Message from the Principal
Photo above: Chaplain Pauline Burgess, interacting with mums at our Mother's Day morning tea.
Right across Australia students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests. NAPLAN may have been a feature of your child’s schooling for some time now – it was first introduced in 2008 – but for others it will be their first foray into formalised assessment.
The NAPLAN tests are diagnostic tests designed to provide an understanding of a student’s performance at the time of assessment in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy skills. It tests the literacy and numeracy skills that your child has developed over time in the school curriculum. The results provide schools, states and territories with information regarding the progress of education programs and what needs to be prioritised when addressing improvements.
NAPLAN shouldn’t be considered the sole measure of your child’s performance. We will assume that all students have completed the testing process to the best of their abilities and use these results to assist individuals to the best of our abilities.
Mother’s Day Morning Tea
Thank you to over 70 Mums who joined us for our morning tea last Friday. It was a privilege to have our female student councilors serve morning tea and share together. We greatly appreciate yet another opportunity to involve parents in our community.
Mr Mark Ashby
During the past school holidays I had the joy of spending time in Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand. While in Wellington I visited the War Memorial, which was being prepared for the ANZAC Day commemorations and a hive of activity. As I walked past the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and into the Great Hall, which had listed, all the campaigns New Zealanders have participated in, my eyes were drawn to the far end of the Hall. There, inscribed high above me, were these words;
If I climb up into heaven, Thou art there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, Thou art there also.
If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there also shall Thy hand lead me,
And Thy right hand shall hold me.
(Ps. 139.8, 9)
This acknowledgment of the presence of God in places which for many would seem to be God-forsaken is also reflected in the reconstruction of the Changi Prison which can be visited in Singapore. As you walk through the Prison and read the story of those who were held there, what you discover is that the first building the P.O.W’s built was a Chapel. God was there too.
In these two places that stand as a reminder of the human cost of war and the horror of what we can do to each other, there is also the reminder that no matter where we are, God is with us, actively involved in our journey and that He holds us in His hands.
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Term 2 harkens the formal assessment and reporting season. It begins with NAPLAN testing in Week 3 followed by Year 12 Externally Set Tasks and then the Year 8 to 12 examinations in Weeks 6 and 7. Mr Errey is busily organising the scheduling of all these assessments and information which will be emailed/posted as details are finalised. Information concerning examinations is also updated on SEQTA.
Teachers are implementing appropriate revision strategies for classes. Revision strategies and material will differ amongst courses and classes. Students are still learning material leading up to examinations so now is the time for all students to implement a study schedule. It is never too early or too late to begin studying and doing something is better than nothing. I would encourage all parents to assist their children with study by setting up an appropriate time and location for students to study. I am sure all parents are about to begin a period of negotiation with students. The student request of “Can I have/go…” will no doubt be met with the parent response of “Yes, when I have seen…”
Semester 1 reports will be available at the end of Term 2. The reports will be available through SEQTA Engage and will not be posted. Please continue to utilise SEQTA Engage to check your child’s progress, view upcoming assessment details and lesson material as it becomes available.
Year 10s and 11s will complete course selection for 2017 after the examination period. The Year 10 students have received the Year 11 Course Information Booklet and after examinations, each Year 10 student will be allocated an appointment with either the Principal, a Deputy or Director to discuss their individual course selection. Parents are encouraged to attend this appointment. Details will be emailed later in the term.
Year 11 Information Book
Year 11 Information book for 2017 Academic Year. The booklet is now available online.
Exam Schedules
Exam schedules are available on SEQTA Engage.
Top Ten Tips for Parents
Study skills and strategies can be found on SEQTA Engage.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
At Kennedy one of our core goals is the creation and maintenance of a “culture of safety” and as such we place high value on the social and emotional development of our students. We do this through a range of means including Wednesday Pastoral Care Periods, daily Form Periods, as well as Christian Education and Health Education classes. A further aspect to this is our foundational Thrive Program which operates for all Year 7 and 8 students.
