Something for everyone - packed full of opportunities for you! No images? Click here PrehealthNewsletterApril 15, 2021Welcome!Please tune in weekly to see the many prehealth related resources and events. And as always, check in with your prehealth adviser if you have any questions! Prehealth advisers will meet over zoom with students from across the Commonwealth as well as alumni. Upcoming group advising sessions can be found on our website. SUBSCRIPTION LINK: If this e-mail was forwarded to you, please subscribe to the Prehealth Newsletter here. National Health Corps PittsburghNational Health Corps has been a popular gap year option for recent graduates interested in medical/dental/PA school. Please join the Pittsburgh division for an information session on April 19th. Information Session: April 19, 7:30pm Additional gap year opportunities are updated regularly in the blog page listed below and in every newsletter edition. Gap Year Ideas and OpportunitiesThinking of taking a gap year and not sure what to do? Chat with a Prehealth Adviser, and visit this list to get some ideas! Including a call from a dermatologist looking for a pre-med intern. Miss an issue of the newsletter?Head over to our website for an archive of past issues to see what you missed!