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Wednesday 7 October 2020


Note: Arohamai, this is being re-sent to correct the course survey launch date which is 19 October (not November)


Student Course Surveys - Semester 2: Launches Monday 19 October


Tēnā koutou katoa

The Semester 2 Student Course Surveys launch on Monday 19 October. Students will be asked to provide feedback on each course over a two-week period, closing on Sunday 1 November. 

Te Korowai Kahurangi have created a list of courses to be evaluated and will send this to each Head of School to approve by Monday 12 October 2020.

Outlined below is a summary of the process, with more detailed information and instructions available on the Nest - Te Korowai Kahurangi page here.

Course Surveys Process

Students will be sent email invitations with individual links to the relevant survey. They can provide feedback in their own time however we know from previous waves that allocating 10-15 minutes in class to complete the survey helps increase student engagement and participation. If you are in a position to be able to allocate face-to-face time for your students, it is strongly encouraged.


    19 October: Survey invites emailed to students
    1 November: Surveys close for analysis
    16 November: Course reports available


In the week beginning 16 November, course results will be available to Heads of School, Academic Programme Managers and Academic Leaders. Results will be provided at a course level but can be split by class level if requested (if there is a robust number of responses at class level). Results will not be reported at a teacher level at this time. Academic Programme Managers and Academic Leaders are responsible for sharing the results within their teams. Individual teachers will receive results for all course/ classes they teach. Summarised results at a programme and School level will be considered at the Quality Alignment Board and Academic Board.

Please plan to debrief your students on the survey outcomes where possible, and report on any changes you intend to make as a result of the survey feedback. This will be valued by your students and contributes to their overall experience at Unitec. We know from the Student NPS, and other feedback, the importance of clear communication with our learners.


Teachers are expected to coordinate the survey process where possible and to find a peer/colleague to swap supervision of their course survey with. This is important as it helps avoid any risk of students feeling unable to honestly answer questions. If extra support is needed, please liaise with your Programme Co-ordinator and/or Success Champions.  

Student Engagement – Prize draw incentive

Participation is important – the survey data is a key resource for making course and programme delivery improvements. We need you to communicate this to our students and to encourage them to speak about their teaching and learning experiences and needs, by completing the survey. It is clear in our records that where class time has been provided to complete the surveys, response rates have markedly increased.

Please also bring to their attention the prize draw – there are 3 x $100 Prezzy cards to win - another important incentive to drive participation in the surveys.

As always, we rely heavily on teaching staff to drive awareness and reiterate to students the importance of their feedback. Obtaining student feedback is a key deliverable for all Unitec courses and needs to be allocated the appropriate time and effort.

If you have any questions about the Student Course Surveys please contact

Ngā mihi nui

Simon Nash
Executive Director - Ako