![]() Sid Shares #20SidShares Hi All! Well, we're definitely in 2021! The morning's and evening's are getting lighter and the birds are definitely singing more. Spring will be here in a jiffy :) And then who knows how long it'll be before we're set free... Here is my February monthly dose of “Sid Shares.” A list of what I’m enjoying and exploring. The above pic is of Florence who will be 1 on the 7th of Feb...so here's to a wonderful birthday darling Florence x I'm dedicating February to 'Not'. I know that may sound odd but this little word has helped me a huge amount over the last few months. And this is why! So much of my thinking is, and has been, about what I would like to change, to do, to see, to be, etc. And, like most people I'd like to be happier! But happiness is not something you can always be. So I made a list of what it's 'Not' and that's helped me 'not' do and be those things. And I'm now applying it to other areas of my life. Like being a good Dad, keeping healthy, being kinder, finding the joy in everything I do (not easy at the moment) and being a better human being. By looking at what it's not to be any of those things I found it much easier to be them naturally. This campaign was launched in 2016 called #Hibernot by Land Rover and illustrates the 'Not' idea. Have a watch, and who knows you might see Winter and Covid slightly differently. I do love to read and have just finished Max - The Miracle Dog by Kerry Irving. As an owner of a Springer Spaniel called Bilbo and having personally suffered with anxiety and depression this book is such a great reminder of the simple things in life. Far too often we expect too much from life. Sometimes we need reminding of its simplicity, beauty and essence. I recently watched Bridgerton on Netflix and really enjoyed it. It's a period drama and completely fictitious but it has some really good moral messages in about honesty, truth and trust. If you get a chance please do give it a watch. This wonderful poem is by Amanda Gorman called The Hill We Climb. If you didn't see it being read by Amanda at Joe Biden's inauguration please do read or watch it. I hope that one day "we will never again sow division".
With 'Not' in mind I've started doing one hour Facebook Live sessions to help change or shift our, and my thinking. If you fancy joining me here's the link. It's free and places are unlimited. How fun! And just before you go spare some time to think about what your 'Nots' are in your life. Maybe it's time to truly let go of what you don't want, so you can be and do more of what you really want. Happy February everyone :) If you would like to, please give me feedback on email, Twitter or Facebook on any of the topics above. Or if you have any thoughts or suggestions for the future I'd love to hear from you. If you would like more information about Meee and the resources please follow this link. With love, kindness and joy xxx ![]() |