Message from the Principal
Photo above: As students return to College with new Visual Art and Science facilities ready for use, Stage 4 Building project commences for the Sport Centre.
Dear parents and families,
Welcome to Term 2 at Kennedy Baptist College. Kennedy prides itself on the outstanding extra-curricular programs on offer and it was wonderful to experience these opportunities first hand. Our Year camps provided great opportunities for students to be challenged through a range of outsourced activities and also provided great chances to form new friendships along the way. Our international study tour in China in the holidays was an outstanding opportunity for all involved. I’m sure I speak for everyone on tour when I say this was a fantastic experience and a credit to Miss Foxton who organized the tour. Our tour for next year’s Year 10 and 11 students offers New York, Washington and Orlando. I encourage all students to consider this great opportunity.
Semester Examinations
This term promises to be a challenging one for everyone as the end of Semester 1 approaches quickly and assessments have a major impact on final grades. As examinations approach it is important to review the reason for such assessments at Kennedy. All assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their achievement so that teachers can review academic progress. The use of assessments as a diagnostic tool is vitally important for staff and strategies are then implemented in response to student performance. This may be in the form of support through additional instruction, tutoring or intensive remediation. However, it may also include extension or enrichment if this need has been identified. Examinations provide a great opportunity to review the semester’s achievement and provide this analytic data.
A reminder to our Year 11 and 12 students about the importance of examinations:
Year 11 examinations greatly impact semester grades required for WACE graduation.
Year 12 examinations greatly impact semester marks and grades that contribute to a student’s ATAR and WACE graduation prospects.
I trust everyone has a fulfilling and rewarding Term 2 at Kennedy.
Mark Ashby
…but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
To Him, be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (2 Peter 3:18)
Growth is such a natural function within our lives that it is not until it doesn’t happen that we realise how much we value growth. Whether the growth is physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual, it is expected. When students return from school holidays it still amazes me how many have grown taller.
Yet it is growth in those not so visible areas, which can be the most rewarding to discover.
Peter exhorts his readers to grow in the grace and knowledge of their Saviour and the context gives us the reason for this exhortation. Peter did not want them to be unaware of the mood of the culture in which they lived but in highlighting this, he also provides the only true counter to that mood, which is Christ, and a strengthening relationship with Him.
Growth in any relationship takes more than a ‘like’ on Facebook. If a relationship is considered worthwhile then it takes time, energy, commitment and even sacrifice. Growth in our relationship with God may also include making choices which go against the prevailing mores of our time and culture.
Peter makes a reference to the writings of Paul in this chapter and it is Paul who reminds us that it is God who causes the growth (1 Cor. 3:7; Col.2:19). If it is God who causes the growth in our relationship with Him, then we cannot fail.
My prayer for you at the beginning of this new term is that you continue to seek growth in yourself and in those who are important to you, knowing that it is God who is at work in you.
Anzac Day College Assembly
Photo above: Year 11 Student Councillors
At yesterday’s Anzac Day Assembly, our Year 11 Student Councillors Joe Frost and Anna Zwitser introduced the reason we remember the event.
We heard the ANZAC requiem, orginally written in 1944 by Charles Bean to remember the service of Australians during World War One, but has been adapted to include past and present conflicts. The requiem highlights the achievements of all those Australians who have died in war.
Ross Stewart and Catherine Reilly also shared the experiences of serving men and women during the First and Second World Wars. The Last Post was then played and a minute of silence was observed to remember and show respect to those who served in war.
College Colours
During the assembly, we recognised students for their positive standing and contribution to the College Community across a range of significant and valuable areas. The achievement is displayed on the student's blazer pocket. It is our goal that all students at Kennedy will aim at achieving this recongnition.
To achieve this award students needed to undertake an application and selection process, and through it demonstrate they have met specific criteria in the following areas:
College Representation: they have represented the College in the community through sporting representation, drama or dance representation, or community service.
Student Leadership Roles: they have contributed to College Leadership in a significant manner by being a Councillor, House Captain, Leadership Overseas Trip member, 11/7s Mentor, Red Cross Blood Ambassador, Peer Activity Leader or other significant roles.
Academic Standing: they have maintained good academic standing in their commitment to their studies.
Attitude and Behaviour: they have maintained and demonstrated the attitude and behaviours that characterise a Kennedy Student.
