Message from the Principal
Photo above: Interhouse Athletics Carnival.
Dear Parents,
Kennedy Baptist College has several compulsory events for students during the year. These events are great opportunities to come together as a whole school and support the College values and each other. Last week’s Interhouse Athletics Carnival was a great success and a wonderful opportunity for the College to work together and reinforce the collaborative spirit at Kennedy. I would like to congratulate our students on a fantastic day for the way they approached this event and enthusiastically represented their Houses throughout the competition. Final results and prizes will be presented at our next Assembly on Wednesday 20 September.
Open Day: Saturday 26 August
A reminder that Open Day is fast approaching. We hope you can join us during the day to experience the exceptional opportunities that our students have embraced. Thank you to all our families who have made generous donations to our Parents and Friends Association for the day, your contributions are greatly appreciated.
NAPLAN data for 2017 was released to schools on Tuesday 8 August and our Year 7 and 9 students have achieved very well across all assessments.
There are two points I would like to highlight:
Our students have achieved well above the state and national means for all test results.
Secondly, the last graph and statistics show how the Year 9 student’s growth compares to the growth across the Nation. You can see that the improved achievement in our Year 9 cohort exceeds the improvement across the Nation. It could be said that Kennedy has ‘added value’ to the education of the Year 9 students since their Year 7 NAPLAN achievement.
A great effort by our Year 7 and 9 students. These results will be published on the “My Schools” website later this year. Please click here for more information and statistics.
Mr Mark Ashby
May your Kingdom come soon
May your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven. - Matthew 6:10
I love where the New Living Translation places the emphasis - “soon”. It is the “longing heart” that is encapsulated in this one word. Soon. In reading this verse, the Kingdom seems to be depicted as a future event but the reality is found in the word ‘soon” for this Kingdom is not limited by time, space or even the borders of a town or a country. No. This kingdom is everywhere that God is King. It is within every person who claims Him as their God. It was not only then, it is also now and it will be in the future. At each point of time there is the Kingdom of God.
What is even more amazing though is that, what the heart is longing for is a world that is a perfect image of heaven. A world where there is no more sickness, disease, gossip, tears, threats of war etc. but rather that it be a place of peace, of hope and unconditional love. There is a more personal aspect to this verse as well, in that if we are part of His Kingdom, then we can command (the statements are in the imperative) that our lives reflect His reign in heaven.
This short verse is one imperative after another imperative; one command after another command. God is shown to be actively involved in the outcome of this prayer and we are to simply accept the benefits of what is already true in Heaven – the wonder and fullness of the grace of God revealed through His will. Our God is an interventionist God and all we need to do is believe.
Year 7 Report
With the second half of the year well on its way and reports having gone out at the end of last term, it is now an important time for Year 7 students to renew their commitment to their studies and reinvigorate their desire to achieve. As my inaugural address to the students back in Term 1 clearly stated, the greatest thing that impacts a student’s performance at College is their effort levels. There is a clear link between the amount of effort a student puts into their study and their achievement. This is not to say that all students who work hard will achieve A grades; rather it allows students to achieve their maximum potential and be proud of what they have achieved – whichever grade that may be. The knowledge that students have tried their hardest and done their best will allow them to be proud of their achievement at any level.
The Year 7 student council organised a social for the Year 7 cohort on Friday 11 August at Tropical Twist indoor play centre. This was a great opportunity for students to engage with each other in an alternative setting to the College.
Photos above: Year 7s at Tropical Twist indoor play centre.
Year 8 Report
'This year has been a great year for the Student Council and especially for the Year 8 Councilors. So far we enjoyed a social and it was a fun way to bring our year group closer to each other. We had Community Service at Shelley Foreshore and we also planted trees. We had Extended Form activities, which consisted of games and interaction with the whole year group. I really enjoy being a Student Councilor because we got to represent our year group.' - Written by Nick Payne.
I have included this blurb from our Year 8 Student Councilor to show how much fun students can have when they get involved and how much they can benefit from the opportunities given to them by the College. We also have our Community Service events and the purpose is to make a positive difference in the community and to teach the students the importance of doing things for others with no reward. This is proven to be a key factor to achieving happiness and increased self-respect. This term we had an excellent talk in Extended Form by Mr Basile about self-respect and respecting others. It helped students understand themselves better and understand how they can build their self-esteem and reputation.
