Building Resilient Leaders
When describing a great leader what are some of the words
that come to mind?
Committed, inspiring, experienced, resilient?
Research shows that resilience in today’s workplace is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in being a successful leader.
Humans are biologically hard-wired to resist change and avoid risk even though that can harm our future performance. How can we create an organisation that is responsive to change and strategic enough to take advantage of opportunities without people who are resilient?
Recent research in the field of neuroscience has led to new discoveries on brain function, which indicates that we can actually rewire our brains to change our mindset and increase our adaptability. We can create resilient leaders to achieve success as individuals and for their organisation.
Progress Training is proud to announce that it has become the first organisation in Australia certified by TRACOM to deliver their 'Adaptive Mindset' – programs and instruments.
Would you like to learn more about our new ‘Developing a Resilient Mindset’ program?
1. Simply click here to obtain an outline of our one-day ‘Adaptive Mindset For Resiliency’ program.
2. Email to receive TRACOM’s Resilient Mindset Model whitepaper.
3. Call 02 9527 2280 to see how we can work with you, your leaders and teams and help develop their levels of resiliency.
If you would like to catch up on any past Progress Matters editions, find out more about Social Styles or any of our other people development or private coaching programs, go to our website
For further information on how Progress Training Systems can help your organisation Progress further, call today on 02 9527 2280.
You can’t stop Progress!
Janelle Nisbet
Managing Director