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4 Fake Charities: How to Spot a Scam

If your mouth dropped open after learning that one guy - James Reynolds, Sr of Tennessee -- stooped low enough to tell big-hearted donors their money would pay for the care of cancer patients - including children, including women with breast cancer - and instead used the funds to stuff the pockets of his family and friends, well, you're not alone. Here's what he did and how we can all protect our own big hearts from getting hijacked. READ MORE 

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Buying Mistakes NO ONE Can Afford to Make

Did you buy Amberen, believing it really did help women over 40 lose weight?

Is your car made by one of 12 big brands - including, Chrysler, Ford, General Motors & Honda - affected by a national airbag RECALL?

And while not life threatening, let us save you a day of waiting for the plumber in saying: Turns out that flushible wipes from Costco, CVS, Target and BJ's aren't actually flushable or safe for sewer systems.

Find out these things first!

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