Please note that our next social will be at Lazer Blaze in Southlands on 13 September, Week 9. This event is normally well attended.
Finally, I would like to congratulate all students who received awards at the Awards Assembly and also to congratulate all who did their best in Semester One. The Year 8s are a lovely year group and I am very proud of them.
Photos above: Year 8 students at Shelley Foreshore.
Year 9 Report
The term is passing by so quickly. Last week we had our annual Interhouse Athletics Carnival at the State Athletics Centre and I was proud of the athletes that I saw competing in the main stadium; it was great to watch our Year 9 students participating to the best of their ability. I have heard positive reports from the Physical Education Department in regards to the effort and participation levels of those students not competing in the main carnival but who had the opportunity to do tabloids and mini games and still be able to earn points for their House. I love that these students still have an opportunity to be involved and active on the day and a big congratulations on such great behaviour and participation.
On Friday, we had 36 Year 9 students come to our Ice skating social event. The students had a fantastic time and it was great to watch them enjoying each other’s company and build and strengthen their relationships.
Yesterday our King Form classes had the opportunity to serve the community as they joined me with the residents of St Bartholomew’s house. In Term 4, we will be going to Bounce which I know the students are looking forward to. I love the opportunities that Kennedy provide to our students. The variety in the past two weeks of Year 9 and College activities is a testament to this.
Photos above: Year 9 students ice skating social event.
Year 10 Report
A lot has happened within the Year 10 cohort since my last newsletter article. Predominately our Tree Planting Community Service, some excellent Wednesday Period 1 activities, the Interhouse Athletics Carnival and of course, holidays. As for tree planting; our students had a great time - as explained by the article below.
‘Over the first three periods of College on Wednesday and Thursday of Week 8, Term 2, all Year 10 students took part in a tree planting and bushwalking community service activity at Manning Park. Upon our arrival, we were separated into two smaller groups, both to complete the bushwalking and tree planting activity. The bushwalk took us through Manning Park, and we learnt about the history of the Davilak Ruins and Azelia Homestead. Each group conquered the 192 Manning Stairs and everyone was rewarded with the beautiful views looking out over the Beeliar Wetlands and Manning Lake. We were then given instructions and guided through the tree planting activity by City of Cockburn parks and environment personnel, and as a group we planted around 2000 trees in hopes of making Manning Park a happier and healthier place for the future, a great effort by the
Year 10 cohort! This community service was a great experience for everyone, thank you to all the staff and students who got involved!’ - Written by Keely Hatch.
Yesterday in Extended Form we had a talk from Frames Initiatives about protective behaviours, particularly on the subject of Sexual Harassment. Please use this as an opportunity to talk with your child about this very important issue.
Upcoming in the Year 10 calendar; we have a social to Rockface Rock Climbing on 30 August. We have limited places so please get your permission slips in as soon as possible. The Year 10 Formal will be held on Thursday 26 October, please save the date.
Photos above: Year 10 students at their community service activity at Manning Park.
Year 11 Report
Over the holidays, a group of Year 11 students travelled to Cambodia to spend some time volunteering for the less fortunate. Students spent eight hours a day teaching English to children in learning centres in Phnom Penh, as well as a few days exploring the temples at Angkor Wat in Siem Reap. All those who attended the trip agreed that it was a life changing experience and enjoyed the opportunity to bless people in another part of the world.
Term 3 began with an Awards Assembly, where we recognised students for their fantastic efforts in Semester One. Certificates of Excellence were awarded to the top student in each subject and Certificates of Achievement to students who achieved four or more A grades. The Academic House Awards were awarded to the top five students overall, which for Semester One was one Eyre student and four Forrest students. During Extended Form in Week 2, we had a character building session, where students were encouraged to reflect on how valuable they are. Mrs Batley shared with the cohort how precious we are in the eyes of God, students shared with one another their appreciation for each other and Form teachers encouraged their classes. At this stage of their education journey, a lot of emphasis is put on tertiary study, careers and plans for the future. During this session, students were encouraged
to think about the person they want to be in the future.
