Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Families,
Term 1 is passing very quickly and it is great to see our students embracing the many opportunities made available to all students. Kennedy has a very clear strategic plan to ensure that we continue to develop and maximise these opportunities. The plan includes four major strategic priorities that have driven our preparations for 2018.
To continue to improve the quality of teaching and learning through the Kennedy pedagogy.
To improve the educational opportunities for students with high level learning needs.
To continue to develop and improve the effective use of resources in engaging students in 21st Century learning.
To forge and build upon meaningful relationships within the College and throughout the wider community in order to further our Christian mission.
I hope that all members of our community will recognise these priorities as we strive to provide improved education services for everyone.
Easter Services
Kennedy Baptist College is a Christian faith based College committed to providing the best possible educational services. As Easter approaches, it is appropriate to reflect on the basis of our faith foundation. Our Easter services provide the opportunity for this reflection as our community comes together to contemplate the Gospel message of Easter. This year’s theme of ‘Giving new life’ will allow us to consider our responsibility toward those who are in situations less fortunate than our own. Easter services are a compulsory event for all students and more importantly, it is an opportunity for families to engage in our community. After each Service supper will be provided and there will be ample opportunity for families and staff to interact in a social setting. We look forward to meeting with you on these special evenings at Kennedy and hope as many parents as possible can join us.
Student Holiday Leave
For one reason or another, some families opt to take vacations during term time. It is very apparent that this practice has a negative impact on student learning and achievement. I would like to advise all families that this practice is a breach of the West Australian Education Act. We encourage families to examine the impact of these decisions and where possible, avoid this practice. Students who are absent during the term for holidays may be unable to sit assessments at later dates and will need to take responsibility for the tuition they have missed during this time.
Mr Mark Ashby
While reading my news feed, I had one of ‘those’ moments; the moment that takes you back to when you were much younger. It was about a book that I had read multiple times as a teenager, Mary Jones and her Bible.
Mary Jones was born into poverty, in December 1784, the daughter of a Welsh Weaver. At the age of eight, she became a Christian, and rare for her times, she was also taught to read. The family, though devout Believers, did not own a Bible because the purchase price of a Bible in 1800 was equivalent to $190.00 in today’s money. Yet it was in 1800, at the age of 15, after working since she was 10 years old, Mary had saved up enough money to buy her own Bible. To do this though meant she had to walk, barefoot, the 42 kilometres to the one place where she could, hopefully, purchase one. This journey was not only dangerous for a young female on her own but would also take her through treacherous terrain.
Mary did make the journey and became the delighted owner of a Bible, written in her native tongue. We also know that Mary’s story inspired the founding of what is now known internationally as the Bible Society and what we see is a truth that still resonates today, which is :-
The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. - Hebrews 11:1 MSG
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Parent-Teacher Interviews are a terrific opportunity for parents to touch base with their child’s teacher and discuss, ever so briefly, their child’s progress. Five minutes should be enough time for each teacher to outline your child’s strengths and weaknesses based on observations over the last five weeks of Term 1. Students who are present for the interviews do not need to wear the College uniform.
Career Expo
The Career Expo, part of the Year 10 & 12 Parent Teacher Interview evening, is the first stage of preparing Year 10 students for Year 11 & 12. The Expo provided an opportunity for students to gather information about post-school options. The next step is Year 10 Work Experience at the end of the term. In Term 2 there is an information evening for Year 10 students which will provide information about how to choose subjects for Year 11 & 12 as well as post school options. After the mid-year examinations each Year 10 student and their parents will be invited to discuss their course selection with one of the Executive Administration team.
Closing Dates for Course Changes
Closing dates for course changes are very close. Students may not make changes once these dates have passed. It is important that all parents are aware of these dates.
Year 7
Students may not change any courses.
Year 8 to 10
Friday 16 March. After this date courses will not be changed and students will remain in their courses for the rest of the year.
Year 11
Friday 23 March. After this date Year 11 students must remain in their courses until after the mid-year examinations. There will be a small window of opportunity for students to alter their courses in early June.
Year 12
Friday 23 March. After this date students are not allowed to enrol in a new course. Students who are completing six courses may still be permitted to withdraw.
If you have questions concerning your child’s course selection, please contact me or Mr Timothy Jiow.
