Message from the Principal
Photo Above: Our Sports Centre is well on track, opening in 2017
Dear Parents,
It has been great to see classes utilising our excellent facilities already completed as part of the College master plan and this process will certainly continue throughout 2017. The completion of the Sports Centre is well on track for the opening of the 2017 academic year and this will be a wonderful resource for our specialist basketball program, physical education electives and Southern Association Schools Interschool competitions. The new centre will provide an excellent venue for basketball, netball and volleyball as well as having a fitness gymnasium that will be available for all students.
As we continue to progress towards the end of the year, planning for 2017 is well under way. Our goal is to reflect on all practices completed at Kennedy this year and provide even better services and opportunities for the future. In an environment that is ever changing this is a particularly important process.
Year 12 Graduation
Next Friday night, 18 November, is a special night for our Year 12 families. We look forward to a great night of celebration as our Year 12 students graduate from Kennedy Baptist College. A special part of the evening will be our keynote speech by Mr Ian Thacker. Ian has worked with some of the highest performing athletes and coaches over the last 30 years. From bowling to Sachin Tendulkar
and fielding with Jonty Rhodes, he has coached and mentored International and first class cricketers and test teams from England, Pakistan, India and South Africa. Ian will be speaking about the qualities required to achieve at the highest level in a desired occupation. I would like to invite all members of our community to come along and hear Mr Thacker speak. Our formal proceedings for graduation commence at 7.00pm. We hope you can join us.
Congratulations to Brandon Smith on winning the Australian Share Market Game. Brandon Smith in Year 7 has just been announced as the National winner of the latest round of the Australian Stock Exchange Schools Share Market Game. After 10 weeks of trading on the stock exchange Brandon was able to grow his initial investment higher than all other competing students in Years 7 to 12 across Australia. This is an amazing result for Brandon and we will be presenting him with his official award, which includes $1000 prize money, at the College Assembly in Week 8. All Year 7 KEEP students compete in the competition as part of their extension programs.
Mr Mark Ashby
Fear is a reaction
Courage is a decision
(Winston Churchill)
I was one of the staff who attended the Kennedy Baptist student leadership camp in Rockingham at the beginning of Week 3 this term, and I had an amazing time. One of the highlights for me were the responses given by the students when asked which leaders they admired. Time and time again, the students spoke of people who stood up for what they held to be true and because they did this, they rose above the crowd.
What is easy to forget is, that while we now admire these leaders, those who were mentioned did not set out to be admired. Change, not admiration, was their goal and it was in desiring to see change that they made decisions which opened themselves to ridicule and hate. In several cases, these people who we now admire, were ostracised by their family, friends and community.
If I was asked who I most admire as a leader, I would talk of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who, in the crucible of horror and destruction that was WWII, could have chosen the easy path, of life in the States. Instead he made the courageous decision to return to Germany, where he would eventually be imprisoned by the Nazi regime for aiding Jewish people to escape. One month before Germany surrendered, and under the express orders of Hitler, he was executed. It is Bonhoeffer who said:
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:
God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.
Lest we forget.
Term 4 Assembly 2016
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The Assembly on Wednesday 2 November was hosted by Year 7 students. During the year, students from Year 7 have been visiting the Lakeside Seniors Group as part of their community outreach program and we were pleased that many of the seniors joined us for this Assembly.
It was interesting and inspiring to hear from students who attended the tours to France, Canberra and Newman and also to see a snapshot of photographs from their tours.
After the Student Executive and House Captain badges had been presented, it was time for students to be acknowledged for the exceptional results achieved in a variety of competitions. Details of these competitions are listed below.
Australian Mathematics Competition
On 28 July, about 120 students from Kennedy Baptist College participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition. The Australian Mathematics Competition is one of the world’s largest school-based Mathematics Competitions entered by tens of thousands of students across Australia and around the world. This is an exciting opportunity for our students to compete nationally. The questions involved in the competition extended the students and challenged them to solve complex problems in previously unseen contexts.
Congratulations to Emma Patman in Year 9 and Montana Edwards in Year 11 who received a High Distinction. This means placing in the top 2% of all students in their year group. Montana Edwards also received the “Best in School” award. Congratulations to all students who received a Distinction. This means placing in the top 15% of all students in their year group. (Please see the link below for student names.)
Ms Joyce Toh
Mathematics Teacher
Mock Trial Competition
Students who study Politics and Law in Years 11 and 12 have the opportunity to be a part of the Mock Trial Competition run by the Law Society of Western Australia.
