Message from the Principal
Dear Parents & Families,
It was wonderful to celebrate Semester One achievements with our Senior School students on Wednesday and I acknowledge the successes of so many students. Next week we have the opportunity to celebrate with our Lower School students and welcome all families to join us and recognise these great achievements across all Learning Areas.
As we approach the end of Term 2 I would like to congratulate all students on their hard work and thank them for contributing to all aspects of College life. Kennedy offers many opportunities for students and it has been very pleasing to see so many embrace the extra-curricular activities that have been made available to them. So far this semester has included:
A range of inter-school sport competitions including the SAS program and our specialists sports programs.
Ongoing academic tutoring for all students.
Numerous Arts based performances and excursions.
The Schools Mock Trials competitions for Senior School students.
A very successful Study Tour to China.
Next week, 30 Year 10 students will spend the first week of the holidays skiing in Queenstown, New Zealand and experience a range of cultural and adventure based activities.
I am sure I have missed many other components of our extra-curricular life. It is this wide range of activities that make Kennedy a vibrant and dynamic College and it is so pleasing to see families welcome and accept the opportunities available. On behalf of the Kennedy staff I wish everyone a safe and relaxing semester break.
Mr Mark Ashby
Year 10 to 12 Semester One Academic Awards Assembly
The following awards were presented during the Assembly:
Certificate of Excellence
Cross Country Awards
Certificate of Achievement
Academic House Award (Top 5 Students in their year group)
The Duke of Edinburgh Award
Click here for photos.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award
Congratulations to Ross Robinson for receiving his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. A great achievement! Well done.
As we come to the end of Semester One, it is interesting to look back over these last two terms. Please take the time to contemplate the many changes that have taken place, whether they are physical, emotional or spiritual, and recognise that none of us are the same as we were at the beginning of 2016. It is also true that, as we look forward, we know that we will change over the next two terms. Some of you, especially those in Year 12 or those who have a Year 12 student, will be facing challenges and change that may seem, at this time, monumental. A new world beckons.
Students are making choices as to their career path and what subjects would best fit that path, with the understanding that there may be careers that haven’t yet been created, waiting for them. These changes and decisions all come with a heady mix of excitement and nervousness. It is into this very space that Scripture speaks so directly and so clearly. From the sermons of Jesus through to the writings of Paul there is this theme that we are not to be anxious. Whether it is in Matthew, Luke or even in Paul’s letter to the Philippian Church there is the acknowledgement of the truth that there are events which will cause us anxiety. As we journey through those events, we are to place ourselves under the protection of the God who cares. We are to allow Him to be our place of
peace and to know, as the hymn writer Horatio Spafford wrote, after he had lost so much, “… it is well, it is well, with my soul.”
Year 7 House Captain Representatives
Photo above from left to right: Brandon George, Hamish Wardell–Johnson, Tyler Jones, Ella Brimage
The Kennedy Baptist College House system is designed to enable students to further develop a sense of identity and belonging at Kennedy. Each student at the College is allocated to one of our four Houses: Eyre, Forrest, King and Stirling.
During Week 8 of Term 2 the Year 7 students had the opportunity to vote for their House Captains. The following students have been selected as the Year 7 House Captains for 2016:
Brandon George - Stirling
Hamish Wardell–Johnson - King
Tyler Jones - Forrest
Ella Brimage - Eyre
Talented Music Students Perform
The Kennedy Music Night was held in the Auditorium on Tuesday 14 June and showcased a variety of talented music students from Year 7 to 12. Performances were of an excellent standard and it was such a pleasure to see friends, families, and staff coming to support the students.
A huge thank you to all the Arts staff that contributed and helped to make it such a successful night.
Mrs Alicia Vandepeer
Music Teacher and Coordinator of Instrumental Music
Year 10 Fine Arts students win 2016 Atwell Youth Award
Photo above: Year 10 Fine Arts students won the Special Challenge:
Recycled Materials Category - "Obsessions of a Chocoholic".
Atwell Arts Centre's popular annual Youth Art Awards winners were announced Thursday 16 June. The exhibition celebrates the creative work of high-school students aged 12 to 18 and has been running for fourteen consecutive years.
Each year, there is an 'Object of Interest'. This year's Object of Interest was 'Chocolate: Irresistible Paradox'. A group of 18 Kennedy Baptist College Year 10 Fine Arts students collaborated to produce a mixed media installation work using recycled materials. Their work, entitled "Obsessions of a Chocoholic,” won the Special Challenge: Recycled Materials Category.
