Message from the Principal
Photo above: Mr Henry Olonga with Year 12 students.
Dear Parents,
Kennedy endeavours to develop and foster strong relationships with our community members and two highly successful events have recently reinforced this. Firstly, our Easter Services were great events highlighting the talents of our students and our keynote speaker, Mr Henry Olonga who was very well received. Thank you to all of our families who attended our special evenings.
Secondly, our Year 10/12 and Year 8/11 Parent-Teacher Evenings were a great opportunity for parents to discuss student progress with our staff. These were extremely well attended. The same structure and process will take place early Term 2 for Year 7/9 students on Tuesday 2 May. We look forward to a similar response from our families.
Our planning for Term 2 is now complete and our focus will be preparing Year 10 families for the selection of courses and units for 2018. Throughout Term 2 a comprehensive program of Parent-Teacher Evenings and individual counselling is planned to help families make the best informed decisions. This is particularly important as the structure for Year 11 and the WACE is very different to the Lower School Curriculum. I encourage all Year 10 families to attend all information nights and be proactive during this important phase of schooling for students.
Swimming Success
Congratulations to our Interschool Swimming team who performed wonderfully as a team to provide worthy competition in the A.C.C. Division C Swimming Carnival last week. It was fantastic to see Kennedy students support each other so well and produce outstanding results.
Mr Mark Ashby
When I was part of the ministry team in a church, I use to enjoy preaching. I enjoyed the prayer, the research, the construction of the sermon and then the actual delivery itself. What I did not enjoy was the bit that came directly after I had finished the sermon. The part of the service where I was meant to offer the opportunity to those who did not know Jesus, to know Him. To say the Sinner’s Prayer and have those who responded, repeat the same words. This simple process caused me all sorts of anxiety - What if I missed an important theological statement? What if I said Saviour, but forgot to say Lord? Did I need to mention sin? What if I said too many words and the responders forgot one, really, important word? “Why is there not a Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible”?!
As I researched this question, I discovered that we have made something that is very simple into something complicated. When Paul and Silas were asked by their jailer what he needed to do to be saved, Paul’s reply was. “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved… “(Acts 16:31; see also Romans 10:9,10: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved).
This is my Easter message for you. If you want a relationship with the risen Saviour, first, follow the advice of Paul and second, find yourself a community of believers who will teach, support and encourage you to grow.
If you have any questions or simply want to talk, please feel free to contact me at any time. pburgess@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Year 7 Report
A theme that I have been conveying to the students over the course of the term was to ask them, ‘What has your story been’? When mentioning ‘story’ we mean of course, the legacy of your actions, words, deeds and consequences of behaviour. It is a good question that all Year 7 students can ask themselves. What is my story? What has my story been so far? If someone were to read the book of your life, examining your actions and deeds would they be impressed. Would the reader be concerned about your lack of empathy, your selfishness, your desire to constantly put yourself above others? Or would the reader be impressed by your selflessness, your concern for others and desire to do the correct thing?
What I would encourage Year 7 students to begin to ask themselves is; What do you want your story to be? How will my actions, thoughts and behaviour influence my story? If you consider your behaviour in this context, it makes it easier to influence our conduct and behave in a manner that is becoming of what is expected of us. If all of us put a little more thought into our story and what our legacy will be, it will have multiple benefits for the individual, the College, for the community and for humanity as a whole.
The Year 7 Foundation Camp is quickly approaching. It runs from Monday 3 April to Wednesday 5 April and should be a fantastic time for the students to interact with each other in a different environment. We find the camp has a very positive impact on the friendships that occur within the Year 7 cohort and the camp is designed to reflect this with students being put together who may not have already met each other. The camp is also a great deal of fun and I would expect the students to return with many stories of their heroics and adventure tales.
Year 8 Report
We have had a very good start to the year and the students have now completed their first cycle of evaluations. I hope you found the Parent-Teacher Evenings useful and have ascertained whether your children are achieving their goals. If you found the Parent-Teacher Evening times too short to discuss everything, please feel free to make an appointment with any teacher to have a more in depth discussion about your child’s achievements and goals. The feedback from teachers was positive and they found the interaction with parents and the children very helpful. We all acknowledge that we need to work together, collaboratively with parents to ensure each student achieves their full potential.