Parent - Teacher Interviews
Parent - Teacher Interviews can now be booked at times that suit your family best. Please see dates of interviews below and follow the link to make your booking. Please click here to make your booking.
Years 8 & 11 Interviews on Tuesday 20 March, 2.00pm - 7.00pm
Years 7 & 9 Interviews and SEQTA Engage Information Sessions on Thursday 22 March, 2.00pm - 6.30pm
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
Student safety is of paramount importance at Kennedy and this includes the vital area of Protective Behaviours.
Protective Behaviours Education is an important and integral part of the College Pastoral Care Program and is a mandatory requirement for all schools in Western Australia. At Kennedy we teach it through a range of areas including Health Classes, Extended Form Pastoral Care Program, Guest Speaker incursions, as well as our Thrive Program which operates in Year 7 and Year 8 for all students. The Thrive Program covers topics such as Cyber Safety, Digital Citizenship, Mindfulness, Emotional Literacy, Healthy Headspace, Safety Networks, Assertiveness and Stress Management.
This week all Year 8 students attended a Protective Behaviours incursion run by Julie Gorman who is a Senior Trainer with WA Child Protection Society which is a registered Child Safe organisation. Their goal is to teach young people a range of skills to keep them safe and further provide strategies that can be easily adapted to home and community environments. Research suggests that children who have been taught Protective Behaviours are more able to discern threats to their safety. Julie has been a police officer for more than 20 years and has extensive experience in the field of child sexual and physical abuse both in a proactive and reactive manner. The session she ran with the Year 8s was titled “A Teenagers Guide to Personal Safety” and was well received by our students. It follows on from our recent parent information evening on the same
topic which was attended by over 100 parents. These important issues are ongoing and we look forward to continued positive benefits for our students through the College Protective Behaviours Program.
Year 7 Student Councillors and House Captains
Last week the Year 7s elected their new House Captains and Councillors to represent them as part of the College Student Leadership Program.
Congratulations to Ishreena Kaur Kana, Ferguson Porter, Bree Lewandowski and Gabrielle Anthony who are the Year 7 Councillors for 2018. We also extend our congratulations to Nicholas Davidson, Massimo Zito, Annalise Scoringe and Clarissa Sandjaja who have been appointed as the Year 7 House Captains.
Student Counsillors from left to right: Ferguson Porter , Gabrielle Anthony, Bree Lewandowski, Ishreena Kaur Kana
House Captains for left to right: Annalise Scoringe, Clarissa Sandjaja, Nicholas Davidson, Massimo Zito.
Music Program
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Instrumental Music Program
Well done on a fabulous start to the 76 students who are enrolled in weekly Instrumental Music lessons in Term 1. This term, we also have many Year 7 students who have enrolled to learn music instruments - a wonderful sign of growth in this valuable program at Kennedy.
Instruments on offer in Term 1 are: Woodwind (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone), Voice, Guitar/Bass, Piano/Keyboard, Drums/Percussion and Trumpet.
There are currently two vacancies for guitar lessons in Term 1. If your child is interested in learning the guitar, please email Mrs Janelle Anthony on janthony@kennedy.wa.edu.au. There is currently a waiting list for all other instruments for Term 1.
Music Ensemble Program
This term, there are many different before and after school music ensembles open for students to participate in. The Vocal Ensemble (now called ‘Rhythm’), is still open for new members to join. Rehearsals are Monday afterschool (3.30pm to 4.15pm), focusing mainly on Contemporary repertoire. This ensemble will showcase in the upcoming Easter Services accompanied by the Year 11 and 12 singing and instrumental students from the ATAR Music Band.
Advanced guitarists are welcome to join the Senior Guitar Ensemble which rehearse on a Wednesday from 7.30am to 8.10am. Intermediate guitarists are welcome to join the Junior Guitar Ensemble which rehearse on a Thursday from 7.30am to 8.10am. All enquiries for the guitar ensembles can be directed to Mr Matt Keesing on mkeesing_music@hotmail.com
The Contemporary Band rehearse on a Wednesday afternoon from 3.30pm to 4.15pm.
Stage Band on a Thursday afternoon from 3.30pm to 4.15pm. All Band enquiries can be directed to Miss Steph Ryan on sryan@kennedy.wa.edu.au.
