Message from the Principal
Photo above: Canberra and Sydney tour students.
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Term 4 at Kennedy Baptist College. This term will continue to provide a wide range of opportunities for students across all Learning Areas and culminates with examinations for students in Years 8 to 12. Over the holidays, Kennedy operated student tours to Canberra and the Pilbara. It has been wonderful to hear the great stories of the experiences students were given whilst on these tours. Congratulations to both the staff and students who participated in these extraordinary opportunities.
Year 12 Last Day: Friday 20 October
Next Friday we will honour and farewell our Year 12 students at a special Assembly to acknowledge their last official day of classes at Kennedy. We wish them all the very best as a large number of these students commence their final preparations for the WACE examinations which will then be used for university entrance. Year 12 Graduation will then take place on Friday 17 November after the WACE examinations. I hope all of our Year 12 families can join us for both of these special events.
Year 10-12 Awards Night: Tuesday 17 October
Next Tuesday 17 October at 7.00pm we celebrate and give thanks for the wonderful achievement of our Year 10 – 12 students. I would to remind families that this is a compulsory event for students and details have been emailed out to you. It would be wonderful to have as many families as possible joining us on the night for this special celebration.
Mr Mark Ashby
For Thine is the kingdom
The power and the glory
Matthew 6:13
This prayer ends the way it began, by focusing on the rule and reign of God. It is His Kingdom which is to be our priority (Matthew 6:33) and like an umbrella which shelters us from the rain, all that we do and say comes under the protection of His Kingdom. Every relationship; our work; College; life in general and life in particular; all of this is now within the realm of the rule of God.
The idea of power in scripture is one that often gets badly illustrated. If we consider that, it cannot mean now what it did not mean then, the power spoken of here cannot be related to modern forms of power generation. Rather, power in the First Century was about whom you were connected to within society and the authority that you gained from those connections. This prayer states that all authority is held by God, and in Him rests all true belief (glory).
During the school holidays, I went trekking through the Tongariro National Park, New Zealand. One of the treks was the Alpine walk, 20 km across the top of Ngauruhoe. I was in awe at the beauty and glory of creation but also the sheer power that was latent beneath the soil I was walking on. As a primary school student, I remember when Ngauruhoe erupted and the devastation that eruption caused. Beauty and power is an awe-inspiring combination. Our Heavenly Daddy is shown to be both awesome in power and surrounded by glory. Yet in our connection to Him, through His Son, we, in some miraculous way, share in that glory and authority. I know that I have not come to terms with what that means in my own life, but the challenge to see it realized would be worthy of the effort.
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Year 12 students are completing their final weeks of scheduled classes and the end of compulsory schooling is in sight for students (and parents). The completion of College brings joy, excitement and some anxiety. Joy overflows as students know they are no longer required to attend College, future plans bring excitement but there is always a little anxiety around the unknown. I wish every Year 12 student well as they journey into their careers and adulthood.
Examinations for Year 8-11 are just around the corner. Year 11 students begin examinations in Week 6 and conclude at the end of Week 7. All Year 11 students, ATAR and General, are expected to attend classes on Monday 27 November. All students will be provided with assessment results including their final mark and grade. Students who completed examinations will receive feedback on their performance in the examination. The information and review processes that will occur on this day are essential for all students.
Year 8-10 students will have examinations in English, Humanities, Mathematics and Science from Thursday 16 November to Tuesday 21 November. Examinations will occur after morning form and will be completed by recess. Parents are reminded that examinations are not rescheduled. Students will receive feedback on their examinations during Week 7. The curriculum concludes on the final day of College, Tuesday 5 December.
Each student is encouraged to begin revising for examinations now. The Research and Study Centre has presented study techniques to all year groups and offer refresher courses for all students by appointment. Revision notes, flash cards, acronyms and practice are common techniques for consolidating and remembering the concepts presented.
SEQTA access in 2018 will change. It is anticipated that for the beginning of the 2018 school year parents will be able to create their own passwords and possible usernames within SEQTA. In order to make this change the College must have current email addresses for all parents/guardians. Please update your contact information by emailing admin@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."
- Warren Bennis
In Term 1 the Student Council leadership developed a new initiative, the idea of holding a Kennedy Day. Their vision was to create a special, stand alone day to celebrate who we are as a college.
Their specific goals included:
Creating an upbeat, fun and positive atmosphere
Lift the student body up and encourage them
A day of recharging
In September, following many months of hard work they turned their vision into reality with the holding of the Inaugural Kennedy Day.
The day began with a student run Assembly involving performances, a student made video about Kennedy, a basketball competition on stage and a devotion by the College Head Boy. Then at lunch the Councillors closed off the upper circle car park and held a Kennedy Festival. This involved Student Councillors running face painting, organising food trucks including Garys' Diner, a Zorb ball soccer competition, live music, a giant inflatable slide, minute to win it games and a very popular petting zoo involving students feeding cows, rabbits, lambs, llamas, pigs, ducks, goats and sheep. Each area was run by a different group of Student Councillors as they took on their leadership roles. The day was huge success for both students and staff.
