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Renewal Plan update - Academic Portfolio


Kia ora koutou

Thank-you for the feedback we have received on the proposed changes to our Academic Portfolio. I do appreciate the effort and time invested by all those academic staff who helped to shape the initial proposal, and everyone who provided further input over the last two-and-a-half weeks.

The ELT have considered all feedback and are now in a position to advise that the proposed changes to our Academic Portfolio will progress as listed below. Enrolment of new students for these programmes will be suspended from 2019 and for the foreseeable future. Any students currently enrolled will be supported to ensure completion of their qualification(s).


    (BA) Bachelor Arts
    (BIC) Bachelor Communication (Language studies)
    (GLANG) Short Courses in International Languages
    (NZCE2) NZCert English Language L2
    (NZCE3) NZCert English Language L3 – some parts
    (NZCE4) NZCert English Language L4 – some parts
    (BIC) Bachelor Communication
    (MIC) Master International Communication
    (DCOMP) Doctor of Computing
    (BPSA) Bachelor Performing & Screen Arts – some parts
    (DCMUS) Dip Contemporary Music
    (MDESN) Master Design
    (BASHB) Bachelor Applied Science/Human Bio (Osteopathy)
    (BHSD) Bachelor Health Social Development
    (BSPT) Bachelor of Sport
    (MOST) Master of Osteopathy
    (MAP) Master Applied Practice (Generic)
    (MED) Master Education
    (MEDM) Master Educational Leadership & Management
    (PHD) Doctor of Philosophy
    (NZCLD) NZ Cert Horticulture Services
    (GDEC) GDip Event Communication

Currently the impact of this on students and staff is being worked through and will inform the development of detailed change proposals for consultation with impacted staff. We will ensure this undertaken in a robust and timely manner.

I understand that this will be difficult news for some of you and urge you to make use of the support available through Unitec and your own networks.

Ngā mihi

Merran Davis
Interim Chief Executive


We acknowledge the impact this period of change and uncertainty may have and therefore remind you confidential support and assistance is available through our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). All access to EAP is fully funded by Unitec. To access practical assistance on issues that may be impacting you or affecting your wellbeing, please contact 0800 327 669 or visit