Back in Session! Stay Connected with APATX!
The 86th Legislature runs from Jan. 8 to May 27
The 86th Texas Legislative Session in underway in Austin! APATX will keep you updated with the latest legislative alerts from the Capitol. Learn more HERE!
In Memoriam: Bruce W. McClendon, FAICP (1946-2019)
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Bruce McClendon, FAICP, a lifetime APA and AICP member and a dedicated leader, educator, and author, died January 7, 2019, at the age of 72.
McClendon was a consultant with Citygate Associates, LLC in Folsom, California, where he consulted with local and state government agencies. Prior to joining Citygate, McClendon was the planning director for Los Angeles County in California. Previously, he was planning director for Orange and Hillsborough Counties in Florida, and the director of planning for several Texas cities.
McClendon was dedicated to advancing the planning profession through his involvement with APA. He served as president of APA twice, in 1984–1985 and in 2001–2003. Prior to serving at the national level, he served Texas as the Texas Chapter President from 1982-1983. He served on the APA Board from 2000–2004, participating on numerous committees during that time, including Development Plan and Budget, Executive, Membership and Nominating Committees. From 2005–2006, he served on the Leadership Development Committee. Learn more about Bruce's planning legacy here.
Register Now for #NPC19 in San Francisco!
April 13-16, 2019, San Francisco - 2019 National Planning Conference
Register now for the 2019 National Planning Conference, the year's premier planning event. Connect with fellow planners and allied professionals and share ideas. Learn about new issues, challenges, and trends that are motivating planners worldwide to plan smarter. Explore San Francisco, one of America's favorite cities, and the Bay Area, where the urban-rural transect comes to life. Remember to get a ticket to the award luncheon so you can join us in receiving the Karen B. Smith Overall Chapter Achievement Award!
11 Texas Planners Named APA Ambassadors!
Graphic courtesy of CGES Planning
Congratulations to these Texas planners for volunteering their time to serve as APA Ambassadors!
The APA Ambassador Program is a volunteer activity led by members of the American Planning Association with the goal of increasing awareness and understanding of the power and value that the planning profession brings to communities. Particular emphasis is placed on reaching audiences of diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, and economic backgrounds.
Learn more about the APA Ambassador program!
Get Involved - Run for APA Office!
Call for Chapter and Section officer nominations begins on March 1, 2019. Getting involved with APA is a great way to work with other planners from across the state, give back to the profession, and develop your leadership skills and professional network. The Texas Chapter is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help implement its statewide and local programs. The following positions will be open as part of the consolidated election process. Terms are two years for most positions, with exceptions to the Chapter’s President-Elect position and the Section’s Director-Elect positions, which are typically six-year progression terms. The filing deadline is April 24, 2019. Learn more about the upcoming election and who to contact if you are interested!
Save the Date - NPC19 Texas Reception in San Francisco | April 15
The Annual NPC19 Texas Reception will be held on Monday, April 15, 2019 from 7-9pm at Kells Irish Pub at 530 Jackson Street in the San Francisco Financial District. This year, Texas will be co-hosting this reception with other Region III Chapters - so make sure you mark your calendars to attend. Appetizers and drink tickets with a cash bar will be avaialble. The reception will be followed by the APA Chapter President's Council Reunion and Dance Contest from 9pm-midnight.
Mark Your Calendars! #APATX19 Will Be in Waco November 6-8, 2019
The 2019 APA Texas Chapter Annual Conference and Short Course for Elected and Appointed Officials will take place on November 6-8, 2019. Please mark your calendars! Visit the conference website at www.APATX19.com for more information about #APATX19. Featured speakers are already available on the website.
Pre-Conference Timeline
February 15 - April 26: Call for Sessions (link)
March 1 - August 30: Call for Sponsors and Exhibitors
April 1 - June 14: Call for Chapter Award Nominations
May 3 - July 1: Call for Planning Excellence Applications
July 1, 2019: Online Registration Begins
See the full APATX19 Timeline here!
Have you tried APA Learn?!
Start your new learning experience browsing the catalog of over 375 courses with topics ranging from A(ffordable housing) to Z(oning). If you’re looking to log AICP Certification Maintenance credits, APA Learn’s seamless CM logging feature will come in handy. APA members also receive special pricing. Wherever you are in your planning career, APA Learn has the right education at the right price to help you make great communities. Learn more
North Texas Future Cities Competition
The Texas Chapter, Midwest Section, and North Central Section partnered to sponsor two Special Awards for the Future Cities Competiiton. These awards are the Livability Award and the Walkability Award. Future City is a project-based learning program where students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future. Pictured is Brian Guenzel presenting the award to middle school students on behalf of APA. Thank you to all who volunteered for this great program!
Stay engaged and win!
Be sure to stay engaged with your fellow Texas planners and watch out for opportunities to earn entries into monthly drawings for a gift card!
Log your eligible actions here! The list of eligible actions per month will be updated on the first of the month and shared frequently throughout the month on the Chapter's social media platforms!