Next term has six weeks before exams and I would encourage all students to keep up with their daily work. If your child feels the need for more help in some areas, I would recommend they attend tutoring classes weekly.
I will be conducting a Goals talk with the students early in Term 2. I would also encourage parents to have some sort of conversation at home so that students have an idea of their short, medium and long-term goals before we discuss this at the College. Our Community Service event is also coming up in Week 7 of Term 2 after school. This date will be confirmed.
The year group is very neatly presented and has displayed excellent behaviour this term. Thank you for your support with your child’s uniform, appearance and good behaviour.
Year 9 Report
It has been a busy term and our Year 9 students are looking forward to taking a break from the books next week as we head off on the Year 9 Adventure Camp in Week 10. Year 9 camp preparation is coming along nicely and I have recently finished off groups and dorm allocation which the students were eagerly awaiting. The adventure camp at Forest Edge Recreation Camp, Waroona is going to be a time of challenging themselves and stepping out of their comfort zones. The activities are designed to encourage team work whilst being a lot of fun and with a range of activities such as 20m Abseil Tower, Target Shooting, Big Fox (Flying Fox) and Ski Biscuiting, there really is something for everyone.
Just a reminder that the drop off and pick up for camp is at Lakeside Recreation Centre, Cnr Farrington and Bibra drive, Bibra Lake.
Girls drop off Monday 3 April at 9.00am - DEPARTING 9:45am to be picked up on Wednesday 5 April at 2:30pm
Boys drop off Wednesday 5 April at 9.00am - DEPARTING 9:45am to be picked up on Friday 7 April at 2:30pm
I’m looking forward to our students building new relationships and strengthening current friendships and to a wonderful challenging, exciting camping experience.
Year 10 Report
Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion. - Mahatma Gandhi
The term is fast coming to an end. The Year 10 students have had an excellent term to date, making new friendships and being exposed to different subjects and electives.
On 29 March, the Year 10 students attended the RAC BStreetSmart presentation at the Perth Arena. The students were exposed to the dangers of drinking and driving. It was well presented, very informative and students usually find this event a worthwhile experience.
Tomorrow, Friday 31 March we are having a beach social at Leighton Beach. As this is the last day of Term 1 for the Year 10s before they commence with work experience, I would encourage all students to attend this social event if they are able to do so.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Form teachers for their commitment and dedication to their Form classes and to wish the Year 10 students a very successful week doing work experience. Mr Glenn Tyrie will be back in Term 2 as Head of Year.
I thank all parents, Form teachers and students for a tremendous term. May God bless you all in the forthcoming holidays and have a very happy Easter.
Photo above: Year 10 students attending the RAC BStreetSmart presentation at the Perth Arena.
Year 11 Report
Term 1 is certainly passing quickly and it has been wonderful to see the Year 11 students settling into their courses. As our students, have received their interim reports and Parent-Teacher Evenings have been held, I would like to remind our students of the extra tuition offered at the College with specific subject teachers. As regularly stated to the cohort we value constant communication and I encourage all students to regularly seek assistance when in doubt or needing extra support from their teachers or staff in administration.
This term we have also had the wonderful and colourful Multicultural Day during Extended Form in Week 7. The morning was filled with informative posters, delicious cuisines from their chosen countries as well as the chance for students to play traditional games. Along the way students completed a quiz sheet and the morning was filled with a lot of joy, laughter and diversity.
In addition to this, several brave students registered to donate blood and ventured into the Red Cross Blood Donation centre in Fremantle, where they were briefed by the friendly staff before the process began. Their experience was both informative and rewarding allowing the students to spread the word within the College on how vital blood donations are in the lives of the sick and injured in Western Australia. Thank you to the students for their generosity and valuable time.
As we draw closer to Week 10, another exciting opportunity for our Year 11 students is approaching - our Year 11 Challenge Camp at Nanga Bush Camp. The beautiful location alongside activities chosen to further develop resilience in our students will allow students to forge memories that will last beyond Kennedy Baptist College. Our Year 11 students along with the staff attending have been briefed on the materials required for the camp and the activities. As Head of Year, I always enjoy the time spent at camp and it is the perfect conclusion to a busy term and refocuses the students for the year ahead.
