Message from the Principal
Dear Parents,
Across Australia, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 have completed the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests this week. NAPLAN may have been a feature of your child’s schooling for some time now – it was first introduced in 2008 – but for others it will be their first foray into formalised assessment.
The NAPLAN tests are diagnostic tests designed to provide an understanding of a student’s performance at the time of assessment in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy skills. It tests the literacy and numeracy skills that your child has developed over time in the College Curriculum. The results provide schools, states and territories with information regarding the progress of education programs and what needs to be prioritised when addressing improvements.
NAPLAN should not be considered the sole measure of your child’s ability. We will assume that all students have completed the testing process to the best of their abilities and use these results to assist individuals to the best of our abilities.
Mental Health Information: 13 Reasons Why
Recently Netflix has aired a series called '13 Reasons Why', which is causing concern for many families and schools across Australia. The content explores a range of serious issues such as sexual assault, depression and suicide with very graphic imagery. Kennedy shares the concerns expressed by Headspace and other youth mental health agencies that the series poses a potential risk to the wellbeing of young people.
As such we encourage parents and caregivers to read the below linked material which has helpful information to guide appropriate and informed discussions with their teenagers. The links to their material can be found here:
- Talking to young people about '13 Reasons Why'
- Resources for adults and young people watching '13 Reasons Why'
If you have any concerns or questions about this matter please contact your child's Head of Year or the College counsellors.
Mother’s Day Morning Tea
It is a pleasure to have our College mums join us for our morning tea tomorrow. Our female Student Councilors will serve morning tea and share together with our guest speaker Mrs Nina Tassell. We greatly appreciate yet another opportunity to involve parents in our community; we hope all mums can join us.
Mr Mark Ashby
God blesses those who are poor and realise their need for him,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
God blesses those who mourn,
for they will be comforted
God blesses those who are humble,
for they will inherit the whole earth.
God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice,
for they will be satisfied.
God blesses those who are merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
for they will see God.
God blesses those who work for peace,
for they will be called the children of God.
God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
(Matthew 5)
At the time that these words were spoken, one in every four persons lived under Roman rule and this rule governed every part of their lives. The quality of your life was directly linked to your social status, which was linked to patronage. Wealth and authority was tied up with who you knew and how well you were connected. The belief was, that if you were wealthy and powerful, then you were considered blessed by the gods. Today, while we may not link wealth and power with being blessed by gods, there are still certain beliefs that are recognisable.
The audience Jesus is speaking to understood that they had no status and were of no value to Rome. It is into this mindset that Jesus spoke words that turn this world-view upside down. He takes those characteristics which were not considered virtues at the time, (e.g. humility, mercy, justice, purity) and gives them ‘Kingdom of Heaven (eternal)’ value because they reflect the character of God. As the discourse continues, we also discover that we are noticed and cared for and loved, by our Heavenly Father. In the Sermon on the Mount we are reminded that we matter to God and this is the ultimate value that can be placed on anyone. You and I are valued by God.
Year 7 Report
The Year 7 Foundation Camp was a great success with three full days of fun activities supplemented by night-time fun and games, mixed with great food, all interspersed with snatches of sleep. For quite a few students this was their first time away from home for an extended period, which gave many an increased sense of freedom and individuality. Along with this came the assurance that they can function independently which helped many students to gain an improved belief in their self-reliance. Students have found that they were able to complete difficult tasks by working together as a team and overcome fears they had, which in turn gave them a very positive sense of wellbeing. Students also mentioned that they met new friends which was one of the main aims of the camp and they also realised that most other students have similar fears, hopes and dreams as
they do. I hope this camp has a lasting impact on students at Kennedy Baptist College, in that they realise they are amazing young people who hold the future in their hands and whose potential is limited only by their fears. Please click here for Year 7 Foundation Camp Photos.