Thrive is a well-being and life skills program designed to help students to thrive academically, emotionally, socially and behaviourally both inside and outside their school environment. The Year 7 course aims to educate and increase awareness of issues such as behaviour, bullying, resilience, mental health, cyber safety and stress management. The Year 8 course focuses more on the important concept of Child Protection and Protective Behaviours.
One of the external organisations the College works with in this area is Protective Behaviours WA. Their goal is to teach children, young people and adults a range of skills and strategies to keep people safe and provide a framework that can be easily adapted to home and community environments. Research suggests that children who have been taught Protective Behaviours are more able to discern threats to their safety and are more likely to use personal safety strategies. Some of the topics addressed in Year 8 Thrive include: Digital Citizenship, Self-respect, Rights and Responsibilities, Protective Strategies, Warning Signs, Safety and Risk, Personal Support Networks, Personal Space and Boundaries, Sexting Issues, Assertiveness and Healthy Headspace.
These important issues are ongoing and topical and we look forward to continuing the positive results and benefits our students demonstrate through their involvement and engagement in the Thrive program.
Year 7 Report
As we move into Term 2 it is essential that students consolidate their efforts and set themselves new goals to maintain, or improve on their Term 1 successes. Students need to ensure they have set their new goals for Term 2 which may be done on SEQTA and put into place the steps they will take to achieve those goals.
A solid study regime is a good place to begin; ensuring students are using their study planners and diaries to cover all of the relevant information whilst also prioritising those things that need to be done first. Making sure students are working on homework every night, even if they claim to have none they should still be revising what they have learned during the day, to put it into their long-term memory. This is an essential component of the Kennedy study program and helps to put Year 7 students in good stead for their later years at the College.
The Year 7 Foundation camp has been and gone. It was a fantastic time and presented many students with opportunities to extend themselves and challenge their beliefs about their own abilities. Many were the screams as students leapt off the giant swing or abseiled backwards down the 15m high climbing wall. Several students also managed to climb up the rock wall. I saw many hit the target in the archery while blindfolded students hit a hole-in-one and others constructed a raft that managed not to fall apart. By participating in such a wide variety of activities, the Year 7s have had the opportunity to overcome challenges by having a positive attitude and not giving up. Their new found self belief will enable them to take on new challenges as they arise.
I would like to commend the students on their behaviour and thank them for making the camp so memorable.
Year 8 Report
The recent parent teacher interviews were a great success with parents and teachers able to provide helpful feedback. If, for some reason, you were unable to attend, please do not hesitate to contact staff via email if you have information you would like them to know about. Logging into SEQTA Engage enables you to keep track of what your child is studying and when any assessments are planned.
Year 8s will be writing their first examinations in Weeks 6 and 7 this term. The exams are 90 minutes long so it is the same time as two tests back to back. Each one of the MESH subjects (Maths, English, Science and Humanities) will be examined before recess on either Wednesday 1 June, Friday 3 June, Tuesday 7 June and Wednesday 8 June. Students will then return to normal classes. Students will be tested on all the work they have done this year up to the examination period. Classes will focus on revision of Term 1 work during the preceding week but students should have begun their personal revision by Week 4. On top of their regular homework they should be spending 30 minutes each day revising their work in the two weeks before exams. Please encourage your child by helping set up a regular location for them to do their homework and study, and by making
time in your family schedule for them to achieve their goals.
After exams we have a community service activity to look forward to on 23 June. I would encourage all students to come along and get involved as we take part in a tree planting project at Shelley Foreshore. This is an annual event for the Year 8s at Kennedy and is always well supported.
Year 9 Report
As Term 2 gets going I have been thinking about the Year 9 Adventure camp at the end of last term and how it was an amazing experience for the Year 9 students. It was great to see friendships strengthened and new friendships formed between the students. I loved watching students participate in the activities and facing their fears and step outside their comfort zone, even if it was only sleeping in a foreign bed for two nights out in the bush. The rock climbing and abseiling activities and also the team based challenges were a great way to get the students working together and encouraging one another to be able to complete the task.
At night we had some fun messy food games and some powerful testimonies from the Nations Youth team which challenged students about their faith and what they believe. All in all it was a great camp which the students will remember for years to come.