This year, a number of students met every week as a legal team during lunch and after school to receive coaching from a visiting lawyer. The team prepared both as the Prosecution and the Defence. The Mock Trials involved a significant time commitment and effort in preparing for these cases. They were required to compete against teams from other schools in the Supreme Court of Western Australia. The cases were argued and presented before real judges, or senior lawyers acting as judges.
Through Mock trials, students were able to gain a greater understanding of the Western Australian legal system, and develop skills in preparing and arguing cases under stressful conditions.
Please click here for students who received official recognition at the Assembly for their commitment.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Politics and Law Teacher
Python Programming
In August this year, a group of students entered a nation-wide Python Programming competition run by the University of Sydney. There were about 500 schools that joined the competition. Students were required to solve programming problems for a period of 5 weeks.
Awards for two different levels, Beginner level and Intermediate level were given out at the Assembly. Although the students found the Intermediate level very challenging, they persevered and worked very hard to solve the problems that came their way. Well done to all students who attempted all the problems and persevered when they encountered difficulty.
The awards consisted of six different certificates. They were:
Certificate of Participation
Certificate of Credit
Certificate of Merit
Certificate of Distinction
Certificate of High Distinction
Certificate of Perfect Score
Please click here to see photos of our Term 4 Assembly.
Ms Yok Chi Rai
Computing Teacher
Honoring Senior Citizens at Kennedy
On Wednesday 2 November the Seniors from Lakeside Baptist Church came to Kennedy for our Assembly run by the Year 7 students. After the Assembly Year 7 Student Councillors who have visited the Seniors at Lakeside during the year as part of their Pastoral Care program, had a chance to chat with our visitors at a special Morning Tea.
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
College Tour
Kennedy held its final College Tour for the Year on Monday 31 October. Over 76 potential parents attended the tour and enjoyed an address from Mr Mark Ashby before setting out on a guided tour of the College. On completion of the tour, guests enjoyed sharing a cup of tea and a scrumptious Kennedy cupcake.
Our tour dates for 2017 will be:
Term 1 Monday 20 February 2017
Term 2 Monday 15 May 2017
Term 3 Open Day Saturday 26 August 2017 between 10.00am and 2.00pm
Term 4 Monday 30 October 2017
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
Research and Study Centre - Maker Space
The Research and Study Centre operates a Maker Space which enables students to participate in and to organise a number of activities.
In Term 2 one of the activities was learning to knit. We soon discovered that some students could already knit and wanted to do more and so it was suggested we could knit squares to make a blanket. “Come knit by the fire” came into operation in Term 3, where students and staff were able to knit squares. Our end result is a very colourful knee rug which will be donated to a charity. Many thanks to all who contributed.
Mrs Alison Hanham
Library Teacher
Excursion Updates
Film Making
On 26 November Kennedy’s Film Making students were given the opportunity to spend the day at Serpentine Baptist Campsite, combining this year’s learning experiences into a small group short film task. The location provides a great mixture of outdoor and indoor settings, to cater to their chosen genre.
The six groups made the most of the opportunity, bringing their own costumes and props and using our College media kit; cameras, tripods, microphones, boom poles, dollies, clapperboards, etc.
Since Kennedy began, we have made the most of this handy location and I am looking forward to the 2016 Film Making students editing their productions.
Mr Justin Markham
Film & Photography Teacher
Year 9 Photography
Four classes of Year 9 Photography students enjoyed a beautiful afternoon photographing the harbour, people and interesting buildings around the City of Fremantle. This was the final Photography excursion for 2016 and many of these students will further develop their camera and composition skills in the Photography classes next year. They all have done really well.
Mr Paul Wilkins
Photography Teacher
Sport at Kennedy
Elite Sports Tournament
On Friday 28 October we entered four teams into the Elite Sports Tournament held at Warwick Leisure Centre. It was great to see our teams compete in a high level tournament. Our Girls Year 7/8 team, made up of mostly Year 7 students, started off strong with some convincing wins and finished 2nd place in the tournament only losing to the eventual champions. Our Boys 7/8 team went through undefeated winning the tournament with a convincing 20pt margin in the grand final. Our Boys 9/10 team made it to the semi-finals where they were knocked out by the eventual champions. Our Girls 9/10 team were also undefeated and won the tournament with a tough first half of the grand final but eventually winning by 20 points.
Congratulations to Kai Holmes Year 8, Kial Cross Year 8, Jewel Williams Year 10, Claire Jacobs Year 10 and Derek Igbenoba Year 10 who were awarded an all star medal on the day for their performances. A big thank you to Mr Andy Stewart and Miss Amanda Pether for helping coach on the day and also the coaching staff from our Specialist Basketball program for the training that they put in every week with our students.
