AAA Member Update #5 2021The AAA monthly update is our way of communicating with our members. Message from the President The time of year is upon us for renewing our memberships, and I would like to thank those that continue to support all of the work the AAA is doing on behalf of the industry. It is with our joint efforts that we have been able to achieve a positive step forward for alpaca. We have made inroads to long term projects, with many nearing completion. I am excited about the prospect of the AAA releasing some upgrades to eAlpaca, the start of the sustainability project including a refreshed biosecurity plan, plus back once again the highlight of the year, the National Show. The continued support of volunteers cannot be understated with all of these achievements of the AAA. One pillar that we continue to strive to grow is member resources, skills and education. We would happily accept contribution from members who are willing to share their wealth of experience for the betterment of the industry as a whole. The most recent works have included webinars and some short videos. It would be great to expand this to cover some of the other areas of interest to our members, so don’t be afraid to put your hand up to help. Registration discounts are still available this month for those members that register over 10 cria per financial year. As previously announced the new fee schedule was effective as of January 2021, and this discount now only to applies to under 12 months of age. Under 24 months of age registrations have not increased in price. Don’t miss this opportunity, as the reset is the 1st of July. I appreciate the support so far this year. Let’s keep growing this industry together. A special note out to our members across Victoria who are doing it tough in the current lock down. We are a community. We support each other, so reach out in need. Keep safe. Keep well. Enjoy everything alpaca. Brett Fallon Welfare Policy meeting AAA members are invited to take part in a consultation meeting to discuss elective husbandry procedures – embryo transfer, pain relief, castration. The meeting will take place on 17 June at 7pm Canberra time. Register for the member's session A background paper is in the member's resources section of the AAA website portal (don't forget that you need to be logged in to the website) New Showing and Judging Committee Congratulations to the newly appointed Showing and Judging Committee!
AAA Partners AAA has a series of partners who provide our members with benefits. We are so grateful to have these businesses as partners who support the AAA and our members. Of particular note, the WFI insurance premium commissions will be paid to your aligned AAA Region. ANZ Business finance commission will be aligned with Research & Development investments into our industry’s future.
Colour Coat DNA tests The DNA tests now available on coat colour testing can be organised through the AAA office either individually or in conjunction with male certification or parentage vertification – please contact the office at for more information. Cost is $39 for the test on its own, or bundles combined with parentage verification or male certification are also available. Save the dates - National Show The AAA National Show is going ahead in Bendigo 19-22 August. The show will open in eAlpaca shortly. See our special website page for more information Follow the AAA on our socials Follow us on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles. We would love you to like, share, comment our posts - it helps to share alpacas with a wider audience! AAA Member group is now open! This group is an additional method of communication from the AAA as well as a resource for member skills and training. Join up here Key National Show Dates
Contact the AAA Board