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Give your brand a facelift to start the financial year!

Is your brand feeling a bit tired and worn around the edges?
Does your logo look like it came from the ark?
Not sure what your brand stands for anymore?
Feeling left behind as other newer brands take the lead?

Then let us give your brand a fresh face for the new FY!

FREE brand consultation with the experts

Our team of experts can get your brand back on track with some brilliant strategy ideas and looking refreshed and ready for business with our beautiful design and creative solutions.

Our promise is ‘Uncovering Brand Brilliance' so whatever shape your brand is in we can spruce it up for that much needed competitive edge this financial year.

Click here now to book in your  FREE BRAND CONSULTATION  

Do you know a business that could do with a brand makeover? Well pass this offer on and the first 10 referrals get a luxury facial (for the ladies) and a premier barbers package (for the gents), each valued at $100. 

Don't need a rebrand but feel you could benefit from some expert advice to guide your marketing and communications strategy this year? Or just a safe pair of hands to help execute the strategy you have? Good news. Our strategic consulting and campaign management services are available from just $150 an hour and we can work with you in-house or on a project basis,  just contact Olivia to find out more


WE'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. CONTACT US: or call Olivia on 0416 388562

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Four economic reasons to revitalise your brand right now

A business rebrand is about a great deal more than making your business look good. It's about making your bottom line look good, too. So what makes a company rebrand such a valuable proposition for your business?

1. Competitive Advantage
Your brand is the public face of your business. As the economic climate changes, your brand must change along with it. A well-planned and well-executed rebrand will enable your company to reflect current market dynamics, gain competitive advantage, accelerate pipeline performance and emerge as a leading voice in your industry. 
2. Stimulating Growth
Rebranding can reduce the operating costs and help to cater more efficiently to current customer demands. As your company continues to grow, subsequent rebranding will ensure that customers hungry for change will keep coming back to see "what's new." In that sense, the rebrand becomes a public expression of the company's evolution.
3. Long-Term Market Expansion
When a small business prospers and expands it requires a frequent rebrand or revitalization to reflect the larger, more sophisticated business it has become. Any emergent company not employing that essential business strategy will inevitably be dwarfed by its competition.
4. Innovation, Therefore Profitability
When your brand fails to reflect the level of innovation your business has achieved, your customers will, quite naturally, assume that you have fallen behind the times. Competitors who consistently rebrand their products and services——will likely outperform you in reputation and economic profitability.

Read the full article here