Year 10 Report
It has been a whirlwind start to the term for the Year 10 students, parents and particularly myself. After an exciting term as Head of Mathematics I am really looking forward to getting to know all the Year 10s in my capacity as Head of Year.
Last term we had an excellent turnout at the Parent Information Evening. I’m sure it has given everyone a lot to think about. The next stage in the process is for all students to do the best they can in exams, for which they should have started revising, and to be looking at those long term ’what am I going to do when I leave school?’ goals. If you would like any information about what your child should be studying, firstly make reference to their subject program and then seek clarification from their teacher if needed.
After exams we will be starting the actual subject selection process for Year 11. I encourage communication between parents, students and teachers in this process. Every student will have the opportunity for an interview with a member of the Executive team about their subject choices. Parents are encouraged to attend these interviews.
In addition to Subject selections and exams our Year 10 Pastoral Care Program has also been jam packed. At the end of last term all the Year 10s attended the RAC Street-smart event at Perth Arena. This was a high impact event that the students found very informative. During our Friday Period 1 sessions we are focusing on the future; with goal setting, study techniques, career education, and building your reputation in both the physical and cyber realms.
If you would like to discuss anything to do with your child please don’t hesitate to send me an email at gtyrie@kennedy.wa.edu.au
I wish all the Year 10s well in their exams.
Year 10 Work Experience Forms
Just a reminder that the Year 10s Work Experience forms are due by Monday 16 May. Please ensure that these are handed in by the due date.
Year 11 Report
As I reflect on Term 1, I am very proud of the way in which our Year 11 students handled the transition from Lower School into Senior School. With this transition, many challenges were faced by the students such as an increase in workload, new subjects and the demands of Senior School assessment deadlines. It was wonderful to observe the maturity and resourcefulness of our students when in doubt of these demands. By continuing to develop this independence and by establishing sound study skills, our students will be set up for a more manageable and enjoyable year.
Our Year 11 Challenge camp held during Week 10 was a great way to conclude a busy term. The tranquil setting of the bush in Byford provided an ideal background for the many activities the students participated in. Students enjoyed various levels of fun and adrenaline from mountain biking, raft building, navigating in the bush, the flying fox and even a reflective activity on goal setting. The purpose of the activities was not about the students accomplishing each challenge, but instead on the connections the students made with each other, the growth of their confidence and the enjoyment of the process. I hope that upon reflecting on this experience, our students continue to challenge themselves and use the skills they have developed from the activities as motivation
to extend themselves in their academic and personal achievements whilst at the College.
One of my favourite memories was walking through the campsite at the end of each day smelling the aromas from the students cooking their meals and hearing the laughter of the groups as well as teachers as they reflected on the day. I would like to genuinely thank all the students for their active participation as well as to all the teachers who attended, for their enthusiasm, commitment and guidance during the camp.
Year 12 Report
Towards the end of Term 1 the Year 12s were involved in making chocolate/coconut balls for homeless people as part of their community service. The students had a lot of fun working in their form classes one Wednesday morning during Extended Form and the end result was 57 takeaway boxes crammed with chocolate balls. These were then delivered to Manna Kitchens on Easter Sunday to be distributed that day to homeless people in the parks. It was great to see the students getting involved so enthusiastically in this activity and their efforts were greatly appreciated.
Term 2 is now well underway and I trust that the Year 12 students had a good break and made use of the time to be refreshed and relax, as well as do some study for the upcoming exams. In Week 2, ATAR students attended a session with the Research and Study Centre staff in preparation for the Semester One exams. These are scheduled for Week 6 and 7. Please encourage your child to make good use of the remaining time by having a study schedule, eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep. We look forward to seeing good results all around.
A table tennis table along with bats and balls has been purchased for Year 12 students and is set up in the Common Room for their use at recess and lunch. We hope that they will add to the enjoyment and privilege that they have as Year 12s with their own area. The leavers’ jackets that were ordered last term should be arriving around Week 4.
Amazing Talented Performance by Kennedy Students and Teachers
Left to Right: Mr Simon Haydock, Mr Daniel Chan, Mr Scott Britza, Gugulethu Sibanda, Phoebe Hart, Madeleine Soltoggio, Cassidy Thomas-Batten, John Porretta,Taehwan Youm, Marksman Lloyd and Mr Ben Pether. (Tura Bilek was not present for photo.)