Photos above: Multicultural Day during extended Form in Week 7.
Year 12 Report
First term is almost over and so the Year 12 students are already a third of the way through their syllabus studies. With exams coming up next term in Weeks 6 to 7, the upcoming holidays will give students an opportunity to revise and consolidate what they have covered this term.
Extended Form periods this term have seen the Year 12 students involved in various activities. Some Extended Form time has been spent in the Lower Foyer, with a coffee van, sharing breakfast and enjoying music and table tennis. This week the students have been involved in a Community Service activity; making chocolate/coconut balls that will be given to Manna Kitchens for distribution amongst the homeless and those less fortunate than ourselves.
It is wonderful that the new Kennedy Sports Centre is open in time for the Year 12s to enjoy the facilities before they leave the College. Tuesday afternoon SAS has also been popular and a great way to be involved in physical activity which is also so beneficial to the mind.
I would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday break as we celebrate both Easter and ANZAC Day before the students return to College on Wednesday 26 April.
Photos above: Year 12 students through Extended Form time on Wednesday mornings in the Lower Foyer.
Photos above: Community Service activity; making chocolate/coconut balls that will be given to Manna Kitchens.
Easter Services
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Parents were invited to join their children at this weeks Easter Services on either Tuesday 28 May or Wednesday 29 May. On both evenings Keynote speaker Mr Henry Olonga delighted the audience with tales from his Test cricket career and inspired with wonderful insights into his life’s journey. Henry reminded students of the advantages offered to them at a private school such as Kennedy Baptist College and advised them to take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities on offer to them. “Work hard, pay attention and be an all round positive role model for your school”, Henry said.
Our senior Arts students presented items on each event. Mr Ashby conducted a Q & A session with Henry, asking him questions about his cricket career, life in Zimbabwe and his faith. Asked about the secrets of a successful team, Henry said “the secrets of successful team culture are shared goals, raising the bar, pulling together and everyone giving 100%".
Henry’s strong Christian faith started at school where they had many guest speakers to talk about Jesus and a creative God who loves us and does not abandon us. At the age of 16 Henry became a Christian. He believes that the truth may lie in the words of Jesus who said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Henry's faith has been strengthened through life during times of trouble where he has felt the invisible hand of the Creator come through and help him out of a sticky situation. Mr Ashby asked, what does forgiveness mean at this time of the year? “God forgives your sins, forgiveness is a powerful tool. This is the message of Easter” said Henry.
Henry is a talented singer and we were privileged to hear him sing a moving rendition of the Albert Hay Malotte song, "The Lord’s Prayer". To conclude Henry prayed, asking us to think about God this Easter and acknowledge that Jesus dying on the cross was a great act of love for humanity.
We wish you all a very Happy Easter.
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
Photos above: Mr Henry Olonga with Mr Mark Ashby.
Photos above: Students dancing at our Easter Service.
National Ride2School Day
On Friday 17 March, Kennedy Baptist College students and staff members participated in the annual Ride2School Day event.
A total of 110 students and 25 teachers formed an impressive peloton that coasted into the College in a sea of red, yellow, green and blue.
Some students decorated their bicycles in House colours, whilst others also dressed up for the exciting event. The best decorated bike was awarded to Year 7 King student, Isabella von Wielligh, whilst the best dressed award went to Year 8 Forrest student, Georgia McCabe. Science staff even wore their white lab coats, which added to the atmosphere of the morning.
The House that had the most participants was King, which was pleasing to see. The other three houses also had plenty of participators.
As a thank you to all those students and staff members who participated, the canteen staff provided a free breakfast, which was enjoyed by all in Beedawong Café. It was a great way to start the day!
Mr Murray Dunstan
Eyre House Coordinator
Photos above: Students and staff participating in the National Ride2School Day.
Positive Fathering Adventures Event
On the afternoon of Saturday 18 March over 50 Fathers and their children came to the College for our first Positive Fathering Adventures event. Mr Kevin O’Brien, our former College counsellor presented on various themes regarding fathering. The students then took their Fathers on a tour around the College before enjoying some friendly basketball and volleyball contests in the new College Sports Centre. The day was rounded off with a sausage sizzle and a good time was had by all.
Mr Wendell Pether
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care
Photos above: Fathers and their children enjoying our first Positive Fathering Adventures event .