Interest in Violin or Trombone Lessons
Interest is being gauged in the following instruments for possible lessons commencing in Term 2 - Violin or Trombone. If you are interested in enrolling your child in these particular instruments - or in Woodwind (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone), Voice, Guitar/Bass, Piano/Keyboard, please email Mrs Janelle Anthony at janthony@kennedy.wa.edu.au.
Kennedy Prayer Group
The Kennedy Prayer Group is a small group of faithful members of our College community who meet together each week to pray for and support the College, and College community. Our Prayer Group meets every Wednesday during school term from 2.00pm for approximately one hour in the Admin Interview Room.
One of our members, Mrs Ann Pether, a College Grandparent mentioned; "I never realised how much I could contribute to the College and how fulfilling it is to help in this quiet way. It is a joy to support the College and see prayers answered."
We are seeking new members to join us, all school parents/grandparents/guardians are most welcome to join us in prayer. All prayer remains confidential and anonymous. For more information about the Prayer Group or to join, please contact Ms Linda Ang at lang@kennedy.wa.edu.au.
March Memory Madness at Kennedy
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March Memory Madness at Kennedy Research and Study Centre. In the month of March, our Research and Study Centre along with other Learning Areas are running a couple Memory Challenge events during recess. Students at Kennedy have been busy memorising!
The tray of the Day! Come and memorise the 10 items on the tray at the circulation desk in the Research and Study Centre before school and tell us at recess what was on the tray. There are prizes to win!
Tuesday Recess
Year 9 Humanities are committing to memorise key historic World War dates.
Wednesday Recess
Pi Day - Over 40 students took part in our Pi competition - congratulations to McKenzie Gilmore who remembered 158 numbers! Isabella von Wielligh who remembered 139 numbers, and Jordan Pescud who remembered 122 numbers! What an amazing effort! A big thank you to Mrs Howard, Mrs Hennighan and Mrs Wallace and all the Maths staff for your help. Keep exercising those memory muscles!
Thursday Recess
Year 8 and 9 joined in on a Spelling Bee.
Christian Education
Learn your Bible verse and see your Form teacher or Christian Education teacher to recite it and receive a prize.
Research and Study Centre
Has the Commonwealth Games display for you to view, the Gold Coast will hold the 22nd games beginning on 4 April. The challenge is to name, in order the city and year the Games have been held since 1930. Recite to a Research and Study Centre staff member to receive your prize.
Students at Work
Drama Excursion
On Friday 9 March, the Year 12 Drama students had a unique opportunity to attend the Guy Masterson Performance presented by The HotHouse Company.
Guy Masterson is an Olivier Award winning producer, actor, director and writer. An entertainer for nearly 30 years, he has worked on over 150 live shows. He is one of the most highly awarded independent theatre presenters at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival over twenty-one consecutive seasons. As a director, he is responsible for several of Edinburgh’s biggest ever hits. As an actor, he is globally renowned for his solo performances. He is also a successful director of corporate events, a playwright, dramaturg and an acting/voice/corporate coach.
Guy Masterson performed five published monologues (classic and contemporary) and an Original Scripted Performance demonstrating the practical examination. Students had the opportunity to ask Guy about his processes and how they may approach the Drama practical examination.
It was an informative and insightful excursion.
Photo above: Year 12 Drama students.
ISC Fire Biology Excursion
On Thursday 1 March, Year 12 General Integrated Science students along with their teachers, Mr Jon Groom and Mr Greg Munyard, undertook an excursion to the Perth Hills Discovery Centre near Mundaring Weir.
The influence of fire on the environment has been introduced as part of the Ecology section of the course. The Perth Hills Discovery Centre is researching the influence of prescribed burning on the incidence of wildfires. Of particular interest was a Balga tree with scorch marks dating back to 1860. This displayed a series of scorch marks two years apart prior to 1880 where indigenous inhabitants had practiced ‘mosaic’ burning keeping fuel loads at low levels. There were then large gaps with no scorch marks where European inhabitants tried to avoid fire, but introduced wildfires instead. After a disastrous wildfire in 1964 that destroyed all but the hotel in Dwellingup, a royal commission introduced prescribed burning to the Perth landscape, echoing management practices by indigenous inhabitants from decades earlier. This was a beneficial excursion for the Year 12’s to catch a glimpse of management practices that directly affect their lives.