We congratulate the 37 students on their achievement of this outstanding award, and today they will wear their colours officially for the first time on their blazers and be recognised in front of the whole College Community.
VET Certificate Achievements
Designed to deliver workplace-specific skills and knowledge, Vocational Education and Training (VET) covers a wide range of careers and industries, including trade and office work, retail, hospitality and technology. At Kennedy, students are provided with a broad range of post-school options and pathways. The successful completion of VET provides students with a nationally recognised VET qualification within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Yesterday we recognised 75 students who have completed their VET Program. Congratulations once again.
Principal's Devotion
The theme for the devotion was about sacrifice and honouring sacrifice. Mr Ashby shared about a man called Mike Monsoor, a navy seal who used his body to absorb most of the force of the blast from a grenade saving the lives of the two other Seals next to him. At his funeral, as the coffin passed each Seal, they slapped down their gold badges onto the wooden coffin in honor of his sacrifice to save others, turning the wooden coffin into a gold-plated memorial.
Mr Ashby said: “In a world where celebrity makes the news and true sacrifice doesn’t, ANZAC Day offers a great opportunity to remember and honor the sacrifices of so many.”
At the same time we honor the sacrifice on the cross which opens the way for us to have a relationship with God.
Lest we forget.
Linda Ang
Public Relations
Click here for photos.
Year 10 Curriculum Evening
Wednesday 4 May, 6:00pm - 8:30pm in the Kennedy Auditorium & Lower foyer
There will be an exceptionally important evening for Year 10s going into Year 11 in 2017. The evening will be divided into two parts. The first part will have a series of workshops where representatives from the tertiary sector will explain post-secondary school options. The second part will be a presentation by our Deputy Principal of Curriculum, Miss Jennifer Lamet, outlining course selections for senior school. Parents should attend with their children.
6.00pm - 8.00pm: Information Stalls set up in the Lower Foyer
6.05pm - 7.20pm:15 minute rotation talks in various locations
7.30pm - 8.30pm: Main College presentation in Auditorium
Guest Attendees:
Murdoch Institute of Technology
University of Notre Dame
Murdoch University
Polytechnic West/Challenger
Year 11 Information book for 2017 Academic Year.
The booklet is now avaliable online.
Schedule List of Events for Universities
Thursday, 5 May:
Year 11 and 12 Parent Info Evening and Pizza Night at ECU Joondalup Campus. Click here to register
Tuesday, 10 May:
Course Information and Expo evening at Notre Dame. Click here to register
Tuesday, 10 May:
Psychology, Counselling, Criminology, Social Science, Social Work and Youth Work Info Evening at ECU Joondalup Campus. Click here to register
Wednesday 11 May:
School leaver Pathway to the Doctor of Medicine Information Evening at UWA
Thursday 12 Sunday 15 May:
Careers Expo at Perth Convention Centre.
Career Expo 2016
Careers Expo 2016 will be held on 12–15 May 2016 at the spectacular Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. Entry is free.
Over four days, nearly 100 exhibitors – universities, TAFEs, government departments, training providers and employers – will present a huge range of career and employment pathways.
It’s an unmissable opportunity and we encourage students to get the inspirational boost from Perth’s largest careers, education and training event.
For more information: call 9417 2331 or email careers@exibit.com.au
SAS Girls Basketball Win Inter Zone Competition
Congratulations to the SAS Girls Basketball Team who defeated Chisholm Catholic College at Curtin Stadium on 5 April.
Arts Cup - An Interhouse Talent Competition
We are on the lookout for talented individuals to participate in our annual Arts Cup event on Wednesday 11 May.
Students can sign up for the Arts Cup in front of the Arts office before Monday 2 May to represent their House.
The winning House will be able to earn points towards the Kennedy Cup, so is it going to be Eyre, Forrest, King or Stirling?
Kennedy Annual Report
Kennedy Baptist College reports back to key stakeholders on its performance by publishing an Annual Report, in accordance with the School Improvement and Accountability policy.
A copy of the latest annual report for Kennedy Baptist College can be downloaded here.
Online Canteen and Beedawong Term 2 & 3 Menu
Beedawong has chosen to use Our Online Canteen system to provide an easy and convenient way of ordering your child's meals.
