CEO WELCOMEAndrew Aalders-Dunthorne welcomes children and parents to a new academic year and provides a Trust update and calls for parents/carers to get involved with their school's locality committee.NEWS FROM AROUND OUR SCHOOLSThis term there has been much to celebrate in our schools but our focus for this edition is on our learning characteristic Community Engagement - click below and take a look! LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTDestino coaching are working collaboratively with us this year to develop senior leaders within the Trust. Click below to find out what impact his will have. ATTENDANCEThe Trust's Attendance Officer encourages pupils and parents to seek help if attendance is likely to become an issue. HEAD OF SERVICE SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTThe Trust welcomes Debbie Thomas in her new role with the Trust after a recent period of executive leadership within the Trust and many years of headship. FOOTBALL SUCCESSRendlesham Primary School have qualified for the county finals in November! Click below to read more about their battle to the final. ESTATES TEAMThe Trust's Estate Team has been busy throughout the summer on a number of projects, Click below and have a look what they have been upto! DETERMINED & RESILIENTA key learning characteristic we talk about when thinking about a pupil's personal development. Click below to find out how you can support your child. AUTUMN TERM PARENTAL SURVEYThank you to all parents/carers that completed the survey this term, results will be shared with Academy Heads and the Trust Board and parents. BIG AMBITIONA national survey that aims to hear from children across England on what they think is important. The survey will be open until Friday 15th December. We would love to hear your feedback so if you do have any comments please email Laura Rogers at |