Expanding Our Views: One Month at a Time vol. 20
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April & Creating Space


Last month we talked about "letting go". This month I want explore the space that gets created when we consciously allow ourselves that release. 


"Out with the old and in with the new" isn't just about clearing out material objects but also ideas, values and influences which no longer propel us forward in our understanding of ourselves.


My New Truth


As we "create space" and shed the layers put upon us by others, releasing the image of what we think our lives should look like, embracing what our hearts say and where they lead us, that space will begin to fill with love. Once that happens, our potential for growth soars.

Lately I find that the more "space I create" by letting go of negative thoughts, past hurts, stories I've made up and other people's influences (particularly societal) the more I notice positive, loving and abundant "coincidences" happening in my life. I also find myself more drawn to things that will effectively help other people & the world as a whole, and less to pursuing goals that will only reach a few and mostly speak to the ego. 

At first I thought this meant turning away from acting, but I realize now it's quite the opposite. I recognize my acting career as something that fuels my soul and feeds my creative fire. However, once I began to shed the IMAGE I had of what I thought that career path should look like, more space was created for unseen and untapped opportunities to flow in. It became less of a job to stress and worry about and more of a journey to enjoy and be excited by.

With that "letting go" came another opportunity to honour a path which I also enjoy and have a talent for. Following my passion brought me to New York, and now it has led me to the world of energetic healing. It's stuff that once upon a time I would have been very skeptical about, but as it embeds deeper into my life and as I trust my intuition more and more, the proof has been irrefutable.


If we focus on sending thoughts of love and compassion to and through our bodies we will watch it echo throughout our entire existence.


Now What?

So we want to create space. How do we do that? I love being extra mindful around the full moon and new moon times of the month. That's a big magnet up there and if it has the power to create shifts in the water which make up 70-75% of this planet, I believe it also has the power to affect our bodies and minds on a more personal level (take note that we are ALSO made up of about 75% water). 

It has been said that "the light that the full moon offers illuminates those things which are interfering with our spiritual advancements. Once we have become enlightened to ways that are blocking us, the easier it will be to let go."


My suggestion is this:

  • Around the new moon make a list of intentions or goals.  
  • At the full moon write down things, people, emotions or ideas that you want to release, or that you feel aren't benefiting you anymore. 

That's all. Just make a list

Try it out and see how it makes you feel. The worst thing that can happen is you bring awareness to something that has perhaps been a bit hidden.


Some Food & Science for Thought


This is an excerpt from an article about helping children eat healthier: 

"Most children would happily trade in their candy for a basket of fresh, sweet raspberries. However, the more children are fed addictive foods, the stronger grows their dependency upon them. Many modern foods contain unnatural sweeteners and powerful stimulants that provide overwhelming sensory stimulation. The concentrated flavours and smells of highly processed and refined foods stimulate the nine thousand taste buds on the tongue and the 40 million olfactory receptor neurons in the nose, sending pleasure signals rushing to the brain. On top of this, the body must cope with an enormous surge of unnatural substances. The body adjusts to them because it must always maintain its chemical balance (homeostasis) to continue to operate. If these substances are ingested daily, the body adapts to accommodate these stimulants and eventually depends upon them for maintaining homeostatic balance. The removal of these foods will cause withdrawal. During withdrawal, the body suffers through a stressful readjustment as it cries out for the missing substance, attempting to attain homeostasis by demanding the very substance that caused the imbalance to begin with. Therefore, due to the addictive nature of stimulating foods, by the time children are five years old, they may no longer prefer the healthy foods that their bodies would otherwise naturally crave."



I Have "Drunk the Kool-Aid" 

A rant about polarity, DNA and the moon


I'm a real sucker for serendipity, which I would say I experience pretty often. Actually, I believe we create everything that shows up in our lives, so when something serendipitous happens I take it as direct proof of my powers of intention.

Quote break!

"There is nothing in our lives that we did not at one point drive a hard bargain for."

continue reading: www.jenniferpolansky.ca/blog/tue-apr-7-2015


Beautiful Words to Leave off With Which We Should All Take to Heart, Always

The following words come from a website I have quoted before. It's a website in which the sole purpose seems to be t spread love, awareness and deeper understanding. It's incredible. 

“You are intrinsically worthy. Become aware of anything that suggests you are not worthy to receive all that you desire. Self judgment can seriously hamper your evolution. Love yourself.

“Remember: beliefs that are ready to be transformed show you the way through their shadows.

“Be willing to follow your process into seeming darkness and discomfort, to find the gifts being offered there, apparent enclosures and limitations are only disguised opportunities to expand.


“In the natural process of unfoldment, there are no victims and no blame. Whatever position you take in this natural evolutionary playing field is neither right nor wrong; rather, all that happens is for your awareness and growth. From this position of nonjudgment, you can move through lessons more quickly.

“If you don’t pick up the meaning of particular lesson, you may feel stuck with it until you discover the gift or teaching it holds. Often what is being passed by this ‘stuckness’ is a shift in attitude or belief structure. This may be as simple as changing your position, trying on the other side of the polarity of the situation.

“If you feel stuck in situations that seem to keep repeating themselves, this is a sign of a core issue. Core issues themselves hold deep truths and life lessons. Give yourself allowance and understanding of your human process.