As we are now entering a new term, a new opportunity has presented itself to renew and redouble our efforts at College and to rid ourselves of the bad habits or the behaviours that may have been entering students’ conduct at the end of last term. Term 2 is a vital term. Most students put a great deal of effort into Term 1 but often begin to reduce that effort in Term 2. It is crucial that students continue to try their hardest, continue to put in their best efforts into their work and continue to moderate their behaviour to their best extent, as now we begin to separate those who want to achieve versus those who can’t be bothered putting the effort in. Students need to ask themselves, are you being the best you can be?
Photos above: Year 7 Foundation Camp.
Year 8 Report
Term 2 is well underway and Year 8 students enjoyed the Arts Cup and Interhouse Cross Country. Thank you to students who participated in these events.
Year 8 students will conduct their exams throughout Week 7. The students will sit exams before recess and then have normal classes after. Students sit one 90-minute exam papers each day and will be tested on all of Term 1 and Term 2 work. Note that all work tested in these exams will not be retested at the end of the year.
The Year 8 students will be having a Community Service event of tree planting and litter collection after the exams and I would encourage all students to consider this opportunity to serve the community. We usually do this along the Shelley foreshore. Information about this event will be sent out soon. Attending community service events also counts towards achieving participation awards at our final Kennedy Awards Nights.
Thank you for your support with your child’s uniform, appearance and good behaviour. I wish all students the best with this term as it is very busy and the exams are a new experience for the students
God Bless.
Year 9 Report
As Term 2 is now well and truly underway, I have been thinking about the Year 9 Adventure Camp that was held at the end of last term. It was an amazing experience for the Year 9 students. It was great to see friendships strengthened as well as new ones formed between the students. I loved watching students do the activities and being able to face their fears while being put outside their comfort zone, even if it was only sleeping in a foreign bed for two nights.
The activities of rock climbing, abseiling, pamper pole and flying fox were a great way to get the students working together and encouraging one another to be able to complete the task. The most popular activity of the camp was undoubtedly biscuiting behind a boat and I have seen footage of some tremendous stacks.
At night we had some fun with messy food games and powerful testimonies from our students and the Nations youth team who challenged the students on their faith and what they believe. Students are to be commended on their behaviour on camp and overall it was an amazing camp which the students will remember for years to come. Please click here for Year 9 Adventure Camp Photos.
Photos above: Year 9 Adventure Camp.
Year 10 Report
After a rejuvenating and exciting term on long service leave I am really looking forward to getting to know all the Year 10 students and doing my part to help them become young men and women of great substance moving towards their full potential. It was a massive start to the year for the Year 10s and I would like to publicly thank Mrs Valme Batley for all her hard work in Term 1.
At the end of last term the Year 10s went on work experience. Thank you to Mrs Mary Minorgan for all her work so that the students could have such a great opportunity. I have heard some excellent reports and congratulate all Year 10 students on their behaviour and attitude while out in the public arena.
Last Wednesday we had an excellent turn out at the Year 10 Information Evening. I am sure it has given everyone a lot to think about. The next stage in the process is for all students to do the best they can in exams, which they should have started revising for at home. Simultaneously, they need to be looking at and discussing those long term; ‘what am I going to do when I leave school?’ goals. If you would like any information on what your child should be studying, firstly make reference to their subject program and then seek clarification from their teacher if needed.
After exams we will be starting the senior school subject selection process. I encourage communication between parents, students and teachers in this process. Remember that every student will have an interview with a member of Administration about their subject choices and we would also encourage parents to attend these interviews.
If you would like to discuss anything to do with your child, please do not hesitate to send me an email at gtyrie@kennedy.wa.edu.au
I wish all the Year 10s well in their exams.
Year 11 Report
Throughout Term 1 our Year 11 Extended Form program focussed on our core values of integrity and growth. Each Wednesday we provided our students with the opportunity to develop skills with regards to (1) how they think about themselves (for example self-esteem, attitude and self-motivation); (2) their study habits (for example effective study skills, time management and methods of reducing examination/test anxiety). All of these skills were highlighted during our Year 11 Nanga Bush camp. The camp was designed to provide Year 11 students with an experience that would facilitate personal growth through providing personal and team challenges and also the development of leadership and teamwork skills. The program, run by adventure specialists, started with a range of fun, creative and exciting problem solving activities. This was followed by a series of
adventurous activities such as white water rafting, rope courses, rock-climbing as well as the exhilarating mountain bike riding. The experience gained by students on camp has been invaluable. It was wonderful to see the sheer delight when students achieved their conquests or the sense of responsibility shown particularly when the group were required to erect and lower tents. A huge thank you to all the Form teachers and staff who actively participated in our camp and guided our students through the adventures of camp. Please click here for Year 11 Challenge Camp Photos.
