL), has awarded 15 communities that applied for funding to support upstream action to work towards measurable impact on physical activity, and improve opportunities for physical activity in their communities. For more background and a list of successful communities click here
Lower Columbia Region Collaborates on Healthy Communities Plan
More than forty stakeholders from the Lower Columbia Region collaborated over a series of workshops to develop a Healthy Communities Plan. Those involved wrote the plan to create additional support for existing and new initiatives, create efficiencies, and engage stakeholders to work towards a common goal. Read more
BCHC Presenting at the Building SustainABLE Communities through Innovation and Collaboration
BCHC’s Vice-President, Trevor Hancock and Program Manager, Victoria Barr will be presenting at the upcoming Building SustainABLE Communities Conference in Kelowna this November, 2017. To find out more click here
Webinar: Building for mental health: Healthy built environments for children and youth. This webinar will focus on factors in the urban built and social environments that promote child and youth mental health. Monday, December 11, 2017
Paper: 35 Voices on Collaborative Leadership and Co-Creating Cities of the Future. Thirty-five people engaged in co-creating this paper with Tamarack's Mark Holmgren to offer their perspective on collaborative leadership and the role it plays in building the cities of the future. Find it here
New CRD Community Map
Find age-friendly resources in your community using the newly improved CRD Community Map! The map was created to help identify where diverse populations live in the region and what their level of access is to important community assets, including affordable transportation modes, age-friendly services and community facilities. Please tell us what you think by taking a short survey after you’ve tried the map! Funded by Island Health, the Union of BC Municipalities, Victoria Foundation, and the CRD Traffic Safety Commission.
INNOVATE Innovative approaches to promoting population mental health and well-being
Dr. Margaret Barry’s lecture, titled “Innovative approaches to promoting population mental health and well-being: Who needs to be engaged for effective action?,” addresses the need for innovative policies and approaches to address the social determinants of mental health (SDMH) and considers what it means to adopt whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches to promoting population mental health and well-being. Watch the lecture here.