Silent Auction - Easter Cake
Planning an occasion over the Easter weekend?
Need a celebratory cake? Or looking to give a gift to someone else? A College parent has donated this magnificent cake to raise funds for the College.
It is a decorated fruit cake made by My Delicious Cakes in Bibra Lake and is on display at Reception for those interested in seeing it. Please use this link to register and place your bid.
Please note that to successfully register please click on the item (Easter cake) and then follow the links to register and then place your bid. The auction closes on Thursday 6 April at 4.00pm
Mrs Janet Hair
Personal Assistant to the Principal
Research and Study Centre
In the Research and Study Centre we are constantly looking at how to make our teaching more effective and having a growth mindset (as researched by Carol Dweck) is something we want to foster in ourselves as teachers and in our students.
For some practical tips on praising and encouraging your child, please read the full article here.
Celebrating Easter in the Research and Study Centre
Mrs Mandy Lun our Library Assistant has made a beautiful cross, which has every student’s name on it with the theme and meaning, “He died for you”. We encourage students to come, have a look, and find their name on the cross.
Mrs Virginia Yurisich
Head of Research and Study
Photos above: A beautiful cross, which has every student’s name on it.
Students at Work and Camp Updates
Vetamorphus Retreat
For the first time Kennedy Baptist College is excited to be offering ‘Vetamorphus’ to our Year 11 and 12 students. ‘Vetamorphus’ is a Nationally Accredited Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology which is offered to senior secondary students through Veta Youth.
Vetamorphus involves six key areas of learning and engagement. Students discuss and reflect on various topics as they work through exercises in the peer group at school, led by a Peer Group Supervisor. Throughout the year they also complete required Bible readings and journaling, engage in a mentoring relationship, contribute through completing ministry practice, reflect on a Christian community and attend three retreats with students from other WA schools completing Vetamorphus.
We meet every Tuesday as a group where lively discussion and interaction takes place. Our first retreat was over the weekend of the 10-12 March. The group met many other students from different schools in WA and made some great friendships. During the retreat they did an overview of the New and Old Testament, worship, reflection and journaling. There was time for games and interacting on a social level.
Our students led by example, did their chores with great attitudes and were instrumental in ensuring no students from other schools were excluded. Their leadership skills were exceptional and their enthusiasm, kindness and motivation were a great example to others.
I look forward to seeing our students grow spiritually and into what God has planned for their futures.
Mrs Valme Batley
Christian Education Coordinator
Photos above: Students at the Vetamorphus Retreat.
OED Rottnest Camp
A total of 56 Outdoor Education students packed up and ventured to the pristine waters of Rottnest during Week 6 of this term.
Students actively engaged in snorkeling at a range of amazing spots across the island with Salmon Bay frequently mentioned as a favourite. The three day camp finished with a highly competitive and fun Amazing Race consisting of a range of challenges and task.
We were blessed with some amazing weather and great memories that will last for years to come. Well done to all who were involved in a fantastic camp.
Mr David Orr
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Geography in Year 11 & 12
On Thursday 16 March the Year 11 ATAR Geography and Year 12 GENERAL Geography students headed to “Bushfire Central”, the Darling Ranges of Perth. The excursion consisted of several stages/stops to look at different features.
The first stop was Liddlelow Road Banjup to look at Bushland recovery after the 2014 bushfire. We then drove up to Parkerville to study the devastating 2014 bushfire which cost 44 homes. Our final stop was Mundaring Weir which was last burnt in January 2005, where we also had a BBQ lunch at the Rose Gardens. I want to thank the Year 11 and 12 students for their work and great attitude all day, and the hard work of my Geography colleagues.
Mr Mark Burgess
Humanities Teacher
Photos above: Students at the 3 day Rottnest Outdoor Education camp.
Photos above: Year 11 ATAR Geography and Year 12 General Geography students at 'Bushfire Central'.
Sport at Kennedy
Term 2 SAS Junior Competition
Term 2, Kennedy Baptist College will continue their involvement in Southern Associated Schools Junior (SASJ). The competition is directed from Associated and Catholic Colleges of Western Australia (ACC) and aims to provide students an afterschool interschool sporting competition promoting participation, sportsmanship, leadership and socialisation amongst students.