Photography Excursion
In Week 6, the Year 10 Photography classes went to Cottesloe beach to take photos of this years Sculptures by the Sea exhibition.
The exhibition has about 30 artworks positioned all over Cottesloe beach, with a wide variety of sculptural techniques used. Some of the sculptures included some wind powered mobiles, a large circular mirror that reflected the ocean, and a large inflatable scuba diver popping out of the sand!
Students were to take an interesting photograph of the sculptures as one of their assessments. It is a great way for the students to test out their photography skills. The students really enjoyed having the challenge of getting outside to take photographs, and had to work quickly to get the perfect shot.
Students have now submitted their best two photos of the sculptures to be assessed. This is the first of a few photography excursions that Year 10 Photography students will attend throughout the year, which I, Mr Simon James am sure will produce some excellent photos.
Photo above: Year 12 General ISC Fire Biology Excursion.
Photo above: Year 10 student at Sculptures by the Sea.
College Notices
Positive Fathering Adventures
A reminder that the Positive Fathering Adventures event is on this Saturday and we look forward to this being a successful parenting event. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the College.
P&F Social for Year 7 - 9 Parents
The Year 7, 8 & 9 Parent Social Evening is tonight 15 March at the Windsor Hotel. It will be a great night of fun and social time with the opportunity to meet and connect with other parents from your child’s year group.
Interschool Swimming Carnival
The Swimming Carnival will be held at HBF Stadium in Mt Claremont on Monday 19 March. Events commence at 10:00am. You can view the Kennedy Students Program here.
Winter Uniform
Please note that pre-ordered Winter Uniforms are now available and can be collected from the Uniform Shop. If you haven't yet ordered, come in for a fitting to ensure that your child is ready to start Term 2 in full Winter Uniform. For more information please contact Mrs Kerry James via email.
Sausage Sizzles for Cambodia
This Friday 16 March at lunch time in the Breezeway. $2.50 for a sausage and $1.50 for a drink. All proceeds go to Cambodia.
Ride2School Day
Ride2School is a nationwide program delivered by Bicycle Network, designed to support schools to encourage, empower and enable more students to get physically active on their journey to school.
Once again, Kennedy is participating in this event and we encourage all
students to join with our staff and represent their House on Friday 23 March. Click here for more information.
Current Vacancies
Please click here for employment opportunities at Kennedy. Applications close at 4.00pm Monday 23 March 2018.
Fees - Secondary Assistance Scheme
Secondary Assistance Scheme
The State Government, through the Department of Education, provides financial support to eligible parents through the Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS). The aim of the scheme is to assist low income families with secondary school costs.
Eligible parents/guardians with students enrolled in Years 7 to 12 studying a full-time secondary course at a WA private school will be able to apply for the SAS in 2018. The SAS consists of two allowances:
$235 Education Program Allowance (payment made to the school); and
$115 Clothing Allowance (payment made to the parent/guardian).
For all enquiries regarding the application process/forms please visit our Reception. Applications close Friday 13 April 2018.
Celebrating Students Achievements
Olivia Davis
Congratulations to Olivia Davis who has been selected for the Callisthenics Association of Western Australia's State Team. Olivia will be competing in the Australian Callisthenic Federation's Championships in July 2018. We wish Olivia all the best.
Community Events
ECU’s School of Engineering Scholarship
ECU’s School of Engineering is offering $20,000 scholarships to high performing Year 12 students, who wish to study Engineering in 2019. Nominations for these Engineering Excellence Scholarships are now open.
Click here for more information.
Interested students need to see Mrs DeGois before the end of March for further details.
Rock + Water Workshop
Are you the parent or caregiver, of a child aged eight to 14 years and want to enhance your child’s self-confidence, and self-awareness and self-regulation abilities? If so this activity-based workshop is for you, and your child! Please click here for more information.
Understanding Stepfamily Relationships
Are you a member of a stepfamily, or blended family and would like to learn to better discipline and understand the needs of children? If so, this weekend course is for you! For more information, please click here.
For more upcoming seminars and courses for Parents please click here.