Last Friday night, 163 students dressed their best for a night of food, fun and dancing aboard the MV James Stirling. At 7.00pm, we left the Barrack Street Jetty and it was not long before everyone hit the dance floor. We had a short break for dinner and then dancing resumed! The night was finished off with a few awards and a lolly bag for everyone to take home. Everyone had a great time and looked amazing!
I have really enjoyed the first few weeks as Acting Head of Year 11. It has been fantastic to build meaningful relationships with students, and have the opportunity to encourage them to be the best they can be. I will be Acting Head of Year 11 until the end of this year.
Photos above: Year 11 social event.
Year 12 Report
The winter term has arrived and with it, many of the Year 12 students have been unwell with colds and flu. It is especially important this term to eat well, get enough sleep and still do some exercise, even if the temptation is to stay inside and study for tests.
In preparation for the future and in particular applying for places at university or TAFE, we had two speakers last week from TISC and TAFE, who outlined the application process for all students. The important TISC date for ATAR students and those who are applying for Foundation / Preparation courses at the various universities is 29 September, which is the cut-off date for preferences. It is possible to apply after that date but students will have to pay a hefty late fee. It should be noted that once students have put in their preferences they can go back to the site and change their preferences right up to after the results come out. Students are not locked into any preferences they place when registering and can change them as many times as they like. Applications for TAFE enrolments are online and open at the beginning of September.
All students should be meeting with their mentors soon to receive university information and their student information slip for the exams.
In preparation for Leavers Week (Monday 20 - Thursday 23 November 2017), Dan McGrechan from Frame Initiatives spoke to the students this week about ways to be kept safe while they attend leavers week. Dan is a very engaging speaker and the students really appreciated his very practical advice. A recommended government website for further information is www.leaverswa.com.au
A letter was sent home with the students regarding the Year 12 Spring Fling event which will be held on Friday 1 September. This event is only for Year 12 students at Kennedy. All information is in the letter including an individual student code to be used when paying for the event through the portal that has been set up by the school. This will be the final social event for the year and we trust that the students enjoy the ‘Dress Up’ theme on the night.
International Students Visit Kennedy
On two separate Wednesdays, two groups of Japanese and China students visited Kennedy Baptist College as part of their cultural tour of Western Australia. Students had the opportunity to join in on Extended Form activities in the morning and take a tour through the College for the rest of the day.
Mrs Mandy Beaurain
Public Relations Assistant
Photo above: Kohan boys enjoyed their visit.
Photo above: China students enjoyed their visit.
Dance Showcase 2017
On Friday the 4 August the Dance department had their annual Dance Showcase, “Come Fly With Me”. The theme this year was "Around the World" with 130 students performing a range of dances including dance routines from Spain, France, China, Brazil, India and Australia.
Students performed with professionalism and did a fantastic job with hard work, extra rehearsals and commitment resulting in an outstanding and successful show.
A huge thank you goes to all the students and staff involved.
Many thanks on an outstanding show!
Mrs Lara Del Basso & Mrs Kelly Mayne
Dance Teachers
Photos above: Students performing at the Dance Showcase 2017.
College Fees
Unknown Deposits
The following deposits have been made to the College's bank account. Details are as below:
24/07/2017 NSW Customer Service Centre
If you have made any of these deposits please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 or email mwillans@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Community Open Day 2017
Community Open Day will be held on Saturday 26 August.
Open Day is a great way to see the College campus, view student work and meet Kennedy staff. The College will be open from 10.00am - 2.00pm. We hope that you set aside this day to join us for amazing food, free events and great entertainment.
For more information about our Community Open Day or to book a tour, please visit our website here
Come support the Parents & Friends Association on Open Day by buying some delicious jams! For more information on how to get involved on the day, please contact the P&F by email.
Students at Work and Excursion Updates
Media in Class - Television Production
It’s lights, camera and action for the Year 10 Media students who have been shooting a sports panel TV show using the studio and set built in the Media Department.