The Arts Cup is held every year in the Auditorium in front of the whole College during Extended Form. The event, run by the House Coordinators aims to encourage students regardless of age to step out of their comfort zone and perform in front of a large crowd. Solo singing, instrumentals and dance were among some of the repertoire of talents on display yesterday. Madeleine Soltoggio (10S1) from Stirling was the overall winner with an outstanding performance. The other excellent performers were from John Porretta (9F1) ,Gugulethu Sibanda (8K2), Phoebe Hart (8K1),Taehwan Youm (9S2), Cassidy Thomas-Batten (9E1) and Tura Bilek - Runner up (11E2)
Perth hip-hop artist, Marksman Lloyd performed a freestyle rap with students on the stage and Kennedy’s very own teacher group – “Britz and pieces” entertained us with a rap piece of their own. Well done and congratulations to everyone who participated.
Ms Linda Ang
Public Relations
House Logo Winners
House Logo Winners from left to right: William Lawler, Rahut (Jungko) Wangpattanasirikul, Maisie Raine, Aleisha Woods.
During the course of last term the House System approached the students with the opportunity to be a part of creating and designing House Logos. The students had to create a design and enter it into the competition. They had to include House Colours, the House Animal and use the Kennedy shield as a border. The whole College then voted (through preferential voting) on which four candidates would be working with the Kennedy Public Relations department and create the House Logos.
From 13 different entries, the following four students were voted onto the design team:
Aleisha Woods (11K2)
Rahut (Jungko) Wangpattanasirikul (10K1)
Maisie Raine (10F1)
William Lawler (8F1)
Each House is named after a well known Western Australian explorer, Sir John Forrest, Edward John Eyre, John King and Sir James Stirling. In keeping with the Australian theme and along with the help of the House Captains, it was decided for each House to have an animal to represent it at sports carnivals and other such events. The results were as follows:
Forrest: Crocodile, King: Hawk, Stirling: Shark, Eyre: Kangaroo
Please congratulate the students on their achievement and look out for the new design at the end of the term!
Mrs Amy Austen
Forrest House Coordinator
China Cultural Tour
At five minutes to midnight on 6 April, our plane departed sunny Perth. We were off to China for two weeks of cultural experiences, educational activities and historical encounters.
Our first stop was Beijing, where we stayed for six nights. We were introduced to our lovely tour guide Gloria, who told us many wonderful stories about China’s history and educated us about China’s current political situation and the superstitious beliefs of the Chinese people. In Beijing we visited the 798 Art District, took part in a traditional tea ceremony and toured Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace. The highlight of Beijing was definitely the Great Wall. Some people climbed the stairs all the way to the top, while others took the time to admire the breathtaking view and take some snaps of the Wall in all its glory.
The next stop was Xi’an where we visited the Terracotta Warriors. Approximately 2000 warriors were buried with Emperor Qin and lay underground for over 2000 years before they were discovered in 1974 by a farmer digging a well. In Xi’an we also cycled around the city atop the ancient city walls, which was a highlight for many of us.
We then took an overnight train to Shanghai where we visited the Zhou Zhang water village and took a boat cruise to check out the Shanghai skyline which looked absolutely beautiful at night. The last stop was Hong Kong, where we took a very steep tram to Hong Kong’s highest point, and spent our final day in Disneyland.
Before we knew it the trip was over and we were heading back home to spend some much needed time with our families. I think I speak for all students and staff when I say we all had a brilliant time, learnt a lot, and built many strong and lasting relationships with one another.
Miss Nicole Foxton
Mathematics Teacher, China Cultural Tour Coordinator
SAS Update
Term 2 Senior Southern Associated School (SAS) has begun. On Tuesday 3 May, 13 teams competed in their first round of fixtures. Congratulations to all students that represented Kennedy Baptist College and special mention goes to the Girls Netball teams, AFL Boys, Boys & Girls Soccer teams, who all came home with convincing wins. Good luck to all teams for the remainder of the term.