Mr Scott Britza
Specialist Basketball Coordinator
Health & Physical Education Teacher
Cricket Carnival
On Tuesday 8 November Kennedy entered seven teams into the MILO T20 Blast High School Cup South carnival. A great day was had by all. Congratulations to the Year 7/8 Girls and Year 10 Girls teams who emerged Champions for the day. Below are write ups from individual coaches.
Year 7/8 Boys Team 1
Today we ventured to Tonkin Park to participate in a Super 8's Cricket Carnival. The Year 7/8 Kennedy Baptist College boys teams represented the school well and had a successful day winning 2/3 games in our pool. The day was full of highlights with superb team play and sportsmanship being displayed by all the players. Both the Year 7/8 boys teams gained much experience and enjoyed the day.
Mr Rogers
Year 7/8 Boys Team 2
The Year 7/8 Kennedy boys team 2 was made up entirely of Year 7’s and were up against it all day playing all their games against teams made up mainly of Year 8’s. Although the boys did not win any matches they were close in every match not losing by more than 25 runs. It was a great day out for all involved and students sure did put on a show, with plenty of fours and sixes being hit and wickets taken! The spirit in which all the games were played is to be commended and congratulations to all the participants for putting on a fantastic spectacle!
Mr Macauley
Year 7/8 Girls Team
The Year 7/8 girls came up against some tough competition all day, but showed grit and determination to grind out a victory in the final against Corpus Christi. They should be proud of the way they performed as a team all day, and most importantly showed great sports-woman-ship to all of their opposition. They will now play in a regional final at the WACA, with the winner having a chance to go to Melbourne to play in the Australian finals.
Mr Haydock
Year 9 Girls Team
The Year 9 girls played with high spirits and excellent energy but unfortunately came up against some tough opposition. The girls should be commended on their positive attitudes toward the game and opposition. Congratulations to Lexington Mitchell, Skye Prentice and Grace Channells who showed courage and skill on the field and all girls for playing their part in the team games. Next year we will come back stronger.
Miss Knowles
Year 10 Girls Team
After a great day of cricket with 4 wins and 1 loss, the Year 10 girls entered the grand final as the underdogs. Narrowly losing to Emmanuel throughout the day by 20 runs, the girls wanted to win and that they did. Congratulations to all the girls on a 234-101 run win, making them the 2017 MILO T20 Blast High School Cup South Year 10 Champions. Great efforts all day by Jordan Scanlan who continuously hit the boundary and Captain Ebany Formentin for her all round efforts.
Miss Kennedy
Year 9/10 Boys Team 1
Kennedy 1 boys played with great spirit culminating in their derby defeat of Kennedy 2. Led by Jordan Middleton and Eric Botha, all players enjoyed a day with additional wins over CBC and Perth Modern School.
Mr Main
Year 9/10 Boys Team 2
Kennedy 2 boys played with great energy and enthusiasm. The boys played with good spirit as evident by the friendly banter throughout the day with team mates and opposition. The highlight was the last game of the day. An all Kennedy derby, with Kennedy 1 emerging victors by 3 runs. The Kennedy 1 boys have earned the bragging rights but Kennedy 2 boys look forward to a potential rematch next year.
Mr Wager
Photo Above: Year 10 Girls Team
College Notices
Our New Website
We are excited to announce that we have launched a new website with easier registration and information for you and for our potential families. Find information with a click of a button! See our new website here.
Hints for effective studying.
ReachOut.com. Click here to go to their website.
Mindmaps and brainstorming. Click here to go to website.
Term 4 Cafeteria Menu
With summer here, Beedawong has spiced up their menu! With so much more to choose from please click here to see the menu for Term 4.
Beedawong Cafeteria Volunteers
We need volunteers to help us in our Cafeteria. We are a great group who all work together in a fun environment. Your duties would be to help prepare food and assist the Cafeteria Manager with other small tasks.
If you would like to generously donate your time, please email us and let us know your availability.
Year 7-9 Awards Night
We are looking forward to celebrating our Year 7-9 student’s achievements at Kennedy on Wednesday 23 November, 7.00pm to 9.00pm. It is a compulsory event for all Year 7-9 students.
Uniform Shop 2017 Hours
The Uniform Shop closes on Thursday 1 December 2016.
Holiday hours will be Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 3.30pm. We are closed on Australia Day Thursday, 26 January.
Please contact Mrs Kerry James in the Uniform Shop by either phoning the College (Ph: 93147722) or by email: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Update Your Child’s Form Room
If you have children registered with Online Canteen could you please update your child’s Form room to appropriate year level in time for the start of Term 1 of 2017.