We will continue to guide our Year 11 students on to the path of balance between academic goals as well as student well-being. As we approach our first ATAR examinations we will run a series of activities in Extended Form that will focus on study skills, industry skills as well as relaxing techniques such as Pilates, bushwalking, music jamming and improvisation. In addition, our core values for this term are faith and boldness. I encourage students to have faith in their own gifts and talents and boldly accept the challenge of adequately preparing for their assessments and exams. May this period be a time of growth and development towards their academic goals. As with any new experience it may bring some apprehension or doubt, however if students utilise all available resources such as afterschool tutoring, individual study skills at the Research and Study
Centre or seek assistance from their subject teachers then they should reap the rewards. As stated in Hebrews 4:16, ‘Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.’
Wishing all of you the best and may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Photos above: Year 11 Challenge Camp.
Year 12 Report
The Year 12 students were eagerly awaiting the delivery of their leavers’ jackets and should be proudly wearing them when this newsletter comes out. The Common Room is open again this term and the students have a renewed sense of responsibility to make sure that they look after and keep the area clean. The table-tennis tables are popular and it is great to see the Year 12s meeting there at recess and lunch each day. This is a privilege that the rest of the College does not have.
The next big challenge for the Year 12s this term will be the exams in Weeks 6 and 7. They will commence on Monday 29 May and conclude on Friday 9 June. Students are encouraged to ensure that they have a study program in place and parents could help by ensuring that their children are eating well and getting enough sleep and exercise. Students should not be involved in too many hours of part-time work in the evenings and at the weekends. Maintaining a balance in all things will be the best way to prepare for what can be an anxious time.
During Extended Form this term we will be having speakers representing the different Universities and TAFE as well as talks on financial literacy, as we equip students with skills they will need beyond College.
I would like to wish the students well as they prepare for exams and/or hand in assessments that are due. Our Psychologist, Mrs Jess Plenty is always available for any students who would like help or advice in dealing with stress. The Research and Study Centre is also equipped to help students develop good study strategies.
USA International Study Tour 2017
On 5 April, 17 Kennedy Baptist College students and three staff members descended upon Perth Airport ready to attend the trip of a lifetime. We were joined by 11 Mandurah Baptist College students and one staff member as we headed off to the United States of America. After 37 hours of flying and transit time we arrived in New York. Highlights in the City that never sleeps included the Statue of Liberty, the Broadway musical Groundhog Day, The Rockerfeller Center, Times Square and Macy’s. Unlike the previous trip, we were able to find healthy salads, fruits and vegetables to eat (rather than a constant diet of greasy fried food and Starbucks).
After five days of having all our senses on constant overload, we headed to the much more serene capital, Washington D.C. This stunning city is home to the wondrous Smithsonian Institutes and an amazing array of history-laden monuments and memorials. Highlights included the Air and Space Museum, the National Gallery, the Natural History Museum and Arlington Cemetery. The discovery of the burger franchise Shake Shack may have been a particular highlight for the tour coordinator!
The final stop on our two week tour was the theme park capital, Orlando. After a spectacular day spent at the Kennedy Space Center (NASA), the staff and students experienced thrills and delights at Disney World’s Magical Kingdom and Universal Studios’ Islands of Adventure. For many, a crazy evening at Senor Frogs was definitely the food highlight of the entire trip (although, we managed to fit in a Shake Shack visit or two).
On behalf of all the staff and students that attended this amazing trip, I would like to thank the students for making the trip such a joy to be a part of, the parents and guardians for funding the trip, and the staff (Miss Jennifer Lamet, Ms Carolyn MacDonald and Mrs Catherine Eppen-Van Der Aa) for graciously giving up their time and truly making the trip one where lifelong memories were made (and we returned with the same number of students that we left with as well…an added bonus).