Term 2 SAS Junior is also well under way with our Year 7 to 9 students having just completed two weeks of intense trials. Teams have been finalised and games begin next week. Fixtures can be found using the following link http://www.accsport.asn.au/interschool-sport/sasj/fixtures. We encourage all parents to attend.
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Physical Education Teacher / Sports Coordinator
College Notices
Read the following to find out how to add credit to your SmartRider for Beedawong purchase.
For this payment method to work on the SmartRider, students will need to top up the credit with cash at Beedawong before school or during the latter part of the lunch break (1:15 - 1:30pm).
If parents prefer to come in and personally upload cafeteria credit, you are welcome to do this anytime between 7.30am and 2:00pm. Credit added to the SmartRider at the cafeteria will only be available towards purchases in the cafeteria.
Please note that the Cafeteria does not have eftpos facilities. Cash will still continue to be accepted at Beedawong.
Schedule List of Events for Universities
Thursday 12 May - Sunday 15 May
Careers Expo at Perth Convention Centre.
Monday 16 May
Engineering Information Evening at UWA
Tuesday 17 May
WAAPA Production Tour at ECU Mt Lawley
Wednesday 18 May
Teacher Education Information Evening at ECU Mt Lawley Campus
Wednesday 18 May
Doctor of Dental Medicine and Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Information Evening at UWA.
Wednesday 18 May
Law, Politics and Careers Evening at Murdoch.
HBF Run for a Reason
If you are interested in running either the 4km or 12km races, we would love to get you involved in the Kennedy Team. For more information; email Miss Katie Hair khair@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Parents & Friends Association
P & F Meeting Minutes
The minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday 3 May are now on the website, please click here.
Mother’s Day Morning Tea
A big thank you to the College for the delightful Mother’s Day Morning Tea on Friday 6 May. The staff room was transformed and we were treated to a delicious high tea served by the female Student Councillors from each year group. We were welcomed by Mr Ashby and Head Girl Ancke Nienaber. Our Chaplain Mrs Pauline Burgess entertained us with a fun getting to know you game. It was a good opportunity to meet other mothers.
Thank you too to Mrs Chrissy Lee for her encouraging message on motherhood with its joys and challenges. She encouraged us to see the joy in challenges along the way. This is an annual event and we all look forward to attending again next year.
Sausage Sizzle
Thank you to all the parents and the Councillors who helped with the Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings O’Connor on Saturday 7 May. Thank you too to those who dropped by and bought a sausage or two. It was a very successful fundraiser.
Upcoming Meeting Details
Our next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 2 August at 7.00pm in the Staff Lounge. All are welcome. For any queries about the Parent’s and Friends Association please email: pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com.
The Entertainment Books have arrived! We will be sending the email soon regarding the collection dates for those who have ordered one. The Entertainment Books are great value and this year there is a section for Bali with $300 worth of vouchers included and you are supporting the College at the same time. Click here to order!
Celebrating Student Achievements
Congratulations to Abbie Teasdale who was selected by Golf WA to represent the State in the Junior Golf Team. Tasmania was the event destination and in April at the Devonport Golf Club, Abbie participated in the interstate series.
Abbie played exceptionally well shooting level par over 4 rounds, with a highlight of -4 score on the first round. Abbie won the 14 and under category in the individual gross event.
Darren Teasdale
Father of Abbie Teasdale
Community Events
Certificate of attendance available on the night.
Click here to book
Perth Goju Karate teaches karate classes in your local area.
A special offer for the school’s students - 4 WEEKS FREE beginners karate lessons! Classes are held after school and are a great way for children of all ages to learn self-defense in a fun and safe environment.
We also teach classes for teens and adults in the local area at night and they are fantastic for fitness, wellbeing and of course, self-defense. Karate has many benefits which include confidence, respect, discipline and fitness.
Call now to take advantage of this 4 week trial.
Sensei Johnny Moran - 0402 830 402
Scholastic Excellence is reputed for providing quality academic tuition for students ranging from Year 4 to 12. Our Accelerated Program has given advanced students the competitive edge in NAPLAN and WACE exams. Our students' improvements and results in the NAPLAN and TEE/WACE are testament to our success.