From a student leader perspective it was an excellent opportunity for our Student Councillors to develop and implement their ideas into the life of the College and support their fellow students as well as further developing their own leadership and organisational skills. We look forward to next year’s event to see what ideas and directions the next group of Student Councillors will have for the now established Kennedy Day.
Photo above: Kennedy Day.
Canberra - Sydney Tour Update
During the first week of the holidays, 32 students and five staff attended an educational study tour of Canberra and Sydney. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy through visits to places such as the National Museum, Parliament House, the Australian War Memorial, the National Electoral Centre and the Powerhouse Museum. They also had the opportunity to be involved in activities run by the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra and the National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Sydney as well as visiting the Taronga Zoo.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of young Australians being able to visit the national capital as an extension of their Civics and Citizenship studies. To assist families in meeting the cost of the study tour, the Australian Government contributes funding of $240 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program (PACER). The rebate is paid directly to the College upon completion of the excursion. Please note that this was incorporated into the cost of the trip.
Mrs Claire Wallace
Trip Coordinator
Photos above: Canberra - Sydney Tour.
Newman Tour Update
On Monday 18 September, 10 Year 11 students and three staff members, myself, Mr Manuel Ilchuk and Miss Amanda Davis, journeyed to Newman for the 2017 Newman Indigenous Tour.
The following day, the group visited the largest open cut iron ore site in the southern hemisphere, Mt Whaleback, before heading over 200km up the road to Nullagine. That evening, the local kids at Nullagine invited the group to a fantastic water hole where the students could swing off a rope and into the water. The next day, the students spent time at Nullagine Community School, helping the students with mathematics, reading, health and fitness and carpentry.
Back at Newman, the students helped create a sandpit play area at Martu Farm, as well as placing shade cloth overhead to keep the area cool for the children. This was an excellent project and Mr Ilchuk was in his element. Whilst the students worked on the project, they also got to meet a famous Martu artist, by the name of Cyril Whyoulter, who painted a canvas to sell to our College. On another evening at Martu Farm, the students even got to experience Martu church.
The students also visited the Newman EPIS Day Centre, where they donated handbags and grooming bags full of hygiene products and other goods to the clientele. One gentleman got his hair cut and many of the women there had their nails painted by our talented students. Some of the clients at the Day Centre visited the dam with our group and enjoyed a sausage sizzle.
On the day that the group went hunting, the goannas were hiding and we did not manage to catch any, but it was a lot of fun trying to find them. As a consolation, we did manage to find some bush medicine up one of the trees.
Toward the end of the trip, the group headed to Karijini National Park. There, the students enjoyed spending time at Fern Pool and Hamersley Gorge, as well as checking out the lookout at Knox Gorge. The scenery was amazing and the students had an awesome time, swimming and soaking up the sun.
All in all it was a very memorable trip and one that will have a lasting impact on those who attended.
If your son or daughter is currently in Year 10 and would like to know more about next year’s tour, please contact myself for more information.
Mr Murray Dunstan
Tour Coordinator
Photos above: Newman Tour.
Research & Study Centre
Champions Read - Term 4
Term 4 heralds our annual school-wide reading program, Champions Read! It will run for four weeks starting 18 October with students needing to record their reading every Wednesday evening ready for Thursday Form class. This is an opportunity for students to read deeply for pleasure and accumulate points for their House as they vie for the coveted Kennedy Cup.
Some interesting research has been conducted on the benefits of reading for pleasure. Please see the link here.
Reading Matters - Term 3
In the last week of Term 3, we saw the culmination of our Year 7 (11 in 7) and Year 8 (Double Eight) reading programs.
Over 90 Year 7 students successfully read 11 books in three terms and were treated to a special pizza lunch in the Research and Study Centre. 60 pizzas were eagerly demolished.
A movie matinee showing the Australian film, Paper Planes complete with an intermission for the consumption of Krispy Kreme donuts rewarded over 70 Year 8s that read 16 books in the time frame. There was even time at the end of the screening for our own paper plane flying competition!
Mrs Virginia Yurisich
Head of Research and Study
Photo above: Year 7 students rewarded with a pizza lunch.
Photo above: Year 8 students rewarded with Krispy Kreme donuts.
Game Mods Electronics and Coding Club
This club has begun and meets on Thursdays after school in the Research and Study Centre for the length of the project they are tackling. Mentored by Mr Darren Longbottom and Mr Ivan Arthur from ICT, the first project they have decided to do is the classic computer game Pong - implementing the game in Python on Raspberry Pi.
Maker Space
In the Research and Study Centre over a two week period we had lots of students making cards for their Dads for Father’s Day. Mrs Schiefler – our card maker extraordinaire – worked with the students and Christine Gee from Year 7 was a great helper. Our next project in the Maker Space is beading with Mrs Batley in the last two weeks of term.
Photos above: Coding Club with Mr Longbottom and Mr Arthur from ICT.