While some students prefer to be in front of the camera, as panellists discussing the latest sports news, others prefer to work behind the camera and in the studio control room. It is a mixture of fun and pressure as the students gain ‘live’ production skills that will particularly be of benefit to students who decide to follow a career in television.
Mr Paul Wilkins
Media Teacher
Photos above: Year 10 Media students.
Sport at Kennedy
Basketball Tournament
Our Junior boys and girls participated in our SSWA basketball tournament on Monday 31 July. Our boys basketball had a great day, with some fantastic wins and a couple of close loses. To finish 2nd and qualify for the finals later this term.
On Tuesday 1 August the girls basketball team had their tournament and they started off with a great game against Melville College and All Saints College and went into their third game needing a win over Corpus Christi College to finish 2nd and automatically qualify for the finals. After a close tussle and an intense last three minutes of the game, the girls came agonisingly close losing by one point.
Both teams had an exciting day and it was great to see Year 7-9 students working together representing the College. We look forward to the finals.
Mr Scott Britza
Health & Physical Educational Teacher
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
The Interhouse Athletics Carnival for 2017 was a resounding success. It was held on Thursday 10 August and the weather was ideal, providing excellent conditions for competitors and spectators. Students performed exceptionally well throughout the day. A special mention to some of Year 12 students who have been wonderful ambassadors for Kennedy in the field of Athletics for the last 5 years: Alex Fraser, Ashleigh Black, Hayley Mant, Savannah Mitchell, Nathan George, Reid Hinton, Tawana Kwaramba.
The combination of both the tabloid and main stadium events created the overall total for the 2017 carnival. Final results and prizes will be presented at our next Assembly on Wednesday 20 September. Thank you to all students who participated in the annual House event. Please click here for more photos.
Mr Jonathon Wood
Head of Learning Area, Health & Physical Educational
College Notices
Father' s Day Breakfast at Kennedy
We wish to extend an Invitation to the Fathers & Grandfathers of the Kennedy Community. Please join us for this year's Fathers' Day breakfast.
Date: Thursday 31 August 2017
Venue: Staff Lounge
Time: 7.15am - 8.30am
Guest Speaker: Dr Phil Ridden, Member of the College Board
For catering purposes, we would appreciate your RSVP to Mrs Janet Hair by clicking here before Friday 25 August 2017.
Confidential School Results Survey
As part of our ongoing commitment to continually improving the College, we believe it is critical to seek feedback on a range of issues relating to Kennedy Baptist College.
We have engaged the professional services of MYP Corporation (MYPCorp) to undertake a strictly private and confidential School Results Survey on our behalf. The survey should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes and will need to be completed online between Monday 28 August and Friday 15 September. More information will be communicated after our Community Open Day.
Arts Showcase 2017
The Kennedy Arts Department presents, 'Those Were The Days'.
Date: Wednesday 23 August 2017
Venue: Kennedy Auditorium
Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Cost: Entry By Donation
Pre-show commences in the Lower Foyer at 6.00pm with interactive
displays, light refreshments and live music. The show continues in the
Auditorium with a Mixed Media production. Grab some delicious food from Gary’s Diner, Mr Mocha Coffee and Miss Tartufo Gelati. Dress up in your best 60’s outfit and join us as we journey back in time for an evening of fun and entertainment.
VET in School Applications
VET in School Applications for 2018 are due 1 September 2017. Information about the courses can be accessed via the College website Learning at Kennedy - VET in School. Please click here for more information.
Free Coffee on Friday
25 August 2017
We will be hosting 98five Sonshine FM Free Coffee Friday live from Kennedy in the early morning on 25 August.
We would like to invite parents to indulge a cuppa as you drop off your child that morning. (Numbers are limited.)
Helpers for Upcoming Fitting Days
We are looking for parent helpers for the upcoming fitting days for the new Year 7 students. It will be on the following Saturdays:
Saturday 2 September
Saturday 9 September and
Saturday 16 September
Help is needed for the morning, 8.00am until 12.00noon and the afternoon from 12.45pm to 5.00pm on these days.
