No images? Click here Beware the latest scamsYou might think that you're in touch with the various ways that criminals could defraud you, but do you know about the 419 scam? Or the keylogger scam? Learn more here to protect yourself. And would you allow a tracking company 'technician' to test drive your vehicle without you if they told you there was a fault in the device? Noteworthy news in numbers4th: date in December when Safire will close at 11h00 for its staff year-end party; we will also close early (at noon), on 24 and 31 December. Staff will be available on their mobile phones for emergencies. 86%: percentage of respondents to a recent AutoTrader survey who said that they would consider using an electric vehicle as their primary vehicle, although only 2% of consumers currently own one. 92,063: estimated number of potholes in Johannesburg, where a recent Small Claims Court challenge forced the Johannesburg Roads Agency to pay for pothole damage to a vehicle. Additional insurance cover for farmersOur new Agri: Crop product, following hot on the heels of the launch of our premier Stellar Lifestyle and Stellar Farming options in October, offers hail cover for crops and fruit and has been developed to provide wider insurance protection for the agricultural sector. Making your social media saferSocial media can provide potentially dangerous insights into our lives. From protecting your personal details and family privacy to ensuring that criminals aren't aware that you'll be heading off on holiday and leaving your home unattended - it's vital to keep your social media activity safe. Learn how, here! Warnings of potentially disastrous weatherThe South African Weather Service (SAWS) has introduced a new weather warning system that could save lives and prevent drivers from heading out into potentially dangerous conditions. The so-called Impact-Based Severe Weather Warning System will issue alerts for hazards such as severe storms, damaging winds, disruptive snowfalls, reduced visibility and heatwave conditions. An app for this useful information is being considered by SAWS. Pre-holiday checklistIt's almost holiday time, and whether you're staying at home or venturing off somewhere exotic, there are things you need to do to ensure that you and your family enjoy a safe festive season. If you're a Safire client, load the Safire Assist app onto each family member's mobile phone (in case your personal phone is lost, damaged or stolen) for help with household and roadside emergencies. But there's more on the 'to do' list... Let's tempt you!In the September issue of The Insurer we announced the date for the next Safire Berg 100 MTB event. If 27 March 2021 isn't in your diary already, add it now - and we are delighted to announce that entries are now open! Whether you're undecided or just want to be inspired or revisit happy memories of your previous rides, have a look… That's LifeSince 2003, the Movember movement has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world, focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. The Insurer newsletter and the content of any article published herein, should not be construed as forming part of any insurance contract or policy nor as constituting any form of advice. It is aimed at providing an informal and informative read to the readers thereof. Whilst every effort is taken to attempt to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained herein, Safire Insurance Company Limited does not give any assurance regarding such accuracy or correctness and accordingly does not accept any liability whatsoever for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising from any reliance placed in the information contained herein. |