Photo above: Making cards for Father’s Day.
College Fees
Unknown Deposit
The following deposit has been made to the College's bank account. Details are as below:
18/09/17 NEBOJSHA FRANICH Nebo Franich Depos
If you have made this deposit please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 or email fees@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Sport at Kennedy
Students vs Staff Basketball Game
During the last week of Term 3, basketball students and staff displayed their skills on the court in the Sports Centre. With our new grand stand, spectators cheered them on with excitement! Staff walked away as the overall winners of the day. We sure have some great talent here at Kennedy!
Photos above: Students vs Staff Basketball Game.
College Notices
State Representatives
Has your child represented WA in sport this year?
We would like to acknowledge students in the 2017 Yearbook who represented the State in their chosen sport. If your child has represented WA this year please send details of the sport, the competition, the result and any other pertinent details to Mrs Mandy Beaurain through email by 31 October. Thank you.
Term 4 Cafeteria Menu
With summer here, Beedawong has spiced up their menu! With so much more to choose from please click here to see the menu for Term 4.
Year 10-12 Awards Night
Next Tuesday, 17 October at 7.00pm we celebrate the wonderful achievements of our Year 10-12 students.
World Teachers Day
Kennedy will be celebrating teachers on Friday 27 October.
Hayfever Season
Hayfever season has arrived. Kennedy Baptist College can only administer paracetamol to students with parental consent. If your child has a condition requiring medication (e.g. hayfever medication) and you wish them to take the medication at College, please complete a medication form which is available from the office. Student Support will then store your child’s medication under lock and key.
Please make sure all medication is in the original packaging as we can not accept medication provided in zip lock bags etc. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Term 4 Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed on Friday
Please contact Mrs Jo Van Der Merwe in the Uniform Shop by either phoning the College (phone 9314 7722) or by email: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Please click here for more details about our Uniform Shop.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Kennedy Baptist College commends our students for their hard work and commitment. Kennedy is proud of their achievements and we wish them all the best.
Montana Turnbull
Congratulations to Montana Turnbull who has been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2017 Netball U/15 team. This team will be competing at the Schools Sport Australia National Championships in December. We wish Montana all the best.
Reuben Darch
Congratulations to Reuben Darch who has been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2017 Golf U/17 team. This team will be competing at the Schools Sport Australia National Championships in December. We wish Reuben all the best.
Paige Pownell
Year 7 student, Paige Pownell played WA State Lacrosse for the U/15 Team. She initially missed getting in purely because they give precedence to older girls - however one girl dropped out and Paige was first on the list to be asked. The state lacrosse games played out over the last week of the school holidays. Paige's team (Flames) managed to win three games against fierce competition finishing 7th overall out of 9 teams. We are so proud of her achievement!
Parents & Friends Association
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
The Bunnings sausage sizzle over the school holidays was a great success. Thank you to all the parent & children volunteers for making it a worthwhile day.
Stay Connected
Apart from reading about us in the newsletter the best ways to find out about what is happening with the P&F are:
To come along to a meeting. Our next P&F meeting date is set for next year on Tuesday 6 February 2018 at 7.00pm in the Staff Lounge. We have one meeting a term and this is a good opportunity to hear about what is happening in the College. Please email the P&F for more information.
Join our facebook community – Kennedy P&F. This is also a really good way to find/sell second hand items such as uniforms, text books etc.
Entertainment Book
The Kennedy P&F do a wonderful job raising money for the College. Please support them by ordering your Entertainment Book here
Community Events
Our qualified and experienced teachers want to help! Boost student confidence and marks. For current courses please click here.
Year 11 ATAR Exam Boost Seminars
Exam preparation with a one day seminar for $200. Click here for more information.
Year 12 ATAR Exam Boost Seminars
Target your exam preparation with a one day seminar for $200. Click here for more information.
Topic: Taming the Stress Monster in Adolescence. Suitable for adolescents 14+ attending with their parents - $20 per ticket. Wednesday 18 October 2017, 7.00 - 9.00pm at Kennedy Baptist College, Farrington Road, Murdoch.
Please click here to make a booking.
The University of Notre Dame is hosting an ATAR Advice Day on 21 December. This event is designed to provide one-on-one course counselling in light of students receiving their ATAR results.
Give us a call on 08 9433 0533 or email future@nd.edu.au to book in your visit or presentation, or if we can assist with anything at all.
Future Student Information Evening on 19 October. For future students important dates please click here.
For more information and upcoming events, please click here.
Get summer ready now! Lakeside Fitness Centre has something for everyone! Our Gym has a large range of high quality, user-friendly equipment. A variety of fun and effective Group Fitness Classes are available each week. For more information please click here.
Join us for an in-depth look at the ADHD Brain at all ages – from all angles. The ADHD Brain – Science, Strategies and Stories on Saturday November 11th, 8:30am to 4pm. The Niche, 11 Aberdare Rd Nedlands. Gourmet lunch and morning tea provided.
For more information, please click here.