Orders can be taken up to two weeks in advance and all orders need to be made before 9.00am for that particular day.
Click here to take a look at the new menu for Term 2.
NAPLAN Testing
Kennedy Year 7 and 9 students NAPLAN tests will commence on Tuesday 10 May to Friday 13 May.
Mother's Day Morning Tea
This celebration will be held on Friday 6 May from 9.30am - 11.00am in the Staff Lounge.
Thank you for the overwhelming response and we look forward to spending the morning with mums in our community.
HBF Run for a Reason
If you are interested in running either the 4km or 12km races, we would love to get you involved in the Kennedy Team. The team is open to students and their family members. Grab some friends and get active!!
For more information; come and see Miss Katie Hair in the PE department or email khair@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Term 2 Tutoring Sessions
Click here to print a copy of Term 2 Tutoring Sessions.
College Fees Payment for Term 2
Payment by Term (Option 3)
Please note:
Term 2 fees are due Friday 6 May 2016. If you selected to pay by term, reminder statements were posted out during the second week of the school holidays.
If you have any concerns or queries please contact the College at your earliest convenience.
Students at Work
Year 8 - 11 Arts Incursion
A visit from Perth artist Rachelle Dusting last Term inspired our Art students to try portrait painting, many for the first time. Using photos of some of the College Staff, students from Year 8 to Year 11 created portraits using techniques Rachelle shared with them.
Rachelle Dusting said: It was an absolute pleasure to come alongside the Art department to help contribute towards strengthening the skill sets of each of the students. I was very impressed at how quick they were to take in and apply the content I shared with them in each workshop.
Each of the students showed a curiosity to engage with the program and executed their paintings excellently! I was blown away with how realistic the student's works were developed - especially having such a broad range of ages in the class, some as young as 13 Years!
They should be incredibly proud of what they achieved in such a short space of time!
With creativity,
Rachelle Dusting
Year 12 Drama Students Enjoying Black Swan State Theatre Company’s Production.
On Tuesday 5 April the Year 12 Drama students, accompanied by Ms O’Malley and Mrs Kiely, had the pleasure to view Black Swan State Theatre Company’s production, Picnic at Hanging Rock. Students enjoyed Tom Wright’s creepy, dramatic adaption of Joan Lindsey’s novel by the same name. The Heath Ledger Theatre at the State Theatre Centre of WA is a beautiful venue and the students experienced a significant cultural event which will form the basis for written assessment. Well done to the Year 12 Drama students for demonstrating exemplary audience etiquette, it was a delightful evening enjoyed by all!
Ms O’Malley
Drama Teacher
Year 12 Sailing Camp at Jervoise Bay
During the last 2 weeks of Term 1 the Outdoor Ed classes went on a sailing camp at Jervoise Bay, setting off from Marine Education Boatshed. The expedition took us to Garden Island and/or Carnac Island and it was all about improving our skills in both navigating and sailing. On Carnac Island we got to stop for a swim in the clear water hoping to see some sea lions. On Garden Island we stopped and stretched our legs while having lunch. It was also great to spend the after sailing hours with fellow classmates with a few games of Uno and sharing of own cooked meals. On the last day while heading back to our camp site we took a little detour for lunch at the Fremantle Fishing Harbour. Overall, it was an amazing camp where a lot of students got out of their comfort zones and doing things they might never have done before.
Mackenzie Teasdale
Year 12 Student
Parents & Friends Association
Bunnings O'Connor Sausage Sizzle
We are hosting a sausage sizzle at Bunnings O'Connor on Saturday 7 May and are seeking parent volunteers to assist. If you are able to spare some time to help, please contact P&F via our email pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com.
If you happen to be in the area on the day, we would love you to come down and say hello.
Upcoming Meeting Details
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3 May, 7.00pm at the Staff Lounge. All are welcome.
An email has been sent to all families regarding an extraordinary meeting scheduled for 6.45pm before the main meeting commences.
We're fundraising with Entertainment™ - Pre order your copy today from Kennedy Baptist College!
The Entertainment Books fundraising link is now active for pre-orders. Click here to order.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Congratulations to Tyler Lindorff who has been awarded a Cycling Scholarship with the West Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS) commencing Sunday 1 May 2016.
Tyler has also accepted an offer to join the JML Racing Team as his sponsor.