On Wednesday afternoons from 4.00pm-5.00pm commencing 10 May (Term 2, Week 3), Kennedy Baptist College representative teams will participate in this competition. We will play St Norbert’s College, Seton College, Emmanuel College, Ursula Frayne College, John Wollaston ACS, Carey Baptist College and Corpus Christi. On a home and away schedule, students will either play at the College or travel off campus to other Colleges for competition. In Term 2, the sports available include:
Year 7 Girls Netball
Year 7 Boys Basketball
Year 8/9 Girls Netball
Year 8/9 Girls Soccer
Year 8/9 Boys Basketball
Year 8/9 Boys Soccer
If your child would like to represent the College in any of these sports, trials for these teams will occur Wednesday 26 April (Term 2, Week 1) and Wednesday 3 May (Term 2, Week 2) after school from 3.15pm - 4.15pm. If you are unable to make any of these sessions please forward your interest to jkennedy@kennedy.wa.edu.au
We encourage students to make the most of their opportunities and embrace this sporting opportunity through interschool sporting teams.
Please click here for SAS Junior fixtures. Please note that the home team is mentioned first.
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Health & Physical Education Teacher/Sports Coordinator
Interschool Swimming Carnival
On Monday, 20 March the HBF Stadium was buzzing with excitement as schools competed in the Associated and Catholic Colleges of WA Swimming Carnival.
Congratulations to our swimming team on their efforts in C Division. Although we finished 7th place, there were only 20 points between us and third place. Our Senior Boys won their respective shield on the day. We had some outstanding individual efforts - Carrick Dodds came 3rd in the U/13 overall male points, Hannah Butler 3rd in girls U/15, Ben Wai 1st in U/16 boys, Syrah Hawtree 4th in U/16 girls, Lachlan Belke 1st in U/17 boys and Mia Hughes 4th in U/17 girls.
We look forward to building on this result in 2018 with lots of students taking advantage of the great training opportunities in the new ARC Aquatic facility with our top coach - Mr Ray Utting.
Mr Rich Main
Swim Committee
Photos above: Interschool Swimming Carnival.
Back to School Information
All students commence Term 2 on Wednesday 26 April at 8.15am.
Students are to wear full winter uniform for Terms 2 and 3. It is advisable to have your child try on their uniforms during the break so purchases can be made at the uniform shop if necessary.
Administration office hours:
Closed first week of holidays and Easter
Open on Tuesday 18 April to Friday 21 April
Closed on Monday 24 April - staff professional learning
Closed on Tuesday 25 April - ANZAC day
Student Medication
Kennedy Baptist College can only administer paracetamol to students with parental consent. If your child has a condition requiring medication and you wish them to take the medication at school, please complete a medication form which is available from the office.
Student Support Services will then store your child’s medication under lock and key. Please make sure all medication is in the original packaging as we cannot accept medication provided in zip lock bags etc.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Winter Uniform Collection
It is time to make sure your student has their winter uniform for day 1 of Term 2! Student winter uniform orders are now ready for collection and payment. Please come in for a fitting if you have not previously done so.
Uniform Shop Holiday Trading Hours:
Closed first week of holidays.
Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 April: 8.30am - 3.30pm
Monday 24 April: 8.30am - 10.00am & 1.00pm - 3.30pm
Tuesday 25 April - Closed
For more information please contact Mrs Kerry James in the Uniform Shop kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
College Notices
International Study Tour Information Evening
As part of our commitment to providing our students with quality educational opportunities of excellence, the College will be running another International Study Tour next year. The International Study Tour for 2018 will consist of approximately 28 Year 10 and Year 11 students (2017 Year 9s and 10s) and approximately 4 staff visiting: Berlin, Rome and London.
At this stage, the Tour will depart Perth on the evening of Thursday 12 April 2018 and return on the morning of Friday 27 April 2018 (Term 1/Term 2 holidays). All interested parents and students are invited to an information evening in the Staff Lounge, today, Thursday 30 March at 5.00pm for more information about the purpose of this tour, the itinerary and the projected cost. We would love to see you there!