Canteen Credit Competition
Our College cafeteria has been using online ordering since 2010 and we are loving that our families are taking the opportunity to use this simple system to order for recess and lunch for your children at your own convenience.
Now it’s time for you to WIN $$$ in canteen credit! (There are 4 x $5 credit vouchers to be won).
How to enter? Place an order online between
Monday 31 October and Friday 18 November.
Each time you order, you will go in the draw to win
one of four x $5.00 credit vouchers. The winners will be drawn on Friday 18 November
and will be notified accordingly.
Credit will be added to your account by Monday 21 November.
Please note: credit vouchers need to be used in one transaction. Start ordering today: www.ouronlinecanteen.com.au
Volunteer Afternoon Tea - RSVP
Please join us as we celebrate and honour the volunteers of the Kennedy community and thank you for your contribution this year.
When: 2.00pm Friday 2 December
Where: Staff Lounge
Please RSVP by Friday 25 November to Janet Hair on 9314 7722 or by email at jhair@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Celebrating Students Achievements
Alyssa Santoro
Congratulations to Alyssa Santoro who has been selected as a member of the Jitterbugs Mixed Age Sychronised Ice Skating Team – WA Representative for 2016. Alyssa and her team will be competing at the Australian Figure Skating Championships in Melbourne on 22 - 27 November 2016. We wish the team all the best.
Brandon Smith
Trading on the Stock Market can be a scary business for some people, but not for Year 7 Kennedy Baptist College student Brandon Smith, who trading as Smiths Chips, has just won first prize in the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Share Market Game. Brandon competed against thousands of school aged competitors from Years 7 - 12 all over Australia. Congratulations Brandon!
Parents & Friends Association
Thank you! To everyone who contributed a plate of delicious morsels to the World Teachers Day Morning Tea.
Kennedy P&F Facebook Page
Are you looking for uniform items or text books? The Kennedy P&F facebook page is a good forum for buying and selling second hand. There are many items for sale and more are being posted daily.
The P&F wish all the best to students with your end of year exams.
Diary Dates for 2017
P&F AGM and meeting for Term 1: Wednesday 8 February 2017, 7.00pm in the Staff Lounge.
Car Boot Sale – Saturday 25 March in the car park. More details to come.
Contact us via:
Community Events
Parenting Courses
22 Southport Street, West Leederville
Building Stronger Families:
2 November - 7 December. Click here for more.
Parent Child Connection:
15 November - 6 December. Click here for more.
Rock and Water Program: Saturday 12 November. Click here for more.
Understanding Stepfamily Relationship Weekend:
18, 19 and 20 November. Click here for more.
Emotional Coaching:
22 November. Click here for more.
For more information or to enrol please call 6164 0200.
January Preparation Program! OLNA , study skills, essay writing, subject revision and preparation for all students entering Year 7 to 12 in 2017.
The January Preparation Program aims to prepare students for Term 1 (2017) before the academic year begins. The classes will revise those important components from the 2016 syllabus that are vital for success in the new-year. The program will also preview what students can expect in their courses in 2017.
Courses will be conducted at: Leeming Senior High School
Wednesday 18 to Wednesday 25 of January, 2017
Early Bird enrolment discount of 10% before Friday 19 December, 2016
Dr. Robert Hallam at Master Mind Australia on 9486 1377
Martime Day Expo celebrates the martime industry in the working Port of Fremantle, and provides information about martime jobs and education
You are invited to a free event on Saturday 12 November at B Shed, Victoria Quay.
Enjoy numerous displays including the Royal Australian Navy, free harbour rides, kid's activities, free food and information booths.
For more information, contact Jane Edwards on 9430 3373 or email her here.
Drivewell Driving Academy aims to teach students driving skills that will not only enable them to pass their Practical Driving Assessment, but also establish good habits for safe life long driving. At Drivewell we teach driving in a manual car as we believe this can open up more opportunities in the future for our students.
Adrian Yurisich is an experienced trainer who teaches in a calm, supportive and encouraging manner. He has a proven strategy for success which will take students step by step from a beginner through to a confident driver. Phone Adrian on 0431 657 566 or click here for more information.
Building Resilience and Self-Esteem in Today’s Children.
Maggie will present practical, common-sense ideas and strategies to make small changes in your home or classroom/centre, which will make a big difference to your children’s cognitive, physical, psychological, emotional and social health later in life.
Venue: The Hub, Lakeside Recreation Centre, North Lake, WA
Date: Tuesday 21 February 2017
Time: 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Cost: Single $30.00, Couple $50.00, Concession Holder $25.00
Bookings: Please book online at www.trybooking.com/NOFV
Inquiries: Roy Robinson, roy@lakeside.asn.au or 08 93107700