New rules to stop diabetes fines
The system for checking free prescriptions to stop people with diabetes being unfairly fined will be changed, according to Health Minister Dan Poulter.
Since September, thousands of people with diabetes have been fined up to £100 for claiming free prescriptions because they did not have a valid medical exemption certificate. To read more, click here.
2015 inpatient audit date announced
The 2015 National Diabetes Inpatient Audit (NaDIA) will take place between September 21 and 25.
The bedside survey, which provides a snapshot of diabetes inpatient care in England and Wales, returns after a one-year absence.
Dr Gerry Rayman, Clinical Lead of NaDIA, said: “We are delighted that we have the funding for this year’s National Diabetes Inpatient Audit and readers will be interested to know that data from the 2013 NaDIA is currently being used by the CQC during their hospital inspections as will future NaDIA data." To read more, click here.
Thousands register for online hypo course
A new online course providing people with diabetes essential information on identifying and managing hypoglycaemia has seen over 8,000 registrations.
Launched by Diabetes.co.uk, Europe’s largest forum for people with diabetes, the Hypo Awareness Programme is a first in the UK. To read more, click here.
Foundation launches to push barriers of research
A new research mission devoted to the study of diabetes and related metabolic diseases and their association with frailty has been launched.
Professor Alan Sinclair has opened up The Foundation of Diabetes Research in Older People to conduct high-quality research into the relationship between diabetes and frailty.
The venture is the research arm of Diabetes Frail, the not-for-profit company set up by Professor Sinclair in summer 2014 as a logical development to continue the work of the Institute of Diabetes for Older People (IDOP), which has closed. To read more, click here.
Cuts and lack of leadership blamed over poor care
Frontline NHS doctors and nurses say a combination of cost-cutting measures and a perceived lack of local and national leadership are contributing to poor outcomes for people with diabetes, a new report has found.
The findings were made in A Diabetes Snapshot, which brought together research from clinicians, policy makers, and patient representatives, and was published by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry's Pharmaceutical Diabetes Initiative (PDI). To read more, click here.