Please contact Kerry in the Uniform Shop by either phoning the College (phone 93147722) or by email: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Parents & Friends Association
Community Open Day
Open Day is a great opportunity for current and future families to come and see what has been happening in the life of our College. Student work will be on display, presentations will take place and an opportunity exists for you to have a look at the new Sport and Fitness Centre. Please see more details below.
Next P&F Meeting
Wrapping with the P&F - 24 August (Please see details below).
Please email the P&F on pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com to book a spot or ask any questions.
We need volunteers before the day:
Wrapping with the P&F - Please see Silent Auction details
Baking of cakes, scones, biscuits, cupcakes for the Cake Stall and Devonshire Tea
We need volunteers on the day:
We are looking for more volunteers to assist us for a few hours or all day.
Cake stall
Devonshire tea
Sausage sizzle
Paella stall
Set up team
Pack up team
Please contact the P&F here if you are available.
Donations of Year Group Items:
Baked Goods for Cake Stall:
Guidelines for cakes:
No cream or custard fillings. Baked items are to be covered and labelled with information including type of item, date baked and list of ingredients. We would love some gluten free items too.
Drop off instructions:
Baked goods are to be dropped off on:
Friday 25 August from 9.00am at the Staff Lounge or at Beedawong Cafeteria.
Saturday 26 August from 9.00am at the Cake Stall located behind the Administration building.
Silent Auction and Wrapping with the P&F
Wrapping with the P&F of all Silent Auction items will be on 24 August at 6.00pm at the College.
For our Open Day Silent Auction, each year group is asked to donate a certain theme, as listed above. We would welcome any other large ticket items/ donations which parents or businesses may be willing to donate to the Silent Auctions. All items are to be new, unused and non-perishable please.
Donations of items for silent auction hampers by year group is as follow:
Year 7 - BBQ and Garden Items
Year 8 - Chocolates and Lollies
Year 9 - Toiletries/Hair related products
Year 10 - Pet Items
Year 11 - Gourmet & Kitchen Items.
Year 12 - Sport and Stationery items.
Items are to be dropped off at Student Services by Tuesday 22 August.
Buy a Paver
We are selling pavers with your name on it that will be permanently installed near the Research and Study Centre. The cost per paver is $50. All the details are on the form. The closing date for ordering your own paver is 31 August 2017. Please click here for order form.
Community Events
2017 School Holidays. Academic Associates UWA Revision Courses offer Year 12 students intensive revision and preparation for ATAR exams in an effective and time efficient manner.
Book online at Academic Associates before Monday September 4, 2017 and receive one FREE Weekend Tuition Help session valued at $42.00.
Bibra Lake Primary School Is 30! A day of celebration is planned for Saturday 26 August from 1.00pm to 5.00pm. www.bibralakeps.wa.edu.au
Your children can join in the fun of learning to swim in lessons conducted at pools and open water venues across the State. VacSwim is for all children - from beginners through to advanced survival, rescue and resuscitation.
Enrolments for our October school holiday swimming lessons are now open and families can enrol online. Enrolments for the nine day October program close Sunday 20 August 2017. Enrolments for the five day October program close Sunday 27 August 2017.
To find out more about VacSwim and to enrol online please visit education.wa.edu.au/swimming
University of Notre Dame Open Day! Sunday 20 August at the University of Notre Dame Fremantle Campus. Please click here for more information.
Admissions Information & Expo Evening will be held on Tuesday 5 September at ND1 (Foley Hall), 19 Mouat Street Fremantle at 5:30pm expo, 6:15pm presentation. Find out all about Notre Dame’s unique admissions process, the Notre Dame pathway program and hear from current students.
2017 Term 3 School Holiday, ATAR Revision Program for years 11 & 12 students.
Early Bird Offer: 10% Discount. Enrol early to secure a place! If you enrol with full payment before Monday 4 September you will save 10%!
Pathways and TISC Information Evenings below:
Mandurah Campus, Wednesday 23 August, 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Perth Campus, Wednesday 30 August, 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Join us to hear more about the TISC application process.
You’ll learn about key dates, fees, how to choose your preferences, when you can expect to receive your university offer and pathways into university.
Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. We aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships.
Parenting Courses September 2017 are now available. Please click here for more information.