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We have a new format for the 2018-19 school year! All annoucements will be posted as blog posts on our website. We will still link to the current items in this weekly newsletter, but on the blog website, you will be able to sort posts by category and by health professions tags. This will also allow us to reduce the Newsletter to one email each week.

SUBSCRIPTION LINK: If this e-mail was forwarded to you, please subscribe to the PreHealth Newsletter here.

QUICK TIP: You can click on items of interest on the left sidebar to jump straight to specific announcements.

Follow us on Twitter: @PSUPreHealth

*NEW* Health Professions Group Advising

Throughout the fall and spring semesters, Penn State PreHealth Advising offer a series of group advising sessions.
NEW for the 2018-19 school year: Students considering medical, dental, podiatry, and physician assistant professions must attend a Med Prep or PA Prep group advising session prior to meeting one-on-one with PreHealth Advising.


Group Advising sessions occuring in the next two weeks:

  • PA App: Wednesday, January 23, 6:00-7:00pm in 104 Thomas
  • PA Prep: Tuesday, January 29, 6:00-7:00pm in 201 Thomas
  • Med App: Tuesday, February 5, 6:00-7:15pm in 104 Thomas

Desciptions of sessions and the full Spring 2019 schedule can be found here: http://sites.psu.edu/sciadvising/2018/12/06/spring-2019-health-professions-group-advising/

Primary Care Scholars Applications (Hershey Shadowing)

Hershey College of Medicine’s Primary Care Scholars program, May 20-31, 2019


  • Sincere & genuine interest in becoming a Primary Care physician
  • Sophomore, junior or senior who will not graduate in August, 2019.

Applications are now available at room 225B Ritenour Bldg. for Hershey’s “Primary Care Scholars’ Program for 2019”

More Information

Important Note:  A reference letter from someone in your home community or college community is required. Include the sealed, signed envelope from your “Community Letter Writer” with your application.  Last, you drop off the full application set at 225B Ritenour Bldg.

AAMC Fee Assistance Updates

The AAMC has announced changes to their Fee Assistance Program (FAP). They have increased the number of application fee waivers from 16 to 20. To read the full announcement on the additional benefits they have added this year, please go here: http://sites.psu.edu/sciadvising/2019/01/17/aamc-fee-assistance-program-updates-2019/

Early Admissions Opportunities

Seminars and Workshops


Fairs and Open Houses




Scholarships and Grants


Summer Programs


Research Experience


Volunteer Opportunities


Jobs & Internships





Academic Resources


Courses - Spring 2019

Year-Round Opportunities

Opportunities available year-round can be found on this page:

Such opportunities include:

  • Information regarding Health Professions Group Advising Sessions
  • Information regarding the Committee Letter process
  • Donations for test prep books (MCAT, DAT, PCAT)
  • Medical Scribing positions
  • Other continuous job postings


Newsletter Updates

To unsubscribe, use the link at the top or bottom of this page. The newsletter will be sent out approximately once per week during the school year. During summer, newsletters will be sent once per month or on an as-needed basis. As always, please feel free to send announcements relevant to science/prehealth/premedicine students to prehealthadvising@psu.edu

Subscribe Here!

If this e-mail was forwarded to you, please subscribe to the PreHealth Newsletter here.