The judge, Julian Neil, commented on their entry as follows:
“Chocolate is a hard topic to pass by. This collection provides a powerful commentary on the highly coveted and worshipped food group as both a positive and enjoyable element or an agent of gluttony and guilt in many a person’s life. The vibrant wrappers, warm tones of the cushions and intricate linework of the drawings and paintings create a worthy shrine to the humble cocoa bean.”
The exhibition will be on display from Saturday 9 June to Thursday 23 June, Monday to Saturday, 10.00am to 4.00pm.
Linda Ang
Public Relations
Kennedy Portrait Photography Competition
Photo: Mr. Ashby presents Elise Stallard with her prize.
Congratulations to Elise Stallard, Year 10, for winning the
Portrait Photography Competition. Elise is a keen photographer,
enjoying her work in Photography class and the Photography Club.
Elise was awarded a $50.00 Garden City voucher and points for King House.
Mr Paul Wilkins
Photography Teacher
Shakespeare Competition Winners
The following students were the winners of the ‘Shakespeare: 400 years dead and still read’ competitions hosted by the Research and Study Centre:
Performance of at least 12 lines of a Shakespearean play. Winner: Year 10 Alex Kous
Creating a poster advertising one Shakespearean play. Winner: Year 8 Ellie Bailey
Year 10 AFL School Boys Cup
The Year 10 Boys played three matches at the carnival against All Saints, CBC and Ursula Frayne on Wednesday 15 June at Sutherlands Park, Huntingdale. Kennedy won two out of the three games having to adapt from a small field to a large field.
Some highlights included Ryan ‘The Furnace’ Fernie's pace and goal kicking up forward, Finn’s scoop and handballing in the backline and Kain’s committed repeat efforts in contests during the match.
Best players were: Brayden Forrest, Ben Garbin and Kain Davidson.
Congratulations to all on a fine effort.
Mr Jonathan Miles
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Excursion Update and Students at Work
Perth Zoo Photography Trip
In winter you take your chances with the weather, so it was fortunate for the Year 10 photography students that our Photography morning was cool and sunny. It was a perfect day for creating animal portraits at the Perth Zoo.
The zoo is a wonderful place to take photographs. Some of the students took advantage of the free talks, animal walks and feeding to capture interesting action shots.
I look forward to assessing the students work.
Mr Paul Wilkins
Photography Teacher
Aurecon Bridge Building
Some very exciting things have been happening in Design and Technology classes this Semester. Year 8 and 9 students have been designing and building popsicle bridges for an in-class competition in preparation for the Aurecon Bridge Building Competition held each year in Term 3.
This year the College has decided to open the competition to Year 8 students and has committed to taking three Year 8s and three Year 9s. The students chosen to represent the College are:
Year 8 - Declan Ogilvy, Daniel Wallington, Jordan Allen.
Year 9 - Ryan Becker, Will Rusiti, Abraham Doss.
We wish these students all the best as they design and build their bridges to take to the competition. The competition will be held on 3 August at SciTech in Perth.
Mr Bradley Gunter
Design and Technology Teacher
Back To School Information
Term 2 concludes for students on 30 June 2016. Term 3 will commence on Tuesday 19 July 2016 at 8.15am.
The administration office will re-open on Monday 11 July. We hope that you have a restful and safe semester break.
Student Medication
Kennedy Baptist College can only administer paracetamol to students with parental consent.
If your child has a condition requiring medication and you wish them to take the medication at school, please complete a medication form which is available from the Sick Bay. Form is avalible on SEQTA. Please be advised students are not permited to cary medication on them at College. Exceptions being Epipen or ventolin.
Uniform Shop Hours
The uniform shop will be open on the following days during the semester break:
Monday 11 July, 8.30am - 3.30pm
Tuesday 12 July, 8.30am - 3.30pm
Wednesday 13 July, 8.30am - 3.30pm
Please contact Mrs Kerry James kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au for any enquiries or information.
College Fees
Family Statements will be posted to all families in the second week of the semester break.
For Term & Semester payments (Option 2 and 3) fees are due Friday 29 July. The fees can be paid by BPay, EFTPOS, cheque or cash. For monthly payments (Option 4) please check that the fees have been deducted each month from February - June.
Extra Charges: If extra charges have been added due to subject changes, camps etc. please make a one off payment to cover the charge. Please check for any payments missed as all fees need to be paid in full by 30 October 2016.
Please refer all queries regarding your statement to Mrs Michelle Willans on
9314 7722 or email mwillans@kennedy.wa.edu.au
USA International Study Tour
Parents/Guardians of current Year 9 and 10 students, there are still a few spots remaining on the USA International Study Tour taking place in April 2017. The trip costs $7,800 for approximately 17 amazing, life-changing days.