Mr Rick Cricelli
Trip Coordinator
Photos above: Students and staff on the USA International Study Tour 2017.
Arts Cup 2017
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On Wednesday 3 May, talented singers, musicians and dancers took to the stage to compete in this year’s Arts Cup event.
The performances were judged by Music teacher Mrs Alicia Vandepeer, Humanities teacher Mr Liam Austin and Principal Mr Mark Ashby. There were two performances per House, with students competing for individual prizes and house points.
The overall winner was Year 11 Forrest student, Bella Gabrielson, who sung ‘She Used to be Mine’, by Sara Bareilles. Bella’s performance was outstanding, sung beautifully and with raw emotion. Her recital was well received by the audience. In second place was Year 10 Eyre student, Cassidy Thomas-Batten, performing Riptide, by Vance Joy. Cassidy really made the song her own and has an amazing voice.
In third place was a band, consisting of Year 7 Forrest student Daniel Doss, Year 9 student Faith Kee and Year 10 student, Abraham Doss. Daniel was the band’s lead singer and his energy was contagious, with the whole audience clapping to the beat throughout the performance of Bryan Adam’s ‘Summer of 69’.
The overall winning House was Forrest, followed by Eyre, Stirling and King. It was great to see so many of our students audition and for the finalists to be able to showcase their talent on stage in front of their peers is an incredible experience.
I would also like to thank Music teacher Mr Daniel Chan and Auditorium manager Mr Andrew Nightingale for their efforts behind the scenes, as well as the tech team. A big thank you also to the House Coordinators, Miss Nicole Foxton (Forrest), Mr Brad Gunter (Stirling) and Mrs Claire Wallace (King) for their efforts in helping make this event run smoothly.
Mr Murray Dunstan
Eyre House Coordinator
Photos above: Students performing at last week's Arts Cup.
Students at Work
Thornton Wilder’s Popular Play
On Monday 1 June the Year 12 Drama students had a practical assessment in which they performed a version of Thornton Wilder’s popular play, Our Town. The re-staging of the play was entitled, Our Post-Apocalyptic World, and addressed the issue of how to make a classic text written in 1938 relevant to young people today. Drawing on popular culture, our interpretation sought to tap into contemporary youth’s knowledge and experience of war, dystopian texts and computer games, whilst also exploring contemporary, physical theatre practices.
The students gave a very focused and engaging performance and it was great to see how their acting went to the next level with a small audience present to view their work.
Well done, Year 12 Drama students!
Ms Kate OMalley
Drama Teacher
Year 12 Geography
Excursion Around the
Swan River
The Geography classes have been studying restoration and rehabilitation of disturbed land in recent weeks.
On Friday 28 April, they went on an excursion, visiting four sites around the Swan and Canning Rivers to see what has been done and what could be done to rehabilitate these areas. They visited Rushton park, Kelmscott; Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary; Elizabeth Quay and the South Perth foreshore.
An excursion booklet was completed and an assessment will be completed in class. I want to thank the Year 12 classes for their behaviour and attitude all day.
Mr Mark Burgess and
Mr Liam Austen
Geography Teachers
Photo above: Year 12 Drama students.
Photo above: Year 12 Geography students.
Politics and Law Students
On Thursday 4 May, the Year 11 Politics and Law students went on the annual “Lawmaking Excursion.”
The day started with a trip to Parliament house where students were able to see where legislation is made. Students visited both the Lower House (Legislative Assembly), and the Upper House (Legislative Council) of the Western Australian State Parliament. They were then able to role-play the passing of legislation in the Legislative Assembly. They specifically examined issues surrounding the Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010. Students then visited the District court were they were able to witness two cases. One involved the prosecution of an alleged asylum seeker smuggler. The other case involved two individuals accused of attempted murder. Finally, a case at the magistrates court involving an individual on numerous charges.