Mr Blaire Gersbach
Tour Coordinator
Getting Your Child Ready for Camp
Reminder that the Year 7 Foundation Camp, Year 9 Adventure Camp and Year 11 Challenge Camp will be held next week. These are compulsory events not to be missed by students except for medical reasons. A medical certificate will be required in the occurrence of an absent student.
These camps will be a wonderful experience for students and we look forward to getting to know your son/daughter at camp.
If you would like any further information, please contact your child's Head of Year.
Fees - Secondary Assistance Scheme
Secondary Assistance Scheme
The State Government, through the Department of Education, provides financial support to eligible parents through the Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS). The aim of the scheme is to assist low income families with secondary school costs.
Eligible parents/guardians with students enrolled in Years 7 to 12 studying a full-time secondary course at a WA private school will be able to apply for the SAS in 2017. The SAS consists of two allowances:
$235 Education Program Allowance (payment made to the College); and
$115 Clothing Allowance (payment made to the parent/guardian).
This is the last chance to apply for the following assistance as applications close 7 April 2017. For all enquiries regarding the application process/forms please visit Reception at the College.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Giverny Dodds
Congratulations to Giverny Dodds who recently competed in the State Life Saving Championships at Trigg and won a Bronze medal in the Team Swimming event. Kennedy Baptist College is proud of your achievements!
Parents & Friends Association
Thank you to all of those parents who have recently shown interest in being part of the wider community at our Easter Services. We appreciate your support. To all parents, new or not so new, please remember if you have any suggestions or ideas of possible community events that would bring the Kennedy wider community together, please forward it to pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com.
Thank you for the continued support of those Facebook followers, it is pleasing to see such positive interactions between parents, and the support the Facebook page offers appears to be endless.
P&F Fundraising - Entertainment Book
Order an Entertainment™ Membership and support our College. 20% of every membership sold contributes to our fundraising. Help us achieve our goal by sharing the following link with your friends and family.
We're fundraising with Entertainment™
Pre order your copy today from Kennedy Baptist College!
The Entertainment Books fundraising link is now active for pre-orders. Click here to order.
Community Events
You are invited to be part of a research project that is in partnership with Murdoch University to investigate the impacts of screen use at school. To participate you and your parents need to complete separate online surveys that will take about 10 min each. The link to more information and the surveys are below and displayed in your Form room.
For Student survey, please click here.
For Parent survey, please click here.
All information collected is anonymous but will be very helpful for this important research!
Term 1 intensive holiday revision classes.
Naplan and Semester One exam preparation at Rossmoyne Senior High School on Monday - Thursday 10 - 13 April and on 15 April.
For more information please click here. Call 9455 6808 / 0410 121 509 or visit our website here.
We want to provide individuals and families that do not yet know God or are curious about what Easter means to come along to our special Easter services here at Nations Church. Click here for more information.
Good Friday Service
14 April at 5.00pm and 7.00pm
Easter Sunday Service
16 April at 9.00am, 11.00am and 6.00pm
Need To Boost School Results?
Our qualified and experienced teachers want to help.
2017 ATAR Master Classes Years 11 & 12. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10. Increase your child’s confidence and improve their results with expert teaching by our qualified teachers. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 11 & 12. Receive one-on-one support from our specialist ATAR teachers to maximise your ATAR mark. Click here for more information.
Visit our website for more information.
ATAR Master Classes Term 2 commence on 29 April to 24 June. For more information on revision program for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 please click here. For more information on revision program for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 please click here.
April Revision Program
Naplan, Study Skills, Essay Writing, Subject Revision and Preparation for all students in Year 7 to 12. The April Revision Program aims to prepare students for Naplan and First Semester Exams, as well as revision consolidation. Courses will be conducted in the April school holidays at: Christ Church Grammar School. Sunday 9 April to Thursday 13 April.
For further information contact Dr. Robert Hallam at ATARget Education on 9486 1377 or visit www.atarget.com.au
Throughout the year Murdoch University will hold a range of events for future students and parents.
5 April - Creative Industries Career Evening. For more information
click here.
20 to 21 April - A day in the life of a Uni student (Year 11&12). For more information click here.
Applications for a 2018 gap year open in March 2017.
The ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians who have finished year 12 or equivalent, aged between 17 and 24, to experience military training & lifestyle whilst gaining new skills over a paid Gap Year.
To apply, visit our website here.