For more information please contact the tour coordinator, Mr Rick Cricelli rcricelli@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Other Trips & Tours offered at Kennedy Baptist College
Find out more here.
Schedule List of Events for Universities
Friday 24 June
Health Sciences Symposium at Notre Dame University
Tuesday 28
June Engineering Information Evening at UWA
Wednesday 29 June
Health Careers Evening at Murdoch University
Alice in Wonderland
4 August and 5 August
We are happy to announce that tickets are now available for, Alice in Wonderland! Performed by students from Year 7 to 11, the 1 hour pantomime is guaranteed to entertain both young and old! Tickets are $10 each and are available from Student Services.
Refreshments will be available for purchase from 6.15pm. Performance time at 7.00pm in the Auditorium.
Celebrating Student Achievement
Benjamin Wai
Congratulations to Benjamin Wai who has been selected in the 10 - 19 Years SSWA Swimming Team to travel to Darwin, Northern Territory in September.
We wish Benjamin all the best.
Parents & Friends Association And Open Day
Open Day at Kennedy Baptist College
Saturday 27 August - 10.00am to 2.00pm
Further details about the planning for this year's Open Day - It is a wonderful event where we invite the community to come and see our College, and an opportunity for parents and families to see their child's work showcased. There will be food stalls and lots of interactive activities to keep all ages amused.
More information will be coming in Term 3 on how to get involved, but in the mean timehere are some things we would like you to consider as to how you can help with Open Day:
Saving clean glass jars to donate - Please do not bring them to the College yet - we will be asking for clean jars for jam, lemon curd, chutneys etc. Please remove all the labels, and keep an eye out for when we need them.
Making things to donate to our stalls - such as homemade candles, soaps, bath-bombs, jams. Items with a long shelf life please. We will let you know when to bring them into the College, in Term 3. Labelling of ingredients is needed.
Donations of items for Silent Auction - Items that tie in with the theme for each year group have been sent out in Form. Click here for item list. Items are to be dropped off at Student Services by the end of Week 3, Friday 5 August 2016.
Volunteering for Open Day - We are looking for people to help with the planning and organising, such as co-ordinators. If you would like to join the team then please email us on pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com. We will also be asking for volunteers on the day.
Are you an experienced Thermomix jam maker? We are planning a jam making afternoon to make jam supplies for our Open Day stall. This will take place on Saturday 30 July from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at Beedawong Cafeteria. If you are a keen Thermomix jam maker we would love to hear from you. Can you contact us via email : pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com.
Wishing you all a delightful semester break. See you in Term 3.
Entertainment Book
All ordered books are now ready for collection from the College Reception. Please note that all books must be signed for on collection - even if it is your child who is picking it up.
Thank you to everyone who has bought a book (or two) this year. There are still books available, please click here to order!
Community Events
LifeStreams Christian Church is proud to present:
4 to 8 July 2016
$45 a day or $200 for all 5 days. Price includes all food & activities. Fee help is available if eligible. Speak with Sharni.
At the George Burnett Leisure Centre, Manning Road, Karawara
To register click here. For more enquiries call 0417 051 673 or email us on uproar@lifestreamscc.com or click here.
Holiday revision classes at Scholastic Excellence.
Scholastic Excellence is reputed for providing quality academic tuition for students ranging from Year 4 to 12.
Our Accelerated Program has given advanced students the competitive edge in NAPLAN and WACE exams. Our students' improvements and results in the NAPLAN and TEE/WACE are testament to our success.
Call 9455 6808 or email www.scholasticexcellence.com.au
Lakeside Recreation Fitness Centre has something for everyone.
We would love to offer a 12 week package to the staff, parents and students at Kennedy. The cost is $150 which includes: nutrition handouts, fitness testing to measure your progress, unlimited use of fitness centre and classes over these 12 weeks. Plus the usual $30 joining fee will be waived.
Commencing this Saturday 25 June at 9.00am but all are welcome to join in any time.
Teen Fitness Classes available! Have a look at the video here.
For more information email Karen van Namen karen@lakeside.asn.au
Notre Dame ATAR Express Workshops. This July school holidays,
The University of Notre Dame invites Year 11 and 12 students to attend revision workshops in ATAR English, Human Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics Methods, as well as Study and Writing Skills.
For more information and to register, contact 9433 0950 or visit our website.
A Day in the Life of a Uni Student.
All Year 10-12 High school students are invited to join us to experience a day in the life of a Notre Dame University student on Friday 15 July.
For more information on the FREE event and to register, contact
9433 0530 or visit notredame.edu.au