Open for business:new export trade pathway for Australian alpacaThe AAA is very pleased to announce a new export trade pathway that is expected to open shortly. The Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment has confirmed that conditions have been agreed between the department and SAG (Chile) for the exportation of live alpaca from Australia to Chile. The final step in this process is to finalise a bilingual certificate that is endorsed by Chile. The department expects that this process should be completed over the next few weeks since the technical aspects of the negotiation have been completed. Once the certificate is finalised, trade may commence under the agreed conditions. Chile has “Third Country Status” with the European Union thereby enabling Australian Alpaca to transit to the EU via Chile following a 6-month quarantine. This is excellent news for our industry and something to celebrate. Analysis conducted by the AAA shows that the resumption of export trade will have a positive and cascading, impact on our industry. The AAA would like to acknowledge and thank Steve and Sue Ridout from International Alpaca Exports P/L for instigating the initial discussions with DAWE regarding the Chile pathway. The AAA would also like to thank the DAWE staff who have worked with the Market Access and Trade Committee for over 12 months to achieve this new export trade pathway. DAWE continue to work on behalf of the AAA to re-open the New Zealand trade pathway and work towards direct market access from Australia into the EU, however the Board’s decision to pursue the Chilean route as a “back-up” strategy has proven to be a wise one. We also like to take this opportunity to thank our CEO Amanda Olthof and the members of the Market Access and Trade Committee (Annemarie Ashton-Wyatt and Mick Williams) for their support in achieving this outcome. Signed: Prue Walduck Chair – Market Access & Trade Committee
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