Over the course of the day, students were able to see the link between the Legislative and the Judicial arm of government. Parliament has a role of representing society and making good laws. Whereas the courts aim to enforce and interpret those laws, and can create laws through the precedent they set. They were able to see the differences between the courts, and the type of cases which were heard in them. Well done to the Year 11 Politics and Law students for their participation and exemplary behaviour.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Humanities Teacher
Kennedy Mock Trials Round 2
On the evening of Wednesday 3 May, the Kennedy Politics and Law students competed in Round 2 of the Mock Trials at the Supreme Court. We were the Plaintiff in a civil trial case involving Negligence. We competed against St Mary’s who were the defense.
I was very pleased with the performance of our students. Although we won the case, we did not win the round. The Judge ruled in our favour, the other team scored higher marks in their performances.
A special mention to Rogan Kirk who did an exceptional job as a witness, remembering all his lines and remaining cool under cross-examination. Rogan was able to really get into character and help our case, including acting out the injuries he sustained as a result of the defendant’s negligence.
In the next round Rogan will take on the role of a Barrister. Gage Gibbens did a fantastic job on her first go as a Barrister, demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the law and the facts surrounding the case.
All members of the Kennedy Mock Trial team performed exceptionally well on Wednesday night.
Congratulations to the team, and best wishes for Round 3.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Humanities Teacher
Photo above: Year 11 Politics and Law students.
Photo above: Politics and Law students competed in Round 2 of the Mock Trials.
Sport at Kennedy
Sports Centre Gymnasium
Mr Henry Kay has been appointed the Fitness Supervisor for 2017. Mr Kay will supervise students using the Kennedy Sports Centre Gymnasium during the following times:
Monday: 7:00am - 8:00am & 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 7:00am - 8:00am
Friday: 7:00am - 8:00am & 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Students are required to complete a full induction by Mr Henry Kay which will outline expectations required for the use of the facility.
Mr Jonathon Wood
Head of Health and Physical Education
SAS Sport Update
Kennedy came second in SAS Junior competition by one point. Please click here for the point breakdown. Congratulations to all participants who were involved in Term 1 SAS Junior Sport.
SAS Junior Sport, Term 2 commenced yesterday, 10 May. If your son or daughter would like to join an afterschool team please contact Sports Coordinator Miss Jessica Kennedy at jkennedy@kennedy.wa.edu.au
We also congratulate all our Year 11 and 12 students who participated in Term 1 Senior SAS. Please click here for the point breakdown. Congratulations to our Basketball A Girls who defeated Newman College in their Inter-zone final. Great effort girls!
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Health & Physical Education Teacher/Sports Coordinator
Photos above: Girls basketball results. Kennedy wins!
Interhouse Cross Country 2017
The 2017 Interhouse Cross Country Carnival was another fantastic College event, which highlighted the athletic talents of our students. As the sun bathed the College oval it was great to see so many students participate in the events run throughout the day.
The anticipation of each race was heightened by the introduction of individual timing chips for the first time at the College. The ability for students to access their individual time as soon as they crossed the line and the addition of live finish line tracking, added to the overall excitement of the day. All results are available online at bluechipresults.com.au
The top three male and female students for each year group were presented with medals at the end of the event. The individual medalists for each year group are listed here.
Congratulations to all individual medal winners. At the end of the presentation ceremony, the ‘King’ and ‘Queen’ of the track were awarded to the top male and female students across all age groups. This year, the King and Queen of the track were awarded as follows:
King of the track: Luke Shaw, Year 10 (4km in a time of 12:18)
Queen of the track: Alex Fraser, Year 12 (3km in a time of 12:28)
Congratulations to both Luke and Alex on an exceptional performance.
The final house results for the day saw Stirling House win the shield, with the final placings as follows:
4th Place- Eyre
3rd Place- Forrest
2nd Place- King
1st Place- Stirling
Congratulations to all Stirling runners and the Stirling House captains on an outstanding result.
Congratulations to everyone who competed in the Interhouse Cross Country Carnival. It was great to see so many people having fun and enjoying competing for their House. Thank you to all parents that came along on the day to show your support. We love having you as a part of our carnivals and look forward to your continued support in the sporting events to come.
Our attention for cross country will now shift to the Interschool Cross Country Carnival, later in Term 2. The Interschool team information will be posted in the Sports Centre and all students selected in the Interschool team will be expected to attend the scheduled training sessions that will be outlined in the daily notices.
Please click here for Interhouse Cross Country Photos.
Mr Timothy Basile
Health and Physical Education Teacher
College Notices
If you would like to attend but haven’t yet let us know,
please do so today so a seat can be organised for you.
It is going to be a fun filled morning so please come and join other Kennedy Mums over a cuppa and some tempting treats at our annual Mother's Day morning tea.
We are delighted that Board Member and mother of four, Mrs Nina Tassell will be coming to share her illuminating thoughts about motherhood.
Date: Friday 12 May 2017
Venue: Staff Lounge
Time: 9.00am - 10.15am
For catering purposes, we would appreciate your RSVP to Mrs Janet Hair by clicking here today!
Grandmothers are also welcome!
Term 2 Tutoring Timetable
Please click here for Term 2 Tutoring Sessions.
Book covering is held in the Research and Study Centre on Tuesday mornings from 8.30am even weeks, commencing in Term 2 Week 4. Everyone is welcome. Training, a cuppa and cake are provided. We look forward to seeing you there. Contact Mrs Virginia Yurisich by email for more information.
2016 Yearbook Collection
The 2016 Kennedy Yearbook has now been sent home with your oldest child.
Parents & Friends Association
Year 7 and 8 Parent Social Evening
A Year 7 and 8 Parent Social Evening will be held at the Windsor Hotel on 8 June from 7.30pm onwards. This event has been organised by our Parents & Friends Association.
A note will be sent out to all Year 7 and 8 parents/guardians notifying them about the event and how to book. Tickets will be available to purchase via Trybooking by the end of the week.
Working Committee for College Open Day
The P&F is forming a working committee for planning of activities for the College Open day on 26 August 2017. The first meeting is on Monday 22 May 2017 at 5:00pm in the Boardroom. Anyone is welcome to attend!
For more information email the P&F at pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com
P&F Fundraising - Entertainment Book
Order an Entertainment™ Membership and support our College. 20% of every membership sold contributes to our fundraising. Help us achieve our goal by sharing the following link with your friends and family.
We're fundraising with Entertainment™
Pre order your copy today from Kennedy Baptist College!
The Entertainment Books fundraising link is now active for pre-orders. Click here to order.
Community Events
Need To Boost School Results?
Our qualified and experienced teachers want to help.
2017 ATAR Master Classes Years 11 & 12. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10. Increase your child’s confidence and improve their results with expert teaching by our qualified teachers. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 11 & 12. Receive one-on-one support from our specialist ATAR teachers to maximise your ATAR mark. Click here for more information.
Visit our website for more information.
Applications for a 2018 gap year open in March 2017.
The ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians who have finished Year 12 or equivalent, aged between 17 and 24, to experience military training & lifestyle whilst gaining new skills over a paid Gap Year.
To apply, visit our website here
Commerce Information Evening on Wednesday 31 May. Learn more about Curtin’s Bachelor of Commerce, including the wide range of business specialisations, industry connections, innovative teaching facilities and internship opportunities, by attending the info evening. For more information please click here.
‘WACE Space’
Murdoch University would like to set up an area in their new Library as a ‘WACE Space’ to allow Year 12s access to study, iinet, subject mentoring, and collaborative group work and research spaces after hours. They would like to consult current Year12s and parents and get your thoughts on how to create an attractive, functional and effective space and resource for the local community.
If you are interested in taking part in a focus group, and becoming consultants on this new space and facility. Murdoch will be hosting students and parents for a focus group discussion with light refreshments, from 5.00-6.00pm on Tuesday 16th May 2017. They will also provide a small thank you gift for participating students.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Mrs Mary Minorgan at the College on: 9314-7722 for further details.
Parenting Courses for May 2017. Please click here for more information.
11 May to 15 June - Building Stronger Families
16 May to 20 June - Parenting After Separation
19 to 21 May - Understanding Stepfamily Relationships