Welcome to the fourth IntlUni newsletter
As always, there are plenty of things going on in the IntlUni community, and this is your chance to be updated on our most recent activities and on decisions made in the project.
The ultimate aim of the project is to identify the quality criteria that should characterise teaching and learning in the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space (MMLS), and to develop recommendations for how Higher Education Institutions may implement and ensure the sustainability of quality teaching and learning in the MMLS.
You are more than welcome to circulate the newsletter to interested colleagues in your own networks and within your own institutions.
We hope you will find this an informative and inspiring read and we look forward to continuing to provide our readers with relevant and up-to-date information about the IntlUni project and our progress.
Read more abouit IntlUni and the current results and developments on the IntlUni website.
What’s been Achieved and the Way Forward
Perched on the hills above Lac Léman on the Franco-Swiss border, Lausanne University, our host venue for the 4th IntlUni All-Partner Meeting, proved an ideal place to review how far the project has come and to consider what still lies ahead. We were at the heart of Europe, the midpoint of the project had been passed and WP4, constituting the core development phase of the project, was well underway.
As determined at our launch meeting at Aarhus, the complex set of issues facing HEIs in the more fluid post-Bologna era required a re-conceptualization of the university teaching and research environment. To this end, we had conceived of the emergent Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space (M&MLS) as the conceptual site where we would set about identifying a wide variety of innovative and sustainable strategies aimed at addressing potential challenges. Thanks to all the survey questionnaire responses and follow-up interviews submitted by our partner institutions, as well as the research undertaken by WP2-3 and presented at the Warsaw and Essex All-Partner Meetings, a rich data set has emerged and this is currently being developed further by WP4.
Read rest of the article here
Workshop day with external experts and 5th All Partner Meeting 4-7 November 2014 to be held in Braga, Portugal
Our next IntlUni All Partner Meeting will take place in November and we greatly appreciate that the University of Minho, Braga will be hosting this meeting. Furthermore we will also have a workshop back-to-back with the meeting, where invited external experts will present a topic relevant to the IntlUni aims and objectives and respond to the preliminary IntlUni outcomes.
External experts who have already accepted to contribute to the workshop are the following:
• Axel Aerden, NVAO – nederlands-vlaamse accreditatieorganisatie, NL
• Nick Byrne, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
• Jeanine Gregersen-Hermans, University of Hull, UK
• Bernd Wächter, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), BE.
More about the meeting here
Peter Stear
Julia Cooper
Karen M. Lauridsen
Mette Kastberg Lillemose
Work Packages Leader, IntlUni Dissemination - WP 7
Work Packages Leader, IntlUni Dissemination - WP 7
IntlUni Coordinator
IntlUni Project Manager, IntlUni Secretariat, Centre for Teaching and